WLS Sunday Express

Alissa A.
on 10/11/09 4:39 am - Keller, TX
Welcome!! Weekends are very quiet on the train, so keep posting! I'm glad you found us! Good luck to your son-hope he gets a great offer. I used to get in trouble for talking when I was in elementary school-those who know me wouldn't be suprised by that. haha.

I'm a state employee so I get silly holidays off but not tomorrow. Its one of the few that I don't get off that the Feds do.

Hope to see you posting more! Welcome!
on 10/11/09 6:31 am
Tara, glad to see you jump on the train!  Make it a habit it's fun to hear what others are up too.

On your 21 year old.....hmmm Corpus sounds delightful and it's a vacation for you :).

Your surgey will be here before you know it!

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



Alissa A.
on 10/11/09 4:34 am - Keller, TX
Good afternoon! I was up till midnight last night, though I did doze on and off, because my sister came to get the girls then. She was chaperoning a dance. We had a good time with Sophia and Maya. We went to CiCi's and then they brought a movie -Coraline- that Maya got for her birthday. So I've had a lazy morning. Bryan helped Chris and did an AWESOME job on the project that Chris had to do for tomorrow. He had to decorate a hat using 1 word so he chose the word Jungle. It looks great. Chris can't ride the bus with it so Bryan is going to go in late and drive him to school. I don't think Bryan has ever used a hot glue gun before but let me tell you-he's far better at it than I am. I married such an incredbly talented guy!!!

We are headed to the mall for the DFW support group meeting. My knee is still really hurting-the week of using the knee walker at work has bothered it- and its alot of work, so I'll be in the wheelchair again today. Just 5 more days-Friday- till I get my stiches out. I hope it doesn't hurt too bad to drive home- thankfully its just in Southlake.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Jill P
on 10/11/09 4:44 am - Katy, TX
Still playing nurse mom here at my house.  Sarah is definitely better, not 100%, but much better, but DD#2 is much worse today.  The fever and body aches are the dead giveaway with this flu going around.  It was for both my girls so far.  Fever the first day, second day more of the same but then just add the zero energy to the mix, day three is tossing of the cookies!  Tomorrow will be better for her I hope.  Gave her more Tamiflu but I still think it has to run its course.

I gotta go find some socks as my tootsies are cold!!!  Fighting a tad of a headache again today, too.  Don't know why all of a sudden the darn headaches but as long as they stay manageable, they are just more of an annoyance.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.  Stay healthy and DO NOT FORGET THOSE VITAMINS!!! 
Jill P. 

on 10/11/09 6:39 am
Gosh Jill I sure hope you don't all get the flu.  We've avoided it so far thankfully, but it is rampant in the school system here.  My sister's family of 5 has ALL had it, yikes.  Keep cleaning and spraying Lysol.  Mel mentioned that someone told her to simmer Lysol in a pot on the stove, it helps kill those darn germs.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



Jill P
on 10/11/09 7:02 am - Katy, TX
Yeah, it sucks, let me tell you!  Middle daughter has it bad today.  Been tossing her cookies twice now and it is awful because she knew better not to eat anything, so she has the dry heaves.  That, to me, is THE worst!  She truly looks like HELL.  I hope she is better tomorrow.  She's on the Tamiflu as well so I'm hoping that is going to help her.  It did help Sarah though!  Over the weekend since everyone is home, I do it twice a day where I go around and use those Clorox wipes over all the surfaces that are easily touched by everyone....doorknobs, light switches, fridge handles, cabinet handles, toilet flushing handles, phones, TV remotes, etc.  I may look crazy, but I figure it cannot hurt!!!  Heather isn't letting her sisters even into her room!  She keeps her door closed, too.  She has hand sanitizer in her room so if she goes out, she uses it the second she goes back in.  Aside of just not wanting to get sick, she wants to be a nurse so is taking a class where they do rotations at the hospital twice a week.  This next week she gets to be in the newborn nursery and since that is the field she wants to be in, she does NOT want to miss it.  She knows, though, that regardless of how badly she wants to do that, if she is not feeling 100%, she will do the right thing and not go.  I told her that was A+ responsibility on her part.  No need to expose those new babies to any illness!

OH...and Lysol, yep, I spray that all around, too.  Heck, I've stayed AWAY from my upstairs area today!!!

Keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of us don't get it.  Two of them being sick is bad enough.  God help me if hubby gets it because OMG, him being sick, I'd rather have ALL my girls throwing up than to deal with HIM being sick!!!

Jill P. 

on 10/11/09 6:37 am
Good Afternoon!  I'll bring up the tail end of the train today I suppose.  Went to church and CCD this morning, lunch at mother-in-laws and now we are doing research for Conner's social studies project.  He had to pick a New England state to do his report on so we chose (because it was easier to draw, lol; and I'm sure everyone is choosing New York) New Hampshire.  It's really interesting to pull the info up and learn more about it.  Darn if I can remember way.....back....when, haha.  He has a posters to do, a report to right and he'll have to stand up in front of the class and discuss his findings.  This project is worth 300 points, so a biggie for sure.

I'm doing laundry in between all this and then hope to read some more of Dr. Garth's book that I bought at the OH Convention.  There was a part yesterday that really hit home about "set points" in weight and I want to post it later today.  I marked the page so I can go back to it.  So many are focused on the scale numbers and you know what it ISN'T about a damn number on the scale (said to myself and others) it's about being healthy and happy.  We need to all stop focusing on "that number" some reach it others don't and we CANNOT let it rule our successes. (whew enough on that for now).

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



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