Tootin' my own horn!
So, I had to rush to SA on Friday because I had been having issues w/ keeping food and even water down. The most wonderful Dr and staff (Nix Med Center, cha ching!), came from doing surgeries all day to come and see me. Dr. C decided to take some fluid out of my band and WOW! I feel SOOO much better!! OMG...its nice to finally be able to eat AND keep it down!
Found out I had 5cc's. He only took out 1cc. I am OK with that, the first question I asked was if I was going to gain weight because of the take out. He said prolly, but not to to dwell on that too much. I am suppose to go back Sept. 4 to get my EGD done and when I am cleared from that I will be back on the road to more fills.
I did lose too much weight too fast (i think, or maybe not) in the 2 weeks since I had last weighed myself. BUT....I have now lost a total of 161 lbs!! I now weigh what I weighed BEFORE the birth of my first born FIFTEEEN YEARS AGO!!!
I cannot believe that! I am only 39 lbs away from losing 200 lbs!!! That is such a crazy thought!! I mean, I KNEW I would succeed, I just NEVER imagined that time almost being here!
Thank you to all the regs and veterans because its YOU all who inspire me. And of course, thank you to RYD for all that you've done and continue to do.
on the border, by the sea...
U tell me that I sin,
U say Im bound for hell,
So once ur judgment condemns U,
I'd rather be an OPEN sinner
than a FALSE saint...

You have absolutely ROCKED that band! Congrats.

On a different note....are you taking your vitamins, young lady?!?

back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
Oh YES u bet ur lifesafers I take my vits EVERY day! I have not missed since I got me some "samples" at RYD in May.
As you know,,its SOOO VERY important for WHATEVER surgery we have to take our vits!!
Thank you for your support.
Love ya!
U tell me that I sin,
U say Im bound for hell,
So once ur judgment condemns U,
I'd rather be an OPEN sinner
than a FALSE saint...
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Thank you! Thats means sooo much coming from you! Like I said, I look up to YOU veterans that have paved the way for others to learn from. Take care!
U tell me that I sin,
U say Im bound for hell,
So once ur judgment condemns U,
I'd rather be an OPEN sinner
than a FALSE saint...
Yep, I hope they find out something with this EGD. Im NOT believing there is anything wrong w/ me. I just want to blame last week on my POOR CHOICES! I have come too far to have ANYTHING FAIL the big dawg says..FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.
U tell me that I sin,
U say Im bound for hell,
So once ur judgment condemns U,
I'd rather be an OPEN sinner
than a FALSE saint...
Hugs, Mari