Friday WLS express
What choices to order ? That is usually really good cookie dough and I've been in the mood to bake - Just what I don't need.........................PM me the flavors & $$ now or when the order comes in ..............details? Let me know............I"ll order a bucket or 2 !!!
- Pease check out Dr. Connie Stapleton's Website. A lot of good information on there for all WLS patients regardless of the surgery you chose. Good luck to all and I'm here for you if you want to send me an email. I'll answer it as soon as possible.
- Total Lost: 139 lbs
- Current Weight: 263
- As of 11-10-13 I have had weight gain. Not happy about that.
- RNY: 10-16-07 = 338: Highest weight: 350+ Lowest Weight: 199
I am awake for absultly no reson what so ever - have to get K up and off to school in 2 hours - teen is having mom time today - his teachers were all cool with him taking thurs and fri off and gave him homework etc so we are taking K to school Rach to childcare and going grocery shopping together - posssibly lunch and then retreive the girl.
I have all my vits in a big box on the table - need to fill the little boxes but havn't gotten that far - opended the computer instead - adding prilosec back in for a couple of weeks to see if that helps - my body is really having fits at me over stress for some reason - could be I have abused the heck out of it with lack of sleep and good foods while having too much caffine, alchole and stress for the last couple of weeks but nah I say it's just b/c of something - I have no clue what - guess that means it ireally is my own fault for not taking better care of me this week - oh well off to a great weekend and better week next week
starting my deployment routien - walked with the neighbor last night after dinner (her hubby left yest too) our 7yos play together so we left them tormenting the teen and took Rach with us and walked for 30 mins or so - not super fast but more for outside adult talk time kwim?
got the budget straight - counting on army pay screw ups LOL so we shoudl be good
Tim called last night from Ireland (sp? the place from st paddys day)all was well he couldn't talk long b/c it was going on his atm card and we have no idea what it was costing per min
oh and I cleaned out the fridge - all junk food is GONE along with leftovers of less healthy meals - time to recover from my cooking baking frensy of the last few weeks and while I will still enjoy cooking and baking and eating it is time to haul out the whole grains, lean meats, lots of veggies and fruit menus and ditch the sweets and white carbs that have been here way to much
ok off here I guess - hope eveyrone has a great day and remember
YOU HAD YOUR SURGERY TO BE HEALTHY now do what YOU need to to be healthy - vits, water, protien and move your butt - healthy peeps do not sit around all day eating crap - not if they want to stay healthy anyhow :)

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Good Morning Alissa and the rest of my TMB Family,
First I want to say thank you to all *****sponded to my post yesterday. I knew I could count on you all to give me some great ideas. Will go shopping on Sunday sometime between Church and packing the van. I am so glad it is Friday. This has been a very long week for us. Please be thinking good thoughts for Eric today as he heads off for his last day of school. He does not want to leave Texas and I know today is going to be a hard day for him. Marks work is having a going away from him today. He did not want it and is not looking forward to it but he will go and I will go with him. I am sure it will be fine. Having coffee this morning with one of my closest friends here this morning. We dont get a lot of one on one time so I am looking forward to it. Halloween will be spent with some friends. They are cooking a brisquet and then we (the kids) are doing smores at the fire pit. We dont really do the trick or treat thing so this is perfect. Well guess it is time for another cup of coffee, and see if I can manage to get rid of this headache. Prayers this morning for all but especially Viv and her family (how are things going Viv?) Jenny and Eric, Gaye, Rebecca, and Nurce Gina just cause I can! Have a blessed day. Love you guys. Michelle