New info/Address-July BBQ
What: Huge BBQ/Swim Party to celebrate my 2 year Surgiversary
When: July 11th. Party starts at NOON and will continue until way past DARK.
Where: 8213 Trail Lake Dr. Rowlett, Tx. (write it down right now, lol)
Who: the invite list currently includes about 60 of my dearest friends. The invite list is currently CLOSED due to shear size BUT if you'd like to come, please let me know cuz I have a feeling a few more people might cancel. If we have some cancellations, I will certainly contact you. Also IF you can not make it, PLEASE let me know so I don't hold a spot for you.
What to bring:
Swimsuits, towels, sunscreen, hats, visors,'s JULY people!!
Food item/side dish
Lawn chairs (PLEASE)
Dry clothes to change into if desired. Esp for the ride home
Adult beverages if desired- please drink in moderation.
***Reminder*** This is an ADULTS ONLY party ***
I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown
Bringing bottle of Raspberry/Chipotle sauce to pour over cream cheese [need to pick up at the store]; will grab some wheat thins or something after I get there. [when I get the cream cheese at the store]
Bringing a couple bottles of Riesling for my adult beverage of choice.
Bringing towel, swimsuits [can't decide which one to wear], jammies and shorts/t-shirts.
Sunscreen and flip flops; camera; laptop.......did I forget anything?!?!?
back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
My beach SAND?? (Don't make a special trip if you don't already have it).
A couple swimsuits might be a good idea. Nothing worse than putting a wet one back on. Also flip flops are a MUST. The concrete around the pool will burn your feet off.
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader