Tuesday WLS express
I'm getting my hair cut this afternoon SHORT. I'm ready for a change and tired of dealing with long hair. It just takes to long to make it look decent and I don't want to deal with it. Blane isn't happy, like most men he likes long hair. Long hair is not for old ladies, lol. Probably going to do a short inverted bob but not sure, I told my hairdresser to do what she wants with it. Nothing like going out on a limb, right?
Four days of work then v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n. Ready to hit the beach and get away from reality of being a grown up, lol. We are going to Orange Beach/Gulf Shores, staying a a condo on the beach, whoop!
Well I deviated just a little on the ALL liquids yesterday, last night I wanted food. One of the boys left a pop tart on the coffee talking and my mouth was watering, yes I'm sick, lol; no I didn't eat it I rapidly threw it in the trash can so I wouldn't sample a bite. Instead I grabbed a 3 oz can of tuna in water and had that.......who would of thunk tuna tasted so good, lmao. I'm not weighing today, I don't want to be disappointed in any no lose for a few days.........I think I'm getting better about being a scale ho, it makes me bad when I don't see what I want and realistically I KNOW it won't change much in one day........so until Thursday morning no scale.
Other than a burning, empty sensation (that is my need to eat signal) I am ok. Will continue to push liquids today. I did boil eggs last night and will have one at my disposal today in case I need it; will make it a late afternoon, evening eat if necessary.
Ok, hope all of you have a FAB day, remember vitamins, water, protein first, get moving, no excuses, choose your attitude, be accountable to yourself, no matter what.
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
Well, its another Tuesday upon us. Yesterday I did good. Better than if I was not doing anything atll. Dana you and Danni did great too. I had to cave and eat some canned chicked last night. But, that is ok that is all I ate. I know some of it was emotional eating. Gotta love DH when he is broke down. lol It makes for good moods. NOT!!
I am going to keep trying today. I am not giving up. I am exicted about the prospect of sometime getting to my personal goal. I did post a pix last night that I came across that made me abo****ley cry like a baby. I am not sure I have posted it on here before. I forgot about it. It was the bad before wls pix. WOW.. It helped me get thru the day. I love you all. Have a great day..

Smile, it increases your face value.
canned chicken isnt CAVING! good lord, its nothing but protein, how is that caving??? dont beat yourself up over that! I think you did great!!!!!.
I think you look absolutely stunning and i really wish you would quit being so mean to my dear friend (YOU!) coz you know you dont want me to have to whop ya!
Love you lady,
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
I'm on day two of the liver-shrinking diet. I'm just keeping my eye on the prize.
I, too, am sluggish this morning. It took the cats tag-teaming me to get me up to feed them this morning. I shouldn't be, though. I was in bed by 9.
I can't wait to join you guys on the loser's bench!!
Good morning everyone,
My Daddy comes home today!! I have missed him. I know he's enjoyed his trip but I think he's ready for his routine too. We talked Sunday and I think tomorrow he will mow the yard and get the house back in order. LOL. His puppy has missed him. She sleeps by the front door cuz I won't let her take over my bed. I'm just mean that way.
I was up later then normal last night. Britt came over to get some of her sewing stuff. She was having a text argument with her dad. I was trying to remain neutral and did a pretty good job of it. Her dad is being a real jerk and allowing the girl friend and her daughter to use up Britt's stuff and not replace it. Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste. This is stuff that I buy for Britt or she gets for herself. So Britt is standing her ground and dad is being the jerk. I finally sent her home with some stuff I don't use any more and a tote to keep in her room to hide. Pretty sad. I have a feeling once I get married, she might move in with my dad and then when Matt and I move closer, she will move in with us.
Good job to all getting back to basics. I'm trying to do the same. Not doing liquids but trying to cut back on carbs. Thanks for the motivation.
Saying prayers for all of you. Have a great day everyone.
Good morning train riders...today's my big TV filming day. For those of you that don't know, I'll be filming a feature story for NBC channel 5 News in Dallas. The topic is "the importance of psychological testing prior to WLS". They will be interviewing Dr Barker, Dr Golden (psychologist) and me. I'm sure they will take 30 minutes of film and edit it down to 14 seconds so less. Either way, I'm excited. I should find out today when it's gonna air.
Clay and I are gonna try and sneak away for a long weekend somewhere but can't find anything inexpensive. Looked at hotels in Galveston and they're running $249 a night~if we had stinking passports we could of taken a cruise for $400 or less each. I'll kep looking today. I need beach time!!
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
Check The Victorian...I think I saw an advertisement for $125 or 150 a night. Also, I book on Priceline.com a lot and bid...go low and add a lower star rating if you get rejected. I go way below what they say is avg. price for that type of hotel. I got the Crowne Plaza Park Central for $60 a night and $55 for Westin Park Central doing that. I've had the lowest prices for the past several years on that website...you don't know exactly where you'll stay, but if you start with a better rated one, you shouldn't be disappointed.
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX