Michelle S.
on 10/31/09 8:10 pm - Burkburnett, TX








Michelle S.
on 10/31/09 8:21 pm - Burkburnett, TX

Good Morning My OH Family,

Well I figured this will probably be the last time I take the conductors seat for a while so I better do it.  I will have my lap top with me and will be checking emails and I hope FB and here too but you never know.  Tomorrow we have our final out at 9:00 and should be on the road by 10:00.  We had the best Halloween ever last night.  Actually we dont do the trick or treat thing but we took Eric to went to our friends house. We met them when we first moved to Sheppard and he has worked with Mark these last 4 years.  Eric is reall good friends with their daughter.  So anyway it was a lot of fun.  The kids did smores over the fire pit and the adults just sat and talked and talked and talked.  It was hard saying goodbye and the tears were a plenty even Eric.  Today is going to be a hard day too.  We are all going to church, Eric and I to Sunday School.  The choir is singing and if I get through it without crying (very doubtfull) it will be amazeing.  Again hard to say goodby.  This is worse part of the Military life but when we got here we knew goodbys would happen.  Anyway going to get all teary just thinking about it.  Please pray for us as we begin our travels tomorrow.  Prayers this morning for Viv and her family, Jenny and Eric, Gaye, and special one for Rebecca.  Have a blessed day.  Love you guys.  Michelle





Vivian Prouty
on 11/1/09 3:36 am - Fort Worth, TX
 MIchelle.....I REALLY appreciate all the prayers that I am getting.   I wish you lived closer to Fort Worth and wasn't moving away.   I can truely say I for one will miss you alot.    Sorry I didn't get to know you a whole lot better than I did.    Thank GOD for computers though.   You will only be a mouse click away when you get to your destination.   Praying really hard for great friends and ( hopefully ) WLS support groups there for you to attend also.   So glad you had a great halloween last night and goodbyes are never ever easy to do.   We love you with all our hearts !!!   We won't tell you goodbye but see you later.    Never knows.....Mark could be stationed back in our neck of the woods again.   Love ya and we will miss you so much !!!

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


Stephanie G.
on 10/31/09 8:53 pm - Rowlett, TX

Guess no one else is up this early.  I woke up at 5:00 old time, 4, new time-that's just not right.  Had a boring Halloween last night since I'm at Mom's.  No trick or treater's since they have a community event here.  We ordered pizza and crashed early.

Mom's apt looks awesome.  Her furniture fits perfectly and it's bigger than it looked.  We have it completely put together and organized.  Clay and I are taking her to breakfst this morning then we'll take her "home" and head back to Dallas. I'll be driving Jodie's Taurus which has a cassette player-no CD so I guess I'll be singing until I can find a radio station that's not "country".

Have a wonderful Sunday and back away from the leftover candy!!  Today starts "Nutritious November" so everyone needs to jump on board and lose a few pounds before the holidays get here.  Posting will keep you accountable so just "DO IT".   

RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL

Alissa A.
on 10/31/09 10:02 pm - Keller, TX
GOOD MORNING! I crashed at 8:30 last night-had an upset tummy-too much snacking, my fault. Bryan finished up the trick or treating around then-we ran out of candy/prizes! We never thought we'd have that many kids. But our neighborhood has numerous busses each day for each school so I guess that means lots of kids.We had long lines to play our bean bag toss game.
We got alot of Christmas shopping done yesterday morning! We were at Kohls for 2 hours just slowly looking at things-making wish lists for ourselves for someday, and getting gifts. Bryan got some shirts, I got pj's, Chris got 2 shirts. So it was a good trip. We were going to go to Maya's soccer game but it got rained out-well mudded out, as it wasn't raining yesterday. lol.

Hope everyone has a great day today!!!
on 10/31/09 10:05 pm
Yesterday was a high emotion day with the fam, DD had friends over for halloween, we answered to trick or treaters while watching the UT game and then I crashed.  Unfortunately I'm up way too early this morning. 

The plan for today is study this morning before picking up the inlaws and taking them to the hospital to see my brother-in-law. Late last night they said we can have limited visit 2-4pm. We talked to a counselor to find out how to act and what to talk about. My motherinlaw is not well and she's highly emotional. I'm worried for her health, both of them actually its just that she is the weaker, more sickly of the two of them.  My husband has kind of clammed up about the whole thing which worries me.  I think he's just MAD and feeling guilty about that. Maybe being with his other brother and parents today he'll realize this is normal and be able to talk with them about it.

Thank you all for the kind messages.  Please continue to pray for Russ and the family.  Everyone is really hurting. It's going to be a long road of healing for everyone.

HUGs to you all.  Much love.

RNY: 11/19/07


LW: 140 (January 09)

CW: 180

GW: 155-160

on 10/31/09 10:08 pm
hey sweets,
im sure just being yourselves will be just fine :)
Love for you and the family

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

on 11/1/09 7:48 am - Arlington, TX
Good afternoon!

I just got home from Oklahoma.  It was a 6 hour drive up Friday night and a 6 hour drive back home today.  I had one of my medieval/renaissance reinactment events this weekend.  It was bittersweet as its the last event I'll be helping out my dear friends who are King and Queen right now.  Next weekend is another event called Coronation and..its just that.  The current King and Queen step down and the new ones are crowned.  Its been a crazy 10 months of traveling but I love doing it.

Pretty tired today.  I'm happy tho as tomorrow is my 3 week surgiversary.  I'm doing okay.  I've recently started on some chicken and fish.  My surgeon doesn't send me through a pureed stage (which is good) so I've just been real careful to chew chew chew.  I'm hoping now that I'm getting some 'savory' tastes in, I'm not going to be killing my sweet tooth and the protein shakes will go down better.  The first two weeks everything I was allowed was so sweet I couldn't deal.

I need to invest in some better (i.e. chewable) vitamins.  I have a standard prenatal (so I wouldn't have to take a seperate iron) and have been cutting them in half.  They are not going down well and about every 3rd time they get stuck in my throat on the cut edge.

I hope everyone has had a great weekend.  Take care all.
aka: Genevieve in the SCA
         Shyama as a American Tribal (belly dance) performer  
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