Third Bandiversary yesterday! 10-23-09
Yesterday is the day that God chose to give me a wonderful gift! The gift of a second chance at a healthy life! Three years ago today, through the very skilled and capable hands of my surgeon, my band and I became buddies. As in all relationships, we do have a squabbles, but the band wins the major wars. Today, I thank Him for three healthy, fit, and exciting years! May we all have 300 more! BTW, if anyone can get my pictures to work, please do! OH is the only site where this is a problem for me!
Before 10/23/06 238lbs
Today 10/23/09 115lbs

wow girl, i woudlnt have recognized you!!! In your before pic, you look so much like your mom. In the after.. so much like hte days of rock and roll eh ! You have really rocked the band and done a great job. Congrats!!!!
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
Thanks for the kind comments! This is certainly not my victory! He has given me a second chance to do the health thing right; my obedience is what is required! You should see Mom now, btw, she has diabetes (hence another reason for me to be banded and healthy) and has lost a whole bunch of weight herself. All I need now for the "old" look is for the sister to bleach me blonde!
Thank you, also, for fixing my pictures. I just don't understand why I can't get them to work myself on this site!
As for your pics, just leave off the (img) thing on each end (or whatever it is) and it should show up, or just have me fix them lol.
Tell everyone hello for mel
Hope the kidlet gets better soon, we should have coffee of something next time im i ntown, would to catch up if youre interested
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice