Friday WLS express

Karla Lewis
on 7/30/09 10:24 pm - Livingston, TX
Good morning.  Headed to Dallas in an hour or so.  We finally got some much needed rain.  Thank heavens!  Along with the rain was our yard!  We now have no water heater or satellite service.  It rained 3 inches last night, electricity off, and it's pouring this morning as I type.  The satellite people won't schedule an appt. for Monday because it's raining and it might be the rain, even though I explained I was sure lightening struck the satellite.

When the electricity came on we heard this loud surging sound, started smelling something burning, and found smoke pouring from the water heater and shut off the breaker.  Glad we were home or we would have had a burned down house!  I hope I win some $$$ tomorrow to pay for a new water heater!  I guess I'll have a cold shower in a few minutes.  It could have been worse though.

Prayers to all who need them.  I'm looking forward to seeing all the casino goers tomorrow.

Gina and Terry...wish you could be there, but understand the $$$ thing. 

Join us in August Adventure tomorrow to make a plan and be accountable!


Karla Lewis     337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006     Dr. Terry Scarborough   Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007           Dr. David Wainwright      Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty  7-18-2008       Dr. David Wainwright    Houston, TX


on 7/30/09 10:41 pm - Waco, TX
Happy Friday! Woot!

I have to call the surgeon's office this morning, and my insurance company.  I checked my mail yesterday and had a letter with information about financial responsibility...for lap band.  I'm supposed to be having RNY, and in two weeks from Monday.  Now I'm wondering if the insurance company approved the wrong surgery. I'm not going to frea****il I find out for sure what's going on.

I'm headed to Ft. Worth on Saturday to spend the day with a friend.  We're going to Houston's so that I can have a French dip. I've been craving one, and I want one before I can't have them anymore.
Michelle S.
on 7/30/09 10:54 pm - Burkburnett, TX

Good Morning Alissa, and the rest of my TMB Family,

I have been up and at em for a while now but had to get out to the bank before Mark left for work.  So I have had my shower, been to the bank and working on my 2nd cup of coffee.  Eric is up but my X-tra is still sleeping.  Not sure what I will do when he goes home to his parents tonight!  He has been here for three days, and such a good kid.  His Dad is a Doctor, and his Mom works a lot, so glad he could be here with us.  We are heading to Lake Texoma for a squadren picnic this afternoon.  I am looking forward to it.   The guys have been smoking briskets for a couple of days now.  Of course it will never beat Tom and Que's brisket.  It should be fun though.   Then tomorrow we will go over to the house and water flowers and do pool maintance.  We still have not had any offers on the house but I  have faith that the right person will come along.  Then of course Sunday is church.  We are having a baptisim and I am so looking forward to it.  Then Sunday night the youth are going to talk about their Mission trip they just came back from.  I am looking forward to that.  Sure wish there was better news about our Meggie.  She has been in my prayers.  Gina, so glad you have a job that you are enjoying.  The company would be foolish if they did not hire you on full time.  Have not spoken to Rebecca, but assume she is doing ok.  Well best get a move on.  My son Tim said he put new pictures of my gandson up on Facebook so I need to go and look.  Prayers for all those in need this morning.  Have a blessed day.  Love you guys.  Michelle      P.S.  I am going to do everything in my power to get to the dinner next weekend.  We are thinking about making it a family day!






on 7/30/09 11:07 pm - Mesquite, TX

Going to be heading out shortly for my one year post op appt with Dr. Meyers, he should be happy, I surpassed his "estimate" on weigh loss. 

I'm going to plan on making the WinStar trip tomorrow, but I'll have to leave there no later than 2, so I'll be going early, having lunch with everyone, then heading home to work at the races for one of the girls who had her baby last night (11 lbs, 11 ozs) ... I think she had a 4 month old!

I've about talked myself into extending my vacation to include Monday and Tuesday since I haven't gotten anything done AT the house and there's nothing going on at work.

Gotta hit the shower and start running the roads!

on 7/31/09 12:20 am - Frisco, TX
Good Morning Train Riders,

IT is FRIDAY!!!!  Well I hope it is an easy one anyway.  I am just waiting on Tomorrow to get here and have fun.  I hope all is well with everybody. Prayers for the ones that need it.

Baked to Mississippi Mud Cakes last night for work today.  Man that was hard.  But I know if I tasted anything I would dump.  Hmmm that is a good thing right now I think.

Have a good DAY
Akc Crazy
on 7/31/09 1:35 am - Bedford, TX

Morning everyone,

I spent the entire day yesterday in bed with a migraine.  I only got up long enough to feed the dogs and open the door to give them access to the doggie door.  Of course, the "little" dogs were terrified of the storm so they were in the bed with me until they were sure the storm had passed.  I guess I'm thankful H-dog isn't scared of them too.  There wouldn't have been room for him too. 

I still have the remnants of a headache left but had to come to work today.  Hopefully it will go away.  ugh.  Saying prayers for all of you.  Have a great day everyone.

Highest 254/ Current 173.5/ Goal 145
"One day at a time."

Lynnette S.
on 7/31/09 1:53 am - Whitesboro, TX

Good Morning OH Family!

Had a wonderful day yesterday! Got to have lunch with our Tracey had a good visit, just not long enough cause I had to go to work. Had a wonderful night at work. It's getting easier and everyone is so nice! It's such a fun job! I get a kick out of watching people. The only trouble I'm having is I'm on my feet most of the night or walking,need to find some really comfy shoes. I bought some Sketchers but they are not comfortable. Can't wait to have lunch with everyone tomorrow! Going to post birthday party invite to celebrate my 50th and found out it's Tracey's birthday that night Yea! So mark your calendar for Sat. Aug 15th 8pm Pete's Dueling Piano Bar in Addison. Might want to meet for dinner before hand. I'm reserving a table so kinda need a head count. Will do a separate post. Well gotta run lots to do before I go to work. Prayers for Dana's sister, continued prayers for our Meggie and Rebecca get well so girls!

Your loved!



Vicki V.
on 7/31/09 2:37 am - Corpus Christi, TX
Good morning fellow Texans,

I'm getting a later than usual start this morning.  Last night was not a good night.  My knee was absolutely killing me so I took two teaspoons of some prescription liquid pain medicine.  It did stop the pain which was good, but it wired me up and I could not sleep.  I finally got out of bed at 2 a.m. and stayed up until about 3:30.  I was still awake at 4.  I finally drifted off after that and slept until 10.  I guess I'm going to call and schedule an appointment with the orthopedic doctor.  I've been postponing for a long time hoping it would just get better on it's own and/or I would find a part-time job.  I don't think I can wait much longer.

I finally seem to have the scale moving in the right direction.  I lost one pound this week.  Not much but better than a gain.  I'm trying to take off a total of 15 pounds that I have gained.  Only 14 more to go.  

Today I need to finish straightening up the house, dust and clean the bathrooms.  Then tomorrow morning I can put fresh sheets on the guest room beds, fresh towels in the bathrooms and sweep the floors before my company arrives. 

No big plans for the weekend.  Since our guests will only be here one night, I might cut out some dresses for Ezra on Sunday.  I bought a couple of really cute patterns and fabric.  I love to sew for little girls. 

Go out and make it a great day ... drink your water ... dehydration can happen to you.

I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity... If knocked down, I will get back up, every time.  – U.S. Navy SEALs

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