how do you fight depresson was The Thoughtful Thursday WLSExpress
I do have some great support folks. Bill will know in a heartbeat if something is wrong or if I need some Bear or Will time! I guess that we've been together so long that he can sense it???? He will say you need to go see Bear! I know what that means, I'm in a funky mood and he knows the cure for it! My daughter is quick to tell me and funny, but my Mom will too. Our relationship has gotten so much better over the past few years. never thought it could or would happen. Don't get me wrong, we still have our moments, but for the most part, she is more in tuned to me now than she ever was!
Oh and I thought of one more way to bust the hell out of a funk! A good old artichoke ala Danni!!! LOL
Oh and I thought of one more way to bust the hell out of a funk! A good old artichoke ala Danni!!! LOL
Gina L
Pre-Op/Goal/June '08/Current
"Livin' Large, But Not Morbidly Obese!"
Jodie you bring a smile to my face so often "dust my ass off" LOL
makes me think of my SIL's "put on your big girl pantys and deal" - then in a little voice she askes can I just get them tatooed on my butt so I don't have to keep putting them on

makes me think of my SIL's "put on your big girl pantys and deal" - then in a little voice she askes can I just get them tatooed on my butt so I don't have to keep putting them on

Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband
I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
This has turned into a very interesting thread - I don't know about others but I don't always SEE myself as I get depressed - stressed yep that I notice - but I see how bad I was when I dig my way out of that black hole I lived in, when my husband and kids say "you haven't xyz since we were in El Paso" that was 3 to 5 YEARS ago, when I go to make something and have to call people who I knew years ago for the recipe or directions
some things I am doing agian that I haven't done in a long time
I have family pictures on my walls- first time since alaska
I am canning and gardening
I am baking from scratch more- not just sweets or easy fast stuff
I smile a lot more
I am not screaming at my kids (that is what is normally my notice that I am not in control and need to medicate or get away)
I do know that differnent things help differnt people - we are all different - for me scripture reading and journally is not an anti depressed action - it is passive and passive is where I go on my way to that deep hole -therapy has never helped with the depression per say - it has built me many coping skills to deal with stress and life however
-working out, walking, gardening, pulling weeds, cooking and baking, wearing differnt styles of clothing differnt days (vs jeans and tshirt day after day- or black strech pants and tshirts as it used to be)
active things seem to be the key to me - the more actively involved in life I am the better shape I am in mentally and that translates to better physical shape
so over the next year when you hear me saying I have to work out - it's not the gym rat sneaking back in - it's me making sure that while Tim is gone I stay where I need to be metally and emotionally - for me, for him and for our kids
some things I am doing agian that I haven't done in a long time
I have family pictures on my walls- first time since alaska
I am canning and gardening
I am baking from scratch more- not just sweets or easy fast stuff
I smile a lot more
I am not screaming at my kids (that is what is normally my notice that I am not in control and need to medicate or get away)
I do know that differnent things help differnt people - we are all different - for me scripture reading and journally is not an anti depressed action - it is passive and passive is where I go on my way to that deep hole -therapy has never helped with the depression per say - it has built me many coping skills to deal with stress and life however
-working out, walking, gardening, pulling weeds, cooking and baking, wearing differnt styles of clothing differnt days (vs jeans and tshirt day after day- or black strech pants and tshirts as it used to be)
active things seem to be the key to me - the more actively involved in life I am the better shape I am in mentally and that translates to better physical shape
so over the next year when you hear me saying I have to work out - it's not the gym rat sneaking back in - it's me making sure that while Tim is gone I stay where I need to be metally and emotionally - for me, for him and for our kids
Home is where the army allows me to live with my husband
I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail