My woo hoo- well first my work woo hoo is that I got picked to do the work at home 3 month pilot project!! Only 50-60 people state-wide in our big agency got picked. It will be 1 day of the week- I chose Wednesdays. However we don't know when it will start. They said sometime in Sept. My other woo-hoo is that I did walk 2 miles last night, I tried jogging Sunday night, and my foot isn't hurting! Hopefully the inflammation has finally died down- we'll see. One thing I realized is that I got new shoes and they weren't the exact same kind of NB and they were hurting my foot. I switched back to the old shoes yesterday and it was fine. Go figure!
Well gotta run. Hope everyone has a great day today!!!
Good Morning Alissa,
This is awesome news that you got picked to work from home! I would love to be able to do that. My Wednesday woo-hoo is that I took my vehicle in for diagnosis expecting it the estimate to be major transmission trouble but it only turned out to be a seal that needed to be replaced for less than $50! I was esctatic to say the least because I am enjoying being car note free at least until maybe the end of next year.
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
But the woo hoo is, when we were there, we went into the Veterans Assistance office, and Whoa! He was so helpful! He sent me links to job sites that are veteran friendly, and helped me register with some job sites, and told me that he was there to assist me. We spent an hour in his office! Looks like it'll be easier (hopefully) to transfer government offices than I thought! And he gave me names to talk to at the big Veterans event going on this Saturday at Will Rogers! I'm psyched!
I've also decided to write to OWCP and my congressperson about this. I'm going to be proactive instead of whining! Got tons to do and not enough time to do it! LOL!! Wish I could take my laptop to work for when I'm in the Stand By room!! I also gave a pep talk to some of the girls in there. I told them that there is no reason to sweat over things we have no control over! They're going to do what they are going to do (meaning USPS), we can't control that, BUT, we can control how we react to what they do. Just make sure you are as prepared as you can be! I think I helped them realize that they shouldn't be stressing going into that room. Or even if they send us home for "No Work Available". Just ahve the proper paperwork available to file with OWCP and enjoy being at home!
Gotta go take a shower and get to work! Ya'll have a great day! I know I will! Love ya!!
Initial surgery 2006-Highest weight 305 - got down to 180
Having revision surgery soon!
Current 265 / Goal 180
"We can't all be heros. Someone has to clap for me when I walk by!"
Yesterday was a bugger of a day, I have lots of work to do and I'm grateful for my job but I am exhausted at the end of the day. My mind shuts down, it's tired of thinking, lol.
Day three of B2B and I'm prepared and ready......need to work on liquids more. Water just doesn't taste good, crystal light is better. I wish I wasn't such a coffee snob but our office is like a freezer and I'm cold without it. Temps in the upper 90s and I'm having to use a heater at work, that's crazy.
Hope everyone has a FABULOUS day!
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Good Morning Alissa, and the rest of my TMB family,
Can someone please turn the sun down just a little bit? This heat is killing me. I take 80 or so but when it gets to the 100's makes me tired and not want to leave the house. Have walked every day this week and hope to continue for the rest of the week. I went all summer without walking, and I know I feel so much better when I do. Hard to believe it has been almost 2 years snice surgery. Time just goes by so fast. My mother told me the other day she wished I had not had the surgery just because I have had so many problems, but she did add to that, "but I know it is what you wanted." She is right I would not change it for the world. Alissa I was thinking about yesterday. On the today show they were showing a car they are going to try and miake for the blind. Have you heard about it? It was pretty cool. Liz hope you are semi unpacked, and that maybe you got a little sleep last night. Had a blast on FB last night talking with a friend I had all through Jr high and high school. One of the reasons I love FB so much, that and the fact that Tim is always posting pictures of my beautiful grandson. Only 67 days till I get to hug him for real. I cant wait Thank you all for the information about the Sax yesterday. I did find out that the school rents them, and they are having a band drive next week so we can get one then. Ok time for coffee. Prayers for those in need this morning. Have a blessed day. Love you guys Michelle
in and out day for me and Rach - meetings at 10:30, 2, and 6:30 plus I am trying to get all the laundry done up so I don't have to worry with it this weekend
oh and a quick trip to wally world for a few things
hugs to all

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Ben showed up yesterday evening from Aggieland. He said since his roommate won't talk to him or do anything with him and classes don't start until next Monday he would come home for a day or two. I think he might go back on Thurs. A Livingston girl that is a soph. said she'd haul him around with 2 girls he graduated with that day. I think he had a soccer game to go to Fri. and something to go to Sat. to meet up with Fish camp people. Sunday I'll be going over there.
Lots of ARD notices to get out today and folders to work on for tomorrow...have 2 ard's already tomorrow and a day full next Tues. and some next Thursday. Already on the ARD roller coaster...yuck but at least it's for pay.
Have a great Wednesday!
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX