Pictures-July BBQ

Stephanie G.
on 7/12/09 9:07 am - Rowlett, TX

Finally got a chance to post some pics.  They're on my profile so take a look.  The final head count for the BBQ was 57 people.  What a fabulous time we had.  I want to thank everyone who brought food or contributed to our expenses. 

We only had one major problem.  We had a plumbing leak and had water dripping down from the upstairs bathroom into our hall and utility room.  Thank God we had 2 plumbers in the house plus a couple other guys that were more than willing to lend a hand.  Looks like the floor is buckled and the ceiling is pretty wet.  We now have a toilet in the upstairs shower and will be calling the home warranty company tomorrow.

Special thanks and shout-outs to the following:

To Becky and Terry for staying here and helping so much with the physical work and for helping me to remain calm and sane.

To Kathy and Lynnette for inviting themselves for an impromptu slumber party.  I haven't had that much fun in years.  (actually stayed up til 3:45 AM after the BBQ).

To Gina, Tacey and Gaye for my BEAUTIFUL picture frame to go in my "peeps" room.

To Lynnette for my sun tea jug and bag-I love them

To Meggie, my surgery twin for my candle, almond Roca and snack mix...yum, yum and yum.  Who could ask for a more fun and thoughtful twinkie.

To Kathy for my birthday card and Starbuck card-you KNOW I love ya even though my birthday's in March!! 

To Jodie for bringing me 25 soft pretzels all the way back from Pennsylvania and for not getting mad when I pushed you in the pool..

To Clay, my hubby of 25 years, that puts up with my crap and cooks some killer brisket and fixes toilets without complaining.

To Yvonne for filming the WORST version of Dancing Queen EVER!!  I'm terrified to see it.  FYI:  The filming took place during the flood so we couldn't rehearse plus the music was too soft.  But all in all, it was hysterically funny cuz we were so BAD.

I pray I haven't left anyone out but I'm sure I have, remember I'm going on 4 hours sleep.  Anyway, once again it was MY PLEASURE to host this event and I look forward to next year's, enjoy the pictures.

RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL

Robin S.
on 7/12/09 10:19 am - Anna, TX
 Stephanie and Clay, Thanks again the party was wonderful. The brisket and all the food, my goodness there was enough to feed a army. i enjoyed visiting with everyone. Sorry to hear about the leak, at least you had some plumbers there, and like you said could not let that ruin your party. O.k. so I am going to R.S.V.P. early for next yr. LOL I enjoyed every bit.
Thanks again, Robin

Kathy B.
on 7/12/09 10:54 am - TX
Steph you are so welcome.. ( i knew you were gonna say I invited myself)
P.S. if you don't want the SBUX card I bet 100 other peeps do.. just sayin..
I love you...

Smile, it increases your face value.

Lynnette S.
on 7/12/09 12:07 pm - Whitesboro, TX


It was so much fun. The only thing, is I never have time to talk to everyone and than I look up and they are gone! Can't believe we stayed up until almost 4am! Clay cooks a killer breakfast! I think we're going to have to keep him around.  Flirty Wink It was so funny Summer called Rick while I was gone this morning and said "Mom sure is going out alot, she didn't get home last weekend until 2:30 and she is gone again this weekend!" Rick set her straight, that after all I do for everyone in the family I deserve to spend time with my friends. I guess he is a keeper too. lol Well better get my clothes laid out for tomorrow, since I'm a "working girl" now.

Your loved!


on 7/12/09 4:01 pm
so glad Rick set her straight! Lord have mercy Sugah, not like you are not ALWAYS there for overnight babysitting, middle of the night babysitting, etc.. You way past deserve it!!!

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

Rebecca Mason
on 7/12/09 1:10 pm - Keokuk, IA

Again Thank you so much for having me again this year... I am so glad I got to come and my hubby to... I can't wait until next year... Loved dancin with you... Clay's brisket was killer and my hubby loved it... There was so much food... We had a blast and it was well worth it... Love ya bunches... See ya at the conference :)

on 7/12/09 3:57 pm
lol Rebecca, you would think you were a party wiht a bunch of food addics or something hehehehe

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

Rebecca Mason
on 7/12/09 11:50 pm - Keokuk, IA
M first year coming to the bbq I was confused... I thought ok we can't eat this much why all this food... Then I thought can't do away with the variety and we eat lil amounts so we r good... just gotta nibble... Then I seen peeps plates and rofl because they still pile their plate... I guess it's a whole mind thing... I love it!!! Had tons of fun and can't wait till next year... 

Ty everyone for the starbucks info that night... Went straight there and man oh man it was good... 
on 7/12/09 1:15 pm - Mesquite, TX
Thanks Steph - you and Clay do an outstanding job at hosting the party!

Glad I got to be a part of it this year and look forward to the next one! 
on 7/12/09 2:43 pm - Galveston, TX
Absolutely AWESOME party!!!

I enjoyed every minute of it!!  I'm glad I could help - felt kinda like when we used to have big pool parties at Mom & Dad's house - nice memories!!!!

I capped off the weekend with an impromptu dinner with out of town friends and a ride on the BULLET roller coaster!!  what a cool weekend!

Thank you again for the fabulous food and for letting me crash at your place!

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