Lets Play S.M.E.T
1. Get down on the floor and play with my grand daughter.
2. Stand up long enough to cook dinner.
3. Take the dog for a walk.
4. Look for a job - don't have to worry about that first impression.
5. Take care of my herb garden.
6. Do anything and everything ... live life to the fullest.
I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity... If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. – U.S. Navy SEALs
Visit my blog Grams Made It
1. Cross my legs without thinking about it
2. Let my hubby hug me without thinking about him touching the rolls
3. Be more confident in life
4. Run around all day and not be really tired
5. Go shopping in regular size clothes and know that things will fit
6. Choose to eat the smarter/healthier option because I want to
I ralize something new everyday.
Buy clothes! I no longer hate this! I've created a monster. I always remember walking into a store and having a sales person tell me that "my sizes" were at the back of the store. Here's to her -
Get off the floor! No longer having to get on knees and hands to hoist myself up. Same thing for getting out of the tub and getting out of bed.
Look in the mirror! I don't avoid them anymore. And sometimes don't recognize who I see!
Eat healthier. No longer do I wake up on Monday morning wondering what diet I'm going to try for the week. My VSG doesn't allow me to cheat with those white foods that I now avoid...bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. They plain make me so uncomfortable.
I'm sure there are many more things that I now take for granted!
----Dr. Connie Stapleton, my recovery conscience

"If you're going through hell, keep going!"
----Winston Churchill
"Kindness is the new black."
-----Mally Roncal