Thursday WLS Express - Chooooo Chooooo
I'm at work and the coffee is working today Yea!! I'm usually off from the police dept on Thursday but are filling in while some of the other dispatchers are in class, at least its overtime for me. Then I will be off work my second job. I'm at the tail end of a very long 4 weeks, my first day off will be on Saturday. I'm so looking forward to it; sleeping in, & spending time with my daughter. Going to try and stay on track with the food today and no gym for me (sad face).
Everyone have a great day!
I am flying thru with my hair on fire - running way late today. Stayed up too late last nite after b'day dinner with my brother and then setting up the new pink Dell laptop for DD#1 when I got home. She has 2 degrees, is a [IMHO] brilliant 4th year surgery resident and is totally CLUELESS about the heck can she be THAT clueless and do liver and kidney transplants?!?!? Sheesh!!
Ok, enough about me and my kid - no time for mutiple shout outs - please don't get your feelings hurt. KATHY B - you did a fabulous job this morning on the shout outs - thank you!!! JODIE - only a day and a half more!!!!
DANA - you and your sister and her family are in my thoughts and prayers!!
Love you all - MAKE GOOD CHOICES!!!!!
back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
Hello OH Family!
I'm going to jump on the noon train. I slept until 10am! Yea me! I don't have to be at wor****il 3pm today. I'm really nervous today I leave the orientation room and do my regular job with someone shadowing me. I don't know why I'm so nervous about this job. Just so much to remember! But I know it will get easier the more I do it. It's just completely different from what I've been doing. Well better go get a shower need to run a few errands before I go in. Hope everyone is having a good day. Prayers for Dana's sister today.
Your loved!
I love get togethers but am not liking being in charge. Oh well, it is a tough job but someone has to do it.
Hope you are all doing well talk to you later.
Cindy Mc