Often when someone is sick and there's a really good fight to be fought they can't do it emotionally or physically or both. That's where their friends and family come in. You are SPOT ON. Keep on punching and kicking girl. That's what love can do. You can fight for him when he can't and until he can. He'll get there. As long as he has you for an example, he'll follow along sooner rather than later. It's often harder for men because they have to accept that they are infallible. Us women don't live with that delusion...we know it's true, we just don't allow it to BE. It's the mothering instinct. Stay strong and come here often for any support you need. You know we will lift you up!
Thanks everyone. It's been a really rough day. It started out so strong and it's just kind of gone downhill from there in my head. I'm just so tired. I hate how I'm motivated when I don't have obstacles in my way but feel very overwhelmed when something doesn't turn out right, let alone 3 somethings like what happened today. Lets just say the young woman at the Walmart probably didn't deserve the "get off the damn cell phone and walk faster if you're going to cut me off!" to her face - I would never usually be so rude. 
I guess I'm just trying to deal with being ok to completely devastated in 2.341 seconds. It's not easy. My anger comes full force when I think about having to find an alternate way to have my kid trick or treat so her dad can watch from a chair with a blanket, if he can make it an hour. Then devastation settles in when I think about this possibly being the last time he ever sees it. The worst part of the day was when Rhiannon was making idle chit chat about grandparents and asked if Daddy would become a grandpa when she became a mom. My first thought was he might not make it that long. I hate thinking that way but somedays I can't help it. It's just been a really rough day. Cancer really fricking blows and has stolen from me what are supposed to be happy things. I can't even find joy in simple trick or treating for my four year old.
I sure hope tomorrow is better than today. It's really been a rough one.

I guess I'm just trying to deal with being ok to completely devastated in 2.341 seconds. It's not easy. My anger comes full force when I think about having to find an alternate way to have my kid trick or treat so her dad can watch from a chair with a blanket, if he can make it an hour. Then devastation settles in when I think about this possibly being the last time he ever sees it. The worst part of the day was when Rhiannon was making idle chit chat about grandparents and asked if Daddy would become a grandpa when she became a mom. My first thought was he might not make it that long. I hate thinking that way but somedays I can't help it. It's just been a really rough day. Cancer really fricking blows and has stolen from me what are supposed to be happy things. I can't even find joy in simple trick or treating for my four year old.
I sure hope tomorrow is better than today. It's really been a rough one.