Thanks, Danni
Danni, you and I barely met a couple of times at IKEA before you moved away, but I want you to know how much your posts have helped me.
It occurred to me this morning on my exercise bike that, every time I work out, I have developed the habit of telling myself two things I learned from your posts:
(1) My body can do whatever I tell it to; it's only my mind that limits me. So if I stop telling myself "I can't do that," my body will exceed my expectations.
(2) I can do anything for one more minute!
I have a feeling, after this morning, my mental workout tape will include:
(3) I can do hard things (thanks, Yvonne).
People may wonder whether anyone reads what they post and, if they do, whether any of it makes any difference to anyone. The answers are yes and yes. I tend to assume that nobody will be interested in what I, a relative newbie, might have to say about WLS -- but, as this very post shows, that's the wrong attitude. You never know when your hard-earned kernel of wisdom might change a life, as Danni's comments have changed mine. Thank you, Danni and others who have graciously shared what they've learned with strangers like me.
you are so right - those metal tapes we make CAN and WILL change us - they can make us better or worse -it is up to us as to what we put on them
thank you for your kind words and I am so glad you are doing well

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
I have no idea what or how I say is helpful - Like I told Loralie I am just me
no matter where we go Texas is where we plan to go home to someday

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail