SAT WLS Express
Bryan is taking great care of me. He set me up with the laptop so I can sit in the recliner and type on an external keyboard on my lap. I carry my phone with me in the basket of the knee walker so I have it at all times when I'm up. I even managed to get breakfast and take it to the recliner all by myself. I know Bryan wants to take Chris out for a run today. Not much else on the agenda. i know Bryan will have to get a few groceries. That's about it.
The doctor drew a smiley face on my big toe during sugery. He's funny. I go back to the doctor Wed morning. I supposedly can drive a week from today. Watch out, woman with a boot driving! lol. Boot stays on for 3 weeks.
Hope everyone has a great day today!!!
Hey there!!! Glad you are all having a good time. We're here playing with the little "alligator", just HATE those razor sharp puppy teeth. I'm having to use either my laptop or the girls' computer because I'm 90% sure my hard drive blew on my main computer. Oh man, NOT a happy camper. I'm one of those who put off getting an external hard drive to back things up, too, so probably lost everything. Just makes me SICK! My computer guy is awesome though so if it CAN be recovered, even a little of it, he will. Regardless, he's planning on setting up something on my computer that will automatically back up everything to an external hard drive every day or two, whatever we set it to (the frequency of backing up).
Ok, gotta run. Paul and V are on "dog duty" and V took over my laptop which really means NO ONE is watchnig Schnitzel. He is definitely "all boy" - grabs something that he KNOWS he's not supposed to have and takes off in a dead run whichever way is opposite from where you are. Pistol...
Tell our ol' NW I say hello!!!