I know what I'm going to do
Good decision. It just shows that you're really ready for the necessary lifestyle changes. Congrats.
Visit my blog Grams Made It
I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity... If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. – U.S. Navy SEALs
Visit my blog Grams Made It
It's amazing how much you can enjoy the holidays without having to eat all the time. I think we all grew up around food and holidays. My first Christmas was so nice. For the first time I felt like I was in control of my eating. I don't just eat to eat I can enjoy what I eat and then enjoy the time with family and friends. I don't have to have food around me all the time. I will say it is getting harder but when I leave an event and have made the right choices I am so proud of myself. YOu will be glad you made this decision. This is the best gift for the holiday you can give yourself.
Hi Shell,
I too had my surgery done in Nov. and yes, by Thanksgiving I could "taste" what the others were eating. (Although IMO, u won't miss a thing, because you won't be hungry...the real and head hunger comes later...) There would be no reason for you to wait until AFTER the holidays. The holidays are a PERFECT time to have surgery. You will be on the way to eating healthier and making better choices. I wish you TONS of success!
I too had my surgery done in Nov. and yes, by Thanksgiving I could "taste" what the others were eating. (Although IMO, u won't miss a thing, because you won't be hungry...the real and head hunger comes later...) There would be no reason for you to wait until AFTER the holidays. The holidays are a PERFECT time to have surgery. You will be on the way to eating healthier and making better choices. I wish you TONS of success!
U tell me that I sin,
U say Im bound for hell,
So once ur judgment condemns U,
I'd rather be an OPEN sinner
than a FALSE saint...