monday wls express

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
ok my one thing I did to make this weeks wls journey easyer is I packed all my vits and pills for 2 weeks and have them all in the kitchen so I can grab and go easyly
I also started a differnt work out schedule and will call latter today and make childcare arangments for my work outs during the week - and wow do I feel good from yesterday
oh we heard from the extra teen this weekend - and hopefully will get to see him over the fall break
hope everyone has a great week

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
I got home to a Certified Letter saying I have a meeting on the 20th for "National Reassessment" to discuss "No Jobs Available" for me because of my disability. Not sure how that is going to go. I'll let you know afterwards if I'm still working or not!
Florida was GREAT! It was wonderful to see my friend. I bought her some books that I have been meaning to get her for a while and she just ate them up! I have some watercolor pencils that I'm going to send to her. I know she can make better use of them than I can. I can't draw a bit, but she is a wonderful artist!!
Well, better get to the shower and back into the grind of the regular world. I still haven't heard from anyone on the jobs so please pray for me that I get another one soon!!
Have a great day! Love ya!
Initial surgery 2006-Highest weight 305 - got down to 180
Having revision surgery soon!
Current 265 / Goal 180
"We can't all be heros. Someone has to clap for me when I walk by!"
Morning Danni and the rest of my TMB Family,
Great minds think a like this morning Danni. Glad you got us started though. Thanks. I did a couple of things this weekend to help out with my WLS journey, one was to walk two miles on Saturday, and the other was to sit and WATCH, the boys eat this brownie fudge thing with icecream and chocolet sauce on it at Texas Roadhouse. It was the kind of thing I would have devoured before surgery but I watched as they ate and kept thinking about my surger free popsicles at home waiting on me. We took the kids to dinner there, and the to see Where The Wild Things Are. I thought it was fabulous movie. Has not had good reviews, but the little boy who played Max deserves an Oscar. This is going to be a crazy week for us. I think Mark is going to try and be home most of the week to help out. One of the better things about the Military. Today we have a preinspection with housing. They are just going to come and take a look and see if we did any damage..of course there is none. Going to have coffee with my friend April this morning too. Trying to get as much visiting time with my friends over the next two weeks as I can. Had choir last night and of course left in tears. I am going to miss my church so much...but I have to remember that God has gone ahead of me and prepared a place for me in Dover, I just have to find it. My stomach is a mess, and I am sure most of it is nerves. I am trying to be really careful about what I eat, but it seems like most of what I eat just wants to come back up again. I need to figure out a way to destress. Ok..prayers this morning for all in need especially Viv and her family. I did not see a post yesterday so hoping everything is ok, for George and Mary as they grieve the loss of their dog, Gaye as she is recovering from surgery (Gina did you see her yesterday?), Alissa and Bryan as they are trying to recover from this flu all those looking for work, and all those suffering from this terriable flu that is going around. Have a blessed day. Love you guys. Michelle
Good morning, my sweet DANNI, and all! Where did the weekend go???
The one thing I did the make my WLS journey easier is the thing I try to do every Sunday--I divide up my vitamins into daily "snack size" ziplock baggies. That day I grab one each morning, throw it in my purse, and I'm good to go. I used to use a "pill box", but the big calcium and Vitamin C chewables kept making the box pop opena and I'd have pillls all over the bottom of my I went to daily I can reuse the baggies for at least a month...if I don't lose them...
Kinda sad around our place yesterday afternoon. One of older chihuahuas-Rusty-he would have been 12 on Christmas Eve-just up and dropped dead after his bath yesterday. Just Richard and I were home, at the time. Richard was freaked out and heartbroken. When the boys got home we had a "service" and the guys buried Rusty. We're pretty sure Rusty is the daddy of the puppies-Minnie has his exact coloring, so his "legacy" lives on. His brother, Chico, was crying for him last sad...Don't mean to bring y'all down, but knew you'd understand, and you know we share EVERYTHING-from constipation to tube sock boobs (thanks for THAT visual, YVONNE) to furbabies!
Supposed to be an "extra busy" week at work this week--haven't had one that WASN'T yet-so not real sure what they're talking admissions/discharges/construction/remodeling/roofing...just a regular 3 ring circus...never a dull moment, that's for sure. Tonight I have a "Senior parent" meeting for Chris's school to discuss the Sr. breakfast they do for the kids in May. I'll offer to flip pancakes or serve juice or something-just don't ask me to raise money or beg for gifts-I'd totally suck at THAT!
Prayers all around. Hope everyone has a great day-wherever you are and whatever you're doing. Special prayers for TOM and QUE, as they plan a most special celebration for hundreds of their closest friends.
Gina AKA Nurse Diva
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things