The NIGH****CHMAN - Tuesday 10/27

George T.
on 10/27/09 8:51 am - Grand Prairie, TX
Good evening all.  Didn't sleep as good as yesterday, but I did wake up on the right side of the dirt.

Nice day here.  At least today.  More stuff on the way tomorrow.  My back yard is a swamp.

Having a frustrating day at the part time job today.  Made one minor change in a program and everyone acts like it is the end of the world.  No offense meant to anyone, but I guess that is a result of having an office that is 90% over 55 years old.  Just have to get them used to the change.  Grrr.

Just so you know, you need to TAKE YOUR VITAMINS  SUPPLEMENTS and make sure you get your daily allotment of PROTEIN.

If you are new to the board, this link explains what the NIGHT WATCHMAN is (if you are interested).  Otherwise, just read on, you will probably figure it out anyway.****CH MAN-Thursday-and-a-plea/

Prayer requests are listed below:

Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness.  Please thank God for these men and women every day.  In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.


Anne's (Lalocaweta) spouse
Kim's (tennysonkw) spouse was laid off on 9/30

Laura - looking for employment away from what she is doing now.
Stephanie and her friend Mack
Vicki V.
Vivian's son Shawn and his girlfriend Natalie

Upcoming Surgeries/current hospitalization:

Recovering from Surgery:

Janet (1divaatheart) spouse continuing with chemo, the oncologist is optimistic. 

Jessica (jes7997) - recovering from surgery on 9/30

Kim T. had RYGB reversal surgery on 10/23, will probably go home 10/26.

Meggie's mother received her pacemaker and is recovering well.  She is waiting to begin her treatment for breast cancer.

Other prayer requests:

Anne (Lalocaweta) - requests prayer that her son is accepted as a transfer student for UT Law School

Gina L. - pray for her daughter Nikki. She is 36 weeks pregnant and was put on bedrest last Friday.  She is the breadwinner for the family, as her husband is a stay at home dad.  

Jennifer - prayer for the sale of their house. 

Kim (tennysonkw) - has taken a short leave of absence from work due to health reasons.  It comes at a tough time since her spouse recently lost his job.

Meggie's mother has breast cancer.
Vanessa (ButterflyReborn) asks for prayers.  Her polyps have been diagnosed as "abnormal" but not cancerous.  More tests forthcoming.

Vivian requests prayer for her sonand his girlfriend.  They have completed detox, now comes the tough part. In addition, they were evicted from their apartment and now moved in with Vivian.  Prayers for Vivian with the extra stress in her life.

Below is one of God's children that definitely need our prayers.  This is one specific cases, we know there are others out there.  Remember them too.

Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Jill P
on 10/27/09 1:52 pm - Katy, TX

Evenin' George.....
Well...winding down from a crazy day.  Yesterday was bizarre, too!  I had gone to the tire place at 9:30 to get a nail out of my front left tire (wasn't flat...yet...but needed to get it out before I DID get a flat!) so had made an appt. on line and was waiting while they were working on it.  It was raining SO hard...coming down sideways which is what it had been doing for almost an hour.  My cell phone rings and it is Sarah's teacher.  Hmm....teacher calling me mid morning ...this can't be good.  He says, "welllll, we had a bit of an incident - the fire alarm went off as someone smelled smoke in one of the maintenance rooms so we had no choice but to evacuate the the pouring rain...and all the children are completely soaked down to their shoes.  Would it be possible for you to bring her a new set of clothes"?  I said, "ABSOLUTELY"!  I told him I would be done shortly and head right home to get everything and head up there.  That's exactly what I and 800 other parents!!!  OMG, that school was a complete zoo.  They had to call in the Katy ISD Police for traffic control it was so bad.  I had brought her absolutely, socks, underwear, the works.  Glad I did as she said she was soaked.  I had put everything in one of those oversized handled ziplock bags and took it up there.  It actually was more like "organized chaos".  They had a few teachers with Sharpie markers putting kids' names and teacher name on the bags, then "runners" who would take stuff to each grade level hallway where a kid from each classroom stood outside the room to take things for their individual room.  The hardest part was actually getting up to the front.  They should have just had a "drive through" kind of thing but they did as best as they could.  Sarah's poor tennis shoes will take days to dry!!! 

Today the two older girls had a tennis tournament.  First one without their head coach.  They all did great!  Heather medaled for the first time since being in high school.  Viktoria and her partner medaled as well.  In fact, all but two girls medaled in each category.  Heather was mad she got 2nd.  I asked her, "did you do your best"?  She said, "yes"....  I said, "that's all you can expect yourself to do"!  I was proud of them!!!  Both of them are badly wind burned around their eyes...they look like they have raccoon eyes!  hehehe.....  Both of them got their paperwork for their letterman jacket, too.  They are definitely on cloud 9...exhausted and snoozin' right now, but on cloud 9!!!

Time to go pack some lunches...

Jill P. 

George T.
on 10/27/09 2:04 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I am so  happy for your girls.  That is just awesome.

Hope Sarah doesn't get sick from this. 

Missed you yesterday, thanks for stopping by.  I figured you were kinda busy.  Something I don't have to worry about during the week.... while I work.  LOL

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Cruise Director Julie
on 10/27/09 2:37 pm - Dallas, TX
RNY on 11/15/05 with
Pure exhaustion just about sums up things here.

Yesterday, I spent the day filing so it would be easier to move a bunch of things. I realized I hadn't filed any investment statements in over 2 years. I'd just been throwing them all in a box.

Today, we cleaned out Michael's office downtown and stopped at our favorite pizza place for lunch. It's a family owned operation and they've always been very kind to us so we wanted to say goodbye. On the way home, we were hit by a woman in a Mercedes SUV. We're both fine (as was the woman who hit us) although at this point, I wouldn't know if the soreness is from the accident or packing and lifting boxes. There's a possiblity the rear axle of Michael's car is bent. If that's the case, they will likely total it out. We have to have it checked out before trying to move it to Dallas. Honestly, the last thing we needed a few days before we're moving...

Tomorrow is our last big day of packing. Tomorrow night is our going away party. Thursday morning, Brown Dog has his surgery and we start loading the moving truck. We plan to be northbound by 9am Friday morning - we want to make sure Brown Dog gets through his first night after surgery without any complications before taking him 300 miles from the vet he knows.

I hope you're well. Prayers for all who need them.
Blessings, Jennifer 
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
George T.
on 10/27/09 3:24 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I guess things were just going too smoothe.  Glad everyone is okay.  Hope there are no lingering effects. 

Are you towing one care with the truck and driving another?  Just curious.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Cruise Director Julie
on 10/27/09 3:32 pm - Dallas, TX
RNY on 11/15/05 with
If Michael's car is actually OK to drive, this is the plan for getting all of the vehicles up:

Michael and I go up in the rental truck
My step-dad drives his pick-up
My mom drives my car
Our friend Alicia drives Michael's car

Then, when we come back in a week or two, Michael will ride the Harley back up.

If Michael's car is not OK, it's one less vehicle to get moved for the immediate future, but it will also leave him stranded during the day when I'm at work.
Blessings, Jennifer 
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
on 10/27/09 8:49 pm - Fort Worth, TX
If his car isn't ok how about:

you drive rental truck
mom drives your car
bonus dad drives his truck
michael rides Harley

He isn't stranded
Cruise Director Julie
on 10/27/09 10:45 pm - Dallas, TX
RNY on 11/15/05 with
In theory, sounds great, but I'm not comfortable driving a pick-up truck let alone a 26' truck and step-dad can't drive a 6-speed manual transmission turbo. Unfortunately, I don't trust step-dad to drive the rental truck with all of our possessions.

I know it sounds terrible, but I'm kinda hoping Michael's car is totalled. One less thing to move...
Blessings, Jennifer 
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
on 10/28/09 9:00 am - McKinney, TX
RNY on 12/15/06 with

I'm betting it's not totaled, although it might  have some suspension damage and is in massive need of an alignment.
Remember, babe, you've got friends to call on if you need them. ( but i'm not driving a giant truck!)


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