Monday Monday WLS EXPRESS

Reporter Q.
on 7/27/09 1:06 am - Azle, TX
Wow, teaching someone to sew.  How awesome.  My first project was a triangular scarf followed by an apron.  What great memories...


Be Kinder than Necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.



Deb *.
on 7/26/09 11:44 pm

Good morning Train Riders!  Posting quick, and hope to get caught up on reading later.  I had every intention of getting up and going to the gym this morning.  My alarm went off at 5am and I swear I thought I hit the snooze.  Turns out I turned the darned thing off.  Woke up again at 6am, guess God decided I needed the extra sleep more.  So, I managed to make it to work on time anyway.  Tonight I get to do VBS for the first time.  I'm working in the nursery for the volunteers kids so I get to play with babies.  Woohoo!

Jeff is going to try to get registered for his one other class today, hopefully he can get it all worked out.  He also found another program that looks like it might be even more suited to his career goals.  It's through Dallas County Community College at Richland College.  It would be a longer drive and more money, but if enough of his classes transfer and they actually offer the degree classes often it might just be worth it.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!


on 7/26/09 11:49 pm - Wylie, TX
Good morning!

I didn't sleep well again last night, good thing I was in bed by 10. Worrying about my mom's health is waking me up. I hope to hear from my brother soon on what some of the results from my mom's test last week. I will give him another hour before I call him. Its going to be a another long day for me, working both jobs. Some day I will only have one, then I won't know what to do with myself lol. I will probably hit the gym for 30 minutes in between jobs, I will either do the elliptical or the bike as I did my 4 miles run/walk yesterday. 

 I can't believe that school starts in under a month and I haven't even begun to shop for school stuff, at least I only have to get the boys clothes this year. I will be starting to shop this Friday with my mother-in-law, they have a $70 credit at office max (he earned that because he buys his office supplies there), she said that we can use towards schools supplies for my nice and boys. I didn't have the heart to tell her that won't go very far lol, but at least its something. The tax free days this year are the weekend just before school starts, I can't wait that long and I will be working anyway. If they really wanted to help they would have those day like a month before school starts. Its going to be a mad house at target.

Everyone have a great day!

Philosophy of life "Treat others like you wish to be Treated" 
              Only you can make yourself happy!!!

Vicki V.
on 7/27/09 1:51 am, edited 7/27/09 1:51 am - Corpus Christi, TX
Good Morning fellow Texans,

No rain here in South Texas.  We're going on 10 months without significant rainfall.  This is the worst drought I've ever seen and we have more than our share of them here in South Texas.  The lake level is so low that the pier is a good 40 yards out of the water.  In good years you can sit on the end of the pier and dangle your feet in the water. 

We had a nice weekend, did a little shopping, went to the movies and finished up with a neighborhood block party last night.  It was a terrible weekend food-wise though.  I did not eat right at all.  Today I'm focusing on protein and water.  My body just doesn't feel right when I eat crap.  And ... the worst part is that my size 12's are now too tight.  I'm afraid to get on the scale. 

I told DH last night that I definitely don't want my old azz back so I'm back on track today. 

For today, laundry is underway.  That will take up most of my day.  I have my monthly book club meeting tonight.  I hope the hostess serves something healthy.

I've invited my husband's cousin and her family to spend the night on Saturday night.  They're on their way to Port Aransas for vacation, but their reservations don't start until Sunday and they want to come on down on Saturday.  That means I've given myself a deadline to get my craft room cleaned out by the end of the week so their kiddos can sleep on the futon.  I've been needing to do it for months and now I have to do it this week.  It's funny how that room just turns into a place to dump stuff, then it drives me crazy. 

Go out and make it a great day!  Make good choices and drink your water ... dehydration can happen to you.

I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity... If knocked down, I will get back up, every time.  – U.S. Navy SEALs

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