I agree whole-heartedly.....
Get back to the basics.... protein first.... lots of water..... lots of good exercise......
No nervous breakdowns required...... lol
And yes El Paso has support groups..... a couple of people on the board had their surgery done at Ft Bliss and went to meetings there......
I'll send a note to one of them to reply to this email for you.....
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
NO breakdowns - breath girl - 16 pounds sucks but you will live and you will lose it back - ok
hoping this all comes out right as I am running on nervouse energy and not enough sleep but it is all said with kindness even if it comes out wrong peep here will tell you I am a nice person
first - take today to get ahold of yourself - look at what you are doing - are you snacking - eating fryed crap- pretty much eating what you should but finishing off what's on the kids plate - having ONE sweet at the time (just enough to gain I learned the hard way but not enough to dump 10 pound worth of gian one resses heart at the time thank you very much) - are you just not moving as much as you were - drinking less water - is it an extra glass of wine a couple times a week - some combo of all the above
YOU decide what is getting you then
make the changes you need to - if you need to do the 5 day pouch test - read the whole site and make a list and get the stuff to make some of her soups etc and pick a day to start it - I personally would not do this on halloween day but then I can sneak a little sugar at the time and don't ALWAYS dump
if you just want to get back to doing what you were that was working before decide to do so - write it out (you don't have to share with us unless you want to -you are welcome to PM me if you want support with out putting everything out there for all to see) BUT YOU MUST BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF
give yourself time to lose- look at the calander and see where you are in your cycle and what is going on in your life - b/c girl if you told me earlyer this week pmsing from hell and packing hubby for Iraq to leave the choc alone I would have flipped a lid - today I am ok with limiting it a LOT - like I may or may not have a small peice latter today
if you can mentally weight every single day before anything goes in your mouth - feet hit the floor, hit the potty and then the scale and WRITE IT DOWN (agian don't have to share that but YOU NEED TO SEE IT) if you have scale issues than pick a pair of skin tight jeans and try them on each day - or messure you must do something for accountablity - just as I didn't put on those 10 pounds of resses over night neither did you put on 16 pounds of whatever over night -
one other thing - call boumonts surgical clinic and ask when wls support group meetings are - they used to be the 3rd or 4th thurs - yeah I realize if you are in horizen city thats not super close but I would drive across the dfw metro plex for support when I needed it while we were there - you can also get up the guts (I havne't done this yet here adn we have been here 3 months but I know I need to) and call each hospital in the area and ask for their bariatric dept or wls cordinator and then ask if they have support groups and if you may attend them even though their doc did not do your surgery - the ones at WBAMC are so full of peeps comiing and going that no one will relize you didn't have surgery there I am thinking LOL b/c I have no clue if they are technocoly open or not but I do know several peeps who did their follow up there after doing surg someplace else
ok hon I hope this helps - please feel free to pm me - I can give you my reg email or whatever if you need some extra support and relize that yes it is hard but you can get the support you need right here on the boards - I did it for 6 months in alaska - these peeps were my life line to sanity not to mention helping me keep losing while I felt abandonded in the snow n dark
hoping this all comes out right as I am running on nervouse energy and not enough sleep but it is all said with kindness even if it comes out wrong peep here will tell you I am a nice person
first - take today to get ahold of yourself - look at what you are doing - are you snacking - eating fryed crap- pretty much eating what you should but finishing off what's on the kids plate - having ONE sweet at the time (just enough to gain I learned the hard way but not enough to dump 10 pound worth of gian one resses heart at the time thank you very much) - are you just not moving as much as you were - drinking less water - is it an extra glass of wine a couple times a week - some combo of all the above
YOU decide what is getting you then
make the changes you need to - if you need to do the 5 day pouch test - read the whole site and make a list and get the stuff to make some of her soups etc and pick a day to start it - I personally would not do this on halloween day but then I can sneak a little sugar at the time and don't ALWAYS dump
if you just want to get back to doing what you were that was working before decide to do so - write it out (you don't have to share with us unless you want to -you are welcome to PM me if you want support with out putting everything out there for all to see) BUT YOU MUST BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF
give yourself time to lose- look at the calander and see where you are in your cycle and what is going on in your life - b/c girl if you told me earlyer this week pmsing from hell and packing hubby for Iraq to leave the choc alone I would have flipped a lid - today I am ok with limiting it a LOT - like I may or may not have a small peice latter today
if you can mentally weight every single day before anything goes in your mouth - feet hit the floor, hit the potty and then the scale and WRITE IT DOWN (agian don't have to share that but YOU NEED TO SEE IT) if you have scale issues than pick a pair of skin tight jeans and try them on each day - or messure you must do something for accountablity - just as I didn't put on those 10 pounds of resses over night neither did you put on 16 pounds of whatever over night -
one other thing - call boumonts surgical clinic and ask when wls support group meetings are - they used to be the 3rd or 4th thurs - yeah I realize if you are in horizen city thats not super close but I would drive across the dfw metro plex for support when I needed it while we were there - you can also get up the guts (I havne't done this yet here adn we have been here 3 months but I know I need to) and call each hospital in the area and ask for their bariatric dept or wls cordinator and then ask if they have support groups and if you may attend them even though their doc did not do your surgery - the ones at WBAMC are so full of peeps comiing and going that no one will relize you didn't have surgery there I am thinking LOL b/c I have no clue if they are technocoly open or not but I do know several peeps who did their follow up there after doing surg someplace else
ok hon I hope this helps - please feel free to pm me - I can give you my reg email or whatever if you need some extra support and relize that yes it is hard but you can get the support you need right here on the boards - I did it for 6 months in alaska - these peeps were my life line to sanity not to mention helping me keep losing while I felt abandonded in the snow n dark
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband
I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail