I tend to drink through straws a restaurants because I hate to drink off of the brim of a glass.... So I was wondering, I had a few sips the other day then stopped when I realized what I had done. My pouch didn't hurt from drinking through the straw and I am sure that is because I was sipping. I used to be a gulper so drinking through straws would really help with that also.
Thanks for the advise!!!
Thanks for the advise!!!

Like most things, I think it's a personal decision after taking into consideration your surgeon's opinion.
Initially, I think avoiding straws is a good idea so that you don't take in too much liquid when the stomach nerves aren't being completely honest with you! ;-)
For me, I apparently don't drink properly from a glass or cup and get less air drinking through a straw. I also get more fluids in when using a straw. For others, they get more air which results in discomfort and possibly less fluid intake as well.
I don't quite remember when I began drinking from a straw but I did initially avoid them because I couldn't trust my stomach's nerves. Now, I use them 99% of the time.
You are nearly 6 months out now (?) so *I* think you can experiment. I certainly don't think drinking with a straw at a restaurant (with good reason) is going to hurt you.
Good luck!
I have two sides to my brain - a right side and a left side. The trouble is sometimes there is nothing left in the right side and nothing right in the left side.
Post-Op RNY 6.5 years
HW 252 GW 140 CW 140
I can only tell you that until recently, i made a point of not using straws - and i just passed one year out.
But recently i had 3 out of 4 days that at some point my stomach just started hurting something fierce. I was miserably sick with is for a couple hours each day.
The only thing that was common to all three days, but not the one in between, was that i had been at restaurants drinking from a straw.
I don't know why i started it - i just never gave it a real thought, figured it probably wouldn't hurt too much and just did it.
But i havent' used a straw in the two or three weeks since, and haven't had that problem.
So for me - straws are out.
I guess everyone's different. Just like i know many who had RNY who drink carbonated beverages. I was told that was a big no no.
I tried a few sips of one the other day and it hurt, too.
But recently i had 3 out of 4 days that at some point my stomach just started hurting something fierce. I was miserably sick with is for a couple hours each day.
The only thing that was common to all three days, but not the one in between, was that i had been at restaurants drinking from a straw.
I don't know why i started it - i just never gave it a real thought, figured it probably wouldn't hurt too much and just did it.
But i havent' used a straw in the two or three weeks since, and haven't had that problem.
So for me - straws are out.
I guess everyone's different. Just like i know many who had RNY who drink carbonated beverages. I was told that was a big no no.
I tried a few sips of one the other day and it hurt, too.
Check out Steph's Musings, her new blog, often on weight loss surgery and its results.
I didn't use a straw for about the first 6 months, but I went back to it after that. I learned years ago at Weigh****chers that people who drink with a straw tend to drink more than people who don't. My kids, who were both food servers in college, say the same thing. Customers who ask for straws drink more than customers who don't. It has never caused me any discomfort or pain AND I need all the help getting all this water down that I can get. I say if you want a straw, use one.
I didn't use a straw for about the first 6 months, but I went back to it after that. I learned years ago at Weigh****chers that people who drink with a straw tend to drink more than people who don't. My kids, who were both food servers in college, say the same thing. Customers who ask for straws drink more than customers who don't. It has never caused me any discomfort or pain AND I need all the help getting all this water down that I can get. I say if you want a straw, use one.
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Visit my blog Grams Made It
Well I am 2 months out and I usually onlin use a straw with the protien drinks. They are little hard on the taste buds. I found that if I just sip and leave it in my mouth for a few seconds before I swallow to get out any air that it helps. I have insidents(sp?) that when I take a sip (with or without the straw) and take it air I do get sick. It seems as if that air bubble goes in and what ever goes in on top of that air bubble comes up. And believe me it hurts bad!
The way I see it is if it gives you trouble don't do it. Also dont try it when you are out try it home first just in case.
The way I see it is if it gives you trouble don't do it. Also dont try it when you are out try it home first just in case.
"Do or do not...there is no try" -Yoda
Mary and I asked our doctor this very question Friday. The reason it was asked was because we were told when we had the surgery not to use straws. Mary is now 3 years out and has just recently started using straws. Dr Matin said he recommends no straw for the first year. He tells everyone no straw, then later edits himself if the patient asks. He said the reason is, your pouch is small when you first have the surgery. No need to fill it with air while using the straw. As you go on, you know how much you can eat, plus the pouch does expand a little bit after the surgery. Therefor, the air does not hinder what you eat.