Question about (meal) Portions...
I tried that today. I had 2 shakes. But they are high in fat... so my fat was already up to 18g today with those two shakes. Isn't that bad? Someone else said to drink Soy Milk instead of water... what do you think?
Mommy to Ethan Lane 12/3/03 weighing 4lbs 11oz 17 3/4"
& Zachary Logan 5/12/07 weighing 3lbs 4oz 16"
& Gavin Liam Due 3/18/11 born 2/3/11 weighing 3lbs 15oz 17"
I do my shakes with the soy or with water and lots of ice, mixed in my Magic Bullet. It is literally frozen like ice cream / yogurt and I eat it with a spoon.
Edit: Again my opinion, We as RNYers malabsorp some amount of fat but we DON'T malabsorp ANY carbs. So those 18 grams of fat, again IMO is NOTHING. I wouldn't worry about that.....I worry more about carb intake. Although today my fat intake was higher than I like when I'm really focused on what I'm eating.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Mommy to Ethan Lane 12/3/03 weighing 4lbs 11oz 17 3/4"
& Zachary Logan 5/12/07 weighing 3lbs 4oz 16"
& Gavin Liam Due 3/18/11 born 2/3/11 weighing 3lbs 15oz 17"
2 things that have come to mind reading all the responses-
1 and please take this with the caring regard it is ment with - you need to work on your food issues - hubby, a friend or a counsuler (the family consultant people on base are free, will meet you at any public place and keep no records) but you like myself and many on here have issues with food and eating - I would say 90% of people who have wls have food issues - duh we didn't get fat b/c we wanted to
2 try the EAS powdered shakes - I make the chocolate one with cherry crytal light or cherry sf energy drink mix and water and ice in the mornings
latter in the mornings I mix up a cup of coffee-poured over ice to cool it down then add 1 scoop chocolate protien powder and a splash of sf carmel suryp - it is a cold tasty drink and ups my protien a LOT - 2 of those a day will get you 45-60 grams of protien depending on what kind you use

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Thank you Danni!! I am so frustrated I cried my eyes out to my hubby a little bit ago. I am so frustrated. I keep changing what I am doing and I keep increasing and I can't help but feel I am over eating and yet my calories are 400-600 a day, 1/2 of what everyone else has and Im the one not losing. LOL...huh?? I have increased everything a LOT over the last few weeks. I feel guilty for having 18g of fat today and people say that I still need to increase. Ok, I had high carbs today, but that is because I had a handfull of baked lays chips. That is where my carbs came from. Usually I do not have many carbs. I am trying everything that everyone says, in hopes things will change and this stall will end. I will try to increase the protein shakes. I always thought over 20g of fat a day was BAD and that is why I was scared to incrase my protein too much. Believe it or not, I eat more now than I did before surgery!! & I feel guilty about it!
Mommy to Ethan Lane 12/3/03 weighing 4lbs 11oz 17 3/4"
& Zachary Logan 5/12/07 weighing 3lbs 4oz 16"
& Gavin Liam Due 3/18/11 born 2/3/11 weighing 3lbs 15oz 17"

I ate BIG PLATES of food before surgery and now I gawk at how much people eat now (I try to hide it).
I don't obsess over fats now because (1) we need fat in our diet and I think the current trend in low-fat diets is unhealthy and (2) we malabsorb fats which is why our vitamin intake is so critical.
I hope you get this figured out and break your stall !!!!!
I definately have eating problems. For me, I not only feel full quick after surgery, but my mind cannot absorb the fact that I have to eat so much and I freak out. I cannot possibly think of eating more than I am. Maybe it is an honest problem that I have, but I am really having a hard time mentally. When people say that I am not eating enough, I feel like that is impossible because I ate so much during the day! This is 3/4 times more than I am used to eating in a day.
It may not make sense to you, LOL, but I am thinking I should talk to someone. I really need to figure this out. I called my nut Friday and he has not returned my call yet. I guess I need to hear it is okay to eat more. My mind cannot grasp it now.
However... I did drink like 80oz of water yesterday and I am still peeing it out (LOL) so I hope that soon I can stop peeing enough to go weigh. I hope for some kind of loss... I will even take .5lbs!
Mommy to Ethan Lane 12/3/03 weighing 4lbs 11oz 17 3/4"
& Zachary Logan 5/12/07 weighing 3lbs 4oz 16"
& Gavin Liam Due 3/18/11 born 2/3/11 weighing 3lbs 15oz 17"
If you are having salads, you could make up some dressing with safflower oil and vinegar and spices and try it for a few weeks.
Don't worry about the extra fat and calories in the protein drinks - your body needs the protein and will not turn it into stored fat. I started losing twice as fast when I could get myself up to 800 calories a day. I was low at first like you for the first 2 months - 500 calories a day or so - and when I upped it to 800 I was buying a pair of smaller size jeans every 2 weeks !