The NIGH****CHMAN - Friday/Saturday 10/2-3
Looking forward to a good weekend. Going out to Bobby V's on Saturday to watch the Rangers game with a few other season ticket holders.
Just so you know, you need to TAKE YOUR VITAMINS & SUPPLEMENTS and make sure you get your daily allotment of PROTEIN.
If you are new to the board, this link explains what the NIGHT WATCHMAN is (if you are interested). Otherwise, just read on, you will probably figure it out anyway.****CH MAN-Thursday-and-a-plea/
Anonymous prayers for the friend of a TMBer, who is very troubled at this time. I have been in touch with the TMBer and prayers are still needed.
Prayer requests are listed below.
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
Anne's (Lalocaweta) spouse
Jennifer - (Cruise Director Julie) - still interviewing
Kim's (tennysonkw) spouse was laid off on 9/30
Laura - looking for employment away from what she is doing now.
Stephanie and her friend Mack
Vicki V.
Vivian's son Shawn's girlfriend Natalie
Upcoming Surgeries/current hospitalization:
Jessica (jes7997) - Surgery on 9/30.
Meggie - Mother getting a pacemaker, prior to breast cancer treatment.
Recovering from Surgery:
Dana's sister Renee is recovering from two surgeries. Her skin graft on her leg is healing slowly and now she is seeing a pain management doc for her problems associated with her jaw (updated 9/21).
Janet (1divaatheart) spouse recovering from kidney surgery.
Karen (Misty750342002) - Pray for her spouse as he as recovers from his eye surgery in an attempt to save his eyesight.
Other prayer requests:
Anne (Lalocaweta) - requests prayer that her son is accepted as a transfer student for UT Law School
Dana requested we add Susan T. and her son to the prayer list. Justin had a visit to the oncologist today and actions are being pursued.
Dana's friend Rachel is 25 years old and pregnant. She has a 2 1/2 year old daughter and found out about a month ago she has inflammatory breast cancer. They are taking the baby in October (2 months early) and will do a double masectomy.
Jennifer - prayer for the sale of their house.
Jenn Ewald asks prayers that her financial situation improves so she does not lose her house.
Meggie - friend Nancy is in assisted living home and is on her last days. Pray for Meggie's family also as they try to fight through this.
Meggie's mother has breast cancer.
Vanessa (ButterflyReborn) asks for prayers for her family and for her and her spouse's health issues.
Below is one of God's children that definitely need our prayers. This is one specific cases, we know there are others out there. Remember them too.
Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2.
Love to Mary and hope she is recovering quickly!
Sorry I've been MIA, trying to deal with a lot of head stuff, and just haven't been very social. Work has been stressful, we let another person go this afternoon, that's 4 in the 6 weeks I've been there. I called in the local officials to be there this afternoon, just because I wasn't sure how it would all go down. I don't worry about the payroll tax deposit until Monday's now, seems like I'm cutting an extra check every Friday. I'm sure there is a mess to be cleaned up next week since I was handed a stack of paperwork to go through. I dealt with a couple of things this evening, and finally got out of there at 6 pm. Was a very long day, the other lady in the office was out sick today, so I didn't get much of a break. Hoping I don't catch what they have been spreading around, I think we were all hacking today. So looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!
Hope Mary is feeling much better and gets a clean bill from her doc. Special healing prayers for Meggie and her Mom and Allisa. Prayers for the spoken and unspoken requests. Blessings to all.
So glad Mary is feeling better. Hopefully she can get that congestion behind her so all is cleared up. I swear, nothing worse than being horribly congested!
Well, the girls had a half day as the first six weeks of school is already behind us. Shew, that was fast!!! I took V to the doc today as she had been feeling pretty run down for the past 2-3 weeks. All sinus related so she's on antibiotics to clear out the sinus tracts. Also chatted with the doc about her weight issues. Poor girl, I feel so bad for her. She should be burning calories galore with all the tennis she plays but instead, she just slowly continues to gain. She is nearly 50 pounds heavier than she should be. At this point, I'd be happy if she could lose 25-30. She would definitely feel better. We've all "been there/done that" so know how she's feeling. Doc decided to put her on Metformin to see if that will help with the insulin resistance problem. Doc had another patient with a similar situation - young like her, very active, but definitely heavy. She put her on that and the girl dropped something like 45 pounds over the course of a few months. That would be great if it worked. She has to see her back in a month. I made Sarah come with us as she had complained that her upper gums were sore. I looked in her mouth and sure enough, it was really red and saw at least two definite areas where she had infected spots. The doc said it might just be vitamin deficiencies as she hates taking a chewable vitamin, but I decided to stop off at the dentist office to see if one of the ladies there could look at her. One of the dentists had just finished up for the day so took a look at her. Sure enough, she has some funky "whatever" going on in there so put her on antibiotics as well to clear that up! She also has some topical stuff to put on those areas as they are sore. I swear, ALWAYS something!!!!!
I'm gonna hit the hay. I have to be up fairly early tomorrow as I'm getting my labs done tomorrow morning. Thankfully the lab there in the same building as Dr. Garth's office is open on Saturdays! I logged in and picked a time with their on-line appointments. I LOVE that!!!
Stay healthy up there!!!
Just read the part about V's weight gain and before I continued down, I thought, PCOS and she needs Metformin. This was the first and only positive result I got with my weight loss and that was at 36 years old! The insulin resistance is a bear and the Met helped me lose the first 100 pounds. It also regulated my period and cleared up my face. I followed the high protein Atkins type eating and finally got some control on my hunger. Now the side effects at first can be a bit distressing with tummy trouble and bathroom runs, but to me, it was well worth it. Emm was on it as well for a couple years at 9 and 10 years old to control her appetite and her PCOS symptoms.
I do hope she sees some positive results with it. Good luck.
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different
Did you get the emailed pix of Schnitzel??? He's definitely ALL BOY....a little stinker at times!!! He LOVES to lay on V when he is tired and wants to go to sleep. Sarah has issues with him since he's in SUCH the puppy biting stages. OUCH!!!
She will prolly see results within a few weeks. Most docs and research im seeing suggests following a south beach type diet. Especially someone her age, she NEEDS carbs, especially with her activity level. You may want to consider a visit to a GOOD endocrinologist now instead of later. Cant stress that one enough. Ii was mis diagnosed for 35 years and i cant tell you (or i can lol) what it will do to herh self esteem , over all general health etc.
You are one of the best mom's i know. While she is doing this first month of metformin, i would def start researching a good endo doc for her to begin going to NOW as PCOS and the thyroid issues is truely their speciality and could save a lot of time and heart ache in the future. I know that Mel in Terrell used to go to a really good one in houston off Gessner i think. I will shoot her an email if you want.
Wishing you the best
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice