Tuesday WLS express
Good morning everyone,
I can move my neck today without it hurting. Now my neck is very tender from the manipulating it took to get the vertebra back into place, but that will go away. Hopefully it won't come back out and cause the muscle spasms again. ugh. At least I understand why my neck's been hurting for a while now. Just need to take it easy.
Allissa, I was having vertigo issues yesterday too. I don't have meds for it though, just have to close my eyes and wait it out. I think the weather causes mine some.
Saying prayers for all of you. Have a great day everyone.
Good Morning Alissa and the rest of my TMB Family,
I am running a little slow this morning. Actually been up for a while but one of the great things about living on base is I actually get to spend a little time with Mark before he has to leave. Not to much on the agenda for today. I am going to pick up Eric's friend who is coming to spend a couple of nights with us. Also going to drop his Mom at the airport. Have to go by the old house today to make sure the carpet people are doing their job, then tonight we are meeting with the realtor to get the ball rolling and get the house on the market. She wants to take pictures and that kind of stuff. Hope if there is time to take the boys to the pool but if we dont get there today we will for sure go tomorrow. It almost looks like it is going to rain again today. Thank you everyone for praying for my Dad. As of now they have not heard from the hospital as to when the surgery is going to take place. You would have thought they would have planned for the blood to be there when they arranged the surgery a month ago. Doctors/Hospitals sometimes...Shheessshh. I am sure God has his reason for not allowing it to happen when it was supposed to. Mom said he was not feeling all that great. Not sure if it is nerves or not! Oh well please just continue to pray for him. Danni, I am praying for you as the time gets closer for you to move. I think I know some of what you are feeling. How are the kids dealing with it? I bet they are excited to go and be with Dad. Please if I can do anything let me know. Liz, glad to hear you are feeling a little bit back to normal. I am looking forward to seeing you at the BBQ and getting a huge hug! Please continue to take care of you. Anette, I meant to post this yesterday, but congrats on wedding plans. Matt is a lucky guy. Make sure you keep us posted. Nurse Gina, glad you finally got a job working during the day yesterday. Not sure how you manage to do nights, days, nights, I would get pretty confused but then thats me....I get confused easily. Ok time to get a move on. Have a blessed day. Love you guys. Michelle

I'm all unpacked, but have to set up my pop up tent and rinse it off again...darn seagulls! I need to clean my outdoor rug I had under it, too...it's still full of sand.
Next year we decided we're going on a cruise...no food, no dishes, no constantly picking up after 5 teens and Cozumel. The 3 older boys decided they liked it because they'll be legal in Mexico...guess we better book a side trip to keep them buxy while there for the day!
Prayers for Tim's knee, Annette's neck, Bryan's recovery, and Alissa's vertigo to go away.
Can't wait for the BBQ! I'm so glad I get to come this year.
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
Good Morning OH Family!
I just realized I missed the train yesterday. Layla kept me too busy. Carol, don't know how you do it everyday with 3 little ones? Layla is so good natured and a blessing, but very,busy and in to everything! I did not sleep very well last night.When I have the babies I lie awake listening to hear if they wake up and I had the theme song to Mickey Mouse in my head. Kris can relate. Summer's arm is feeling better. I told my family I AM going out Friday night and they will have to take care of themselves! Well better go check on Layla it is quiet in the playroom.
Your loved!
Allie loves the Wonder Pets (you know they creep me out) and the other night that stupid song was stuck in my head allll night! BTW we did see the episode that you were talking about about the puppy that could not get out to pee. Allie just looked at me "like I can't beleive this is on cartoons" lol OK.......time for this grandma to have some "adult time" Friday night I want a biggggg glass of wine, adult conversation and no cartoons!!!! lol
Your loved!
Stopping by before I get busy for the day. Leaving on Thursday for vacation. Got lots to do. Things to prepare for packing. Looks like we are going to do some camping on our way home possibly, so must pull out all the camping gear and see what needs replaced, etc. Going to be quite interesting trip. Not sure how the heck I'm supposed to fit everything into the van. Hubby has faith in me though. Silly man!
Working hard at paying attention to my body. Managed to STOP eating at dinner last night when I got my first full sign. Was nice to feel full but not uncomfortable. Did pretty good with the emotional eating stuff yesterday too. Drank water, walked the dogs and tried to make good (or at least better) choices when I couldn't keep out of the kitchen. Must be doing something right. I've been down a pound for the past couple of days. :) As long as it keeps going down and doesn't creep back up, I'll be happy. Hmmmm...wonder if I can find a spot for MY scale in the van..... LOL
Thanks for the love yesterday. It was just what I needed. I now have a new group on my phone called "TX SOS" for when I'm in TN and my mother is driving me crazy. :) Be ready for texts! LOL
Have a great day. Love and prayers all around. MAKE GOOD CHOICES!!
I am catching the train today. I use to do it everyday. (I think a lot of use to) I look back and I think that it helped me to stay more focused on the wls journey. So, I am going to attempt to do it more.
I am counting down the days to vacation. 2 more and I am officially on vacation. Some people around here at my work have over 5 hours on the books for vacation time. I myself only have 350 hours. I want and need my vacation and I am taking it. We are going to Oklahoma to see the memorial, then to Hot Springs Arkansas to visit a Alligator Farm and then off to Branson Missouri. I got a really good deal. I went there years ago with Kassy (my DD) and I. I had a really good time. My DH is really broke down right now. He has bulging disks in his back with arthritis on his spine to top it off. He informed me yesterday that we might have to go do stuff without him. I told him, I would hate that.. But, it is better than staying home and doing nothing on your vacation.
I hate that I am missing the dinner and Petes piano bar on Friday. But, hey.. I must go on vacation..
Terri Ann... glad you did not get stranded anywhere awful with your dead battery.
Tracey I miss you..I hope we get to see you around more than we have lately. The same goes for Jenn D!!!!!!!!!!!!
Allysa my dad had vertigo.. But, luckily it went away. The doc said something about the water in his ears needed to level out. Yes, we really do all have water in our ears....
Dani.. I am already missing you.
Dana LA where are you??
Tanya you are back from vacation.?? Right?? Where are ya.????
Stephanie.. you are too funny posting the dance for us to practice to..
Annette I am excited for you and all that you have ahead of you.
Gina I wish we could do more things.. You would think with your new job we could???
Lynnette.. I hate that I don't get to see you again.. Since I won't be at the dinner Friday..
Karla I loved the pix on Facebook from your vacation. Thanks for sharing.
Charlene are you ever going to get back on the boards like you use to?? You are missed..
Loralea again thanks so much for having us all at your house. Doug loved meeting everyone..
For anyone I missed.. I love you and you know it..
P.S. Any chance of all of us getting together for pedicures in the next couple of days??
I have to remember "My Friends are like stars.. I know they are there... I just can't always see them".. Hugs
Smile, it increases your face value.