My update - VERY long!!

Susan T.
on 8/28/09 1:06 am - Waco, TX
Hello TMB!!! 

Well, it's been a busy summer in VA Beach.  I can't believe I haven't gotten on the TMB very often.  I won't say I've not been on-line.  It's just that I've been on Facebook when I've been able to pry the computer away from the kids.  The mindless games on there have been just what I've needed to relax and help maintain what little sanity I do have - and it's not much these days.  Anyway, this is going to be a novel, so consider yourselves forewarned.

The summer started out stressful with the kids going back to AL with my in-laws. The in-laws were unhappy that they only got the boys for two weeks.  Hello?  They are MY kids.  Be happy I'm letting them come visit alone for that amount of time!  They complain when they don't get them long enough.  They complain when they get them for "too long".  There is just no pleasing them.  Anyway, hubby and I went down there to be with my family for over the 4th (my parents big bbq) and the following week.  Of course, we picked up the kids from AL and took them to TN with us.  Was SCARED of how things would go in TN as my Mother has issues.  I swear she's losing her mind/got dementia/Alzheimers/something.  She has 3 good weeks and 3 bad weeks.  Give or take a few days to a week here and there in it all.  Thankfully, this year was a "good" week and we had a blast while I was there.  The last 24 hours we were there, I could see the signs of a bad episode coming on.  Anyway, she went off the deep end again after we left and it lasted till after my birthday, so yet again I didn't get a phone call, card or anything on my b-day.  Oh well.....  it really hurt though.  You'd think your Mom would say Happy Birthday.  For some reason she was furious with me - didn't know why then, don't know now and will probably never now.  Oh well.  

On July 5th we rescued a kitten from the road that belonged to my Mom's neighbors.  We took the kitten home and asked if we could have it as Hubby had fallen in love with her.  We now have a kitty named Buttons. 

Anyway, fast forward a few days to AL.  My in-laws are so NOT pets in the house people.  We know this.  We took our camping stuff along so the dogs could stay outside for the two weeks we were there.  We didn't like it, but for two weeks, we figured the dogs could manage it.  We kept the kitty outside during the day in her carrier and/or with us.  At night we were staying at my hubby's grandmother's house.  His grandmother now lives with my in-laws, but she gave us permission to stay at her house and to have the kitten with us at night.  We promised she would ONLY be in the bathroom or in her carrier while we were in her house.  That was fine for the first couple of days.  Then she started thinking about it and questioning us.  Did we let the cat run all over the house?  Was she scratching the furniture?  Was she using the bathroom all over the place?  We assured her that she was ONLY in the bathroom.  She used the litter box ONLY.  We were NOT letting her roam the house.  Well, the next day she told my hubby to put the kitten in the garage at night.  Now, this garage is FULL of crap and 100 degrees inside.  We kept the kitten in the bathroom.  She and my FIL found out the next day and all hell broke loose.  Hubby and I went over, gathered out things, cleaned the house and moved to a hotel for the remainder of our visit.  The only reason we didn't leave that day was because my hubby's aunt was coming in from TX.  We wanted to be there as it had been about 5 years since we last saw her.  The remainder of our time in AL was miserable.  Hubby vows he's not going back next year at all.  He said he'll send the kids and I can go get them and visit my folks for a few days, but that he is NOT going there to be treated like **** again.  This happens every time we go home.  His sister is the princess.  His brother, the ex-Air Force Captain, can do no wrong - even though he does all the time. My hubby gets treated like crap by the entire family.  He's tired of it.  I'm tired of it...and he's not planning to go back anytime soon.  We'll see how he feels next year.  By then he'll probably be calmed down somewhat, but who knows....

Anyway, we get home from that and the NJROTC stuff all starts up again.  Matthew went to Basic Leadership Training where he did very well.  Then the Staff Days started at school as they prepared for their mini-camp with the incoming NS1 students.  Now, they are gearing up next week with daily practices for Varsity Drill and Color Guard.  The last week of summer is going to be busy indeed. 

Between all that, we've been going to Busch Gardens each week and having a blast.  Working out at the base gym and just generally having a good time together.  We are down to ONE computer that can access the internet so the kids and I are having to share and I don't like it one bit!!  LOL  Hubby has enrolled in school again for the fall semester so now I have to share it with him at night too as he's taking on-line courses. 
On top of all that, we have the situation with Justin which I'll repost here in case people don't see the other one. 

Justin (my 16 year old) is going to do NJROTC this coming school year.  Tuesday he had his school physical.  Because of the way he answered some of the questions, the nurse practitioner requested an EKG.  They ran it FIVE times because a "tremor" kept showing up on his left side.  Two different nurses ran the test.  They changed the sticky things three times for fresh ones.  They moved them around each time - and it kept coming back with problems.  So....we did a chest x-ray of his heart to see if it was enlarged, etc.  Wednesday morning when we got to the lab on base for them to draw the blood work the NP requested, I got a call from the Nurse Manager, so I walked over to her office.  Seems the x-ray came back with abnormalities.  Apparently his heart looked okay, but there was other stuff that looked iffy.  Now he's going in on Monday morning for a CT.  They are checking for lymphadenopathy.  According to the nurse "it's bad" if it comes back positive.  Y'all know me.  I googled it.  Read enough to scare myself completely and stopped reading.  Anyway, we got all the scheduled, and left to go get breakfast for Justin and got a call from the lab.  We had to go back so they could draw more blood as his "wasn't splitting correctly."  The tech said that apparently he used the smallest stuff they had and it cause some of the red blood cells to pop so it had messed up the test?  Am hoping he is telling me the truth on that one, but have my doubts. I've never heard of the needle/tubing causing something like that to happen.  After all they take babies blood all the time and have to use tiny things and it draws just fine.  Of course, I'm not saying any of this to Justin.  Just keeping it at bare facts for him.  He's stressed enough over it all.  And, this waiting is making us CRAZY and worried.  He's said to me a few times "Wouldn't it be awful if we find out I only have a short time to live?"  Not something a Mom wants to hear her child say. 

Anyway, we could use your prayers thru the next few days as we wait for the next tests and results.  Thank goodness the military insurance is good.  Not sure how long it'll stay that way, but it's a blessing for us right now. 

So, that's what is going on in VA.  OH....on top of all that, I'm still playing keyboards at church, Justin is still playing trumpet and hubby is now playing drums on Wednesday nights at church.  Patrick is continuing to take drum lessons on Thursday nights and is doing VERY well.  Daniel is learning to play keyboard on is own.  He won't listen to me when I try to tell him something and I have no patience when being ignored, so I'm just letting him find his own way with it.  Matthew has forsaken his trombone but is doing so fabulous in NJROTC that I've gotten over it.  LOL  I'm looking forward to the new school year and all that is before us. 

Love to all.  Thanks if you made it thru my novel.  You can't say I didn't warn you at the beginning.  :)  Hope you've all had a good summer. 
Susan   Cheeleader Jump 

Vivian Prouty
on 8/28/09 1:59 am - Fort Worth, TX
 Susan.....I am so glad to see you back on the messageboard !!!!  I am so very sorry that your son is going through all this.   I can hear your pain and concern in the post.   I will definately pray for the entire family.   Sorry your Mom chose not to wish you a Happy Birthday...but glad that you STILL have your Mom and please forgive her.    My Mom passed away almost 3 yrs ago and my Dad passed away 20 yrs ago.   It is really sad when your Mom always sang Happy BDay to you and your BDay passes and nothing !!!  I will pray for God to heal your son of whatever is going on with him and I pray that they find NOTHING !!!  We love ya Susan and I hope that you still get your computer time !!! Miss ya !!!

Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian

Vivian Prouty      Obesity Help Support Group Coach  "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"


on 8/28/09 2:17 am
Hey lady, sorry to hear to much stress is going on for you and your family.  Know that I'm praying for positive results for Justin, and comfort to deal with whatever you and hubby may have to deal with.

Hang in there on the Mom situation, I know it's tough to deal with; however, you DO KNOW that there is something "not right" mentally and your mom doesn't really understand what is going on either.


Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 8/28/09 5:34 am - Everman, TX
Susan, yes sometime the blood does hemolize  (sp?) and have to be redrawn. It happens all the time. Don't be to worried over that fact. I am not sure about the other stuff. It is not my speciality. I will be praying, and pleae let us know what happens on monday! Love ya Gaye
 Life is what you make of it! Enjoy when possible.
Susan T.
on 8/31/09 2:04 am - Waco, TX
Thanks for the info Gaye.  You took a load off my mind.  I was worried there was something going on and they were giving me a line to keep me from worrying.  :)

The CT went okay today.  It was with contrast, which we didn't know about so I wasn't able to prepare Justin.  But, he did fine with it.  Hoping to have the results on Wednesday when we see the NP again.

Susan   Cheeleader Jump 

Monique So Sweet
on 8/28/09 7:53 am - The most southern tip of..., TX
Hey there Susan,
I had been thinking about you.  Im glad to read you are well. Busy, but doing well. lol Miss your daily texts.  Take care.


U tell me that I sin,
U say Im bound for hell,
So once ur judgment condemns U,

I'd rather be an OPEN sinner
than a FALSE saint...

on 8/28/09 8:25 am - New Braunfels, TX
Sweetie, you know ANYTHING I can do for you, it's done.. and prayers are a given for Justin and all of you. Please keep us updated and we will keep you in our hearts and parents.


forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different

on 8/29/09 12:29 am - CAROLINA SHORES, NC

Hey Susan,
         Long time no hear from. I'm so glad you yourself are doing well but so sorry to hear what's going on w/your son. I agree, blood does clot in the tubing, sometimes just to fast or because it wasn't spun right away or it was left out to long. I pray that everything will work out fine for him and your family.

        In-Laws, what can I say. Although I personally don't have any, thank GOD! I've seen what my friends and family have gone through w/ theirs. No thank you!! I'm Happy just the way I am, single w/ my sister and 2 cats for support, along w/ cousins, aunts and 1 uncle. Family is getting smaller every year, I'm not getting older, yeah right.

       Every thing down here in North Carolina has been good. Feeing great although I've gain back 14 -16 lbs, my own fault though, can't stay away from the carbs, candy, etc . . .

       Please keep us inform on how your son is doing.

       God Bless you and your family.

           Donna, sfy

George T.
on 8/29/09 2:35 am - Grand Prairie, TX
My sympathy goes out to you on the dealings with the family.  I hear ya.  I went to New York primarily to go to a Mets game, but also visited with family.  I let them know it would probably be the last time they see me, unless they come to Texas.  I am so tired of drama.  Don't need it.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

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