Thanks for the prayers! Love you girl!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney
Good Morning All,
Hope everyone is feeling great this a.m. Not much going on over here excep****ching little girls. Tori, although she's only 15 mos., has seemingly hit the terrible two's early !! Heaven help us! Beginning to get stuff together for Caroline's 3rd birthday party on Sat. a.m. Planned out my castle cake last night Hope it will turn out o.k. All she requests is that it is "purple"!! And that it will be! Have family coming in Fri. for the weekend too. Faith, remembering you as you go through this new stage of your weight loss adventure. I'm sure things will go great. For all others needing prayers, they are going up. Y'all have a great day.
Hope everyone is feeling great this a.m. Not much going on over here excep****ching little girls. Tori, although she's only 15 mos., has seemingly hit the terrible two's early !! Heaven help us! Beginning to get stuff together for Caroline's 3rd birthday party on Sat. a.m. Planned out my castle cake last night Hope it will turn out o.k. All she requests is that it is "purple"!! And that it will be! Have family coming in Fri. for the weekend too. Faith, remembering you as you go through this new stage of your weight loss adventure. I'm sure things will go great. For all others needing prayers, they are going up. Y'all have a great day.
Highest & Surgery/current/Goal: 268/171/160
Good morning Train Riders! My woohoo is that I'm taking control of my food intake again and feeling better mentally for it. I let myself slip back into evening snacking and not tracking food after work. That doesn't work for me, and I decided to get back on board with the better habits. I know the surgery tomorrow will throw me off a little, but I'll stay the course as much as possible.
I'm ready for another busy day today, only one meeting, but I've got a big project I'd like to make a big dent in today. However if it doesn't happen I'm not going to stress over it. The work will be there when I get back.
Planning on going over to Danni's after work today and hanging out, then staying up till midnight drinking as much as I can before I'm NPO. I hate being dehydrated and getting IVs so I'm going to try to load up as much as possible tonight.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
I'm ready for another busy day today, only one meeting, but I've got a big project I'd like to make a big dent in today. However if it doesn't happen I'm not going to stress over it. The work will be there when I get back.
Planning on going over to Danni's after work today and hanging out, then staying up till midnight drinking as much as I can before I'm NPO. I hate being dehydrated and getting IVs so I'm going to try to load up as much as possible tonight.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!