Is it really just Wed? I feel like it should be Friday already. I'm just tired from being out of town and on the go for 4 days. Driving just kills my foot so I am tired from that as well. The conference was great though. I'm glad I went. The Omni hotel-that's my favorite chain. They have the best beds. Normally hotel beds hurt my back but not theirs. I noticed it in Austin first. I've stayed at a few for conferences over the years. Next year it will be in S Padre-woo hoo.
Woo hoo- well, I think I did a great job of eating while I was gone. Usually I don't when I have to eat out all the time but I followed the rules and I did well.
I have a practi****tudent starting today. I've had interns and practi****tudents pretty much the whole time I've been with the agency-1 or 2 a year. In a way interns are easier because they know alot already about vocational rehab but practi**** are good because I get to schedule them to go out with all programs so I keep them busy visiting places and people.
Hope everyone has a great day today!!!
Good Morning Alissa, and the rest of my TMB Family,
So nice to see your smiling face starting the train this morning Alissa. Glad the confrance went well. I bet the boys were glad to have you home. I know mine are always glad to see me when I come back from being away. My WoooHoo today is I am below 140. My weight seems to fluctuate between 138 and 141 and I am happy anywhere inbetween there. It has actually stayed that way for almost a year now. Not to much on the agenda for today. I do have laundry to do, but did most of my cleaning yesterday. Might go over to the base later but not sure. 74 days and counting! Mark will be starting his outprocessing at the base in the next month or so. Its getting exciting. Ok just going on about nothing now. Prayers for all those in need today. Have a blessed day. Love you guys. Michelle
oh and my weight is still down this morning - it will flux down for one day now n then but this is the secondday below 210 so I am jazzed
busy day PLANNED we will see how it all turns out- haveing a mom from Ks class over to try on some differnt baby wraps and carryers - starbuks wth the wives group (pray Rach is good PLEASE) then another lady I have met is suppose to come over and we are going to make her an ACU purse like mine, meeting at 1:30, pick K up park and homework and dinner and off to sign up for scouts IF homework is done - Tuesdays will no longer be ANYTHING after school till homework is done since he spentfrom when we got home at 5 till bedtime doing homework- tues he has to write out sentences and that is hard for hm
hope everyone has a good day - I have been up 90 mins and am still on plan for my eating LOL hey for me following ANYTHING for 90 mins is good
have a great day

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Prayers for the police officer kidnapped in Katy/Brookshire area that she is found soon.
Prayers for all others that need it.
Go Challengers, go!
Have a great Whoohoo Wednesday.
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
Good Morning OH Family!
My woohoo Wednesday is that I seem to be maintaining my weight even starting a new job. Can't believe I'm up this early without grandbabies. Started new night time meds. Don't like them. I sleep hard for 2 hours,strange dreams that make me tired. Need to find something else that does not give me a hangover the next morning. I've been off work for 4 days so today is my Monday. Can't wait until Annette's shower. It's going to be really pretty. I will post a sign up sheet in another post for those that want to bring misc. Well I think I will finish this cup of coffee and try and go back to bed for a few hours.
Your loved!
My Woohoo is that my sweetie is back home. Have been doing good with my daily walks and trying to do better choices in the meal depts (The OCD thing is kicking in so have been checking the menus online for calorie, carb, and protien contents of places before we go lol). Looking forward to the Princess Crew training walk on Sat. Has definatly become the highlight of my week. Time to go here have to get to work and fix a Windows 7 imaging issue we are having.

Up and at 'em this a.m. This new puppy I got is driving me crazy. Although her name is Tootsie (because she resembles a tootsie roll :) ) I have officially given her a new middle name that I have to abreviate if I use it in front of the girls. It is "L.S." , Little **** I hate that word and never use it, but believe me, it FITS!!! She does enough damage while I'm home, but I HATE to go anywhere for fear what I'll find when I get home! It's like having another baby!!! Like I don't have enough kids to keep up with :)
Carla and SNL took Charlotte to a meeting at her new school last night. She'll be going to Kindergarten and DOES NOT want to go! Afraid we're in for some battles until she adapts.
Well, got to get going. Y'all have a great day.
Highest & Surgery/current/Goal: 268/171/160
Good morning everyone,
Woohoo Wednesday. Well, I did sell Britt's old car last night. Doing it on payments though so don't have the full amount just yet, but the majority. Feels good to have that done. It too****il after 10 to finish though so I didn't get a store run so I'm not prepared with foods today. I'll do the best I can.
Things are calming down some with the animals at the house. Hopefully it will remain that way. Cliff is feeling better at least and looking better.
Saying prayers for all, especially Elizabeth's family. Have a great day everyone.