Monday WLS Express
Add to that the emotional eating and YIKES!! Why is it we can only eat a certain amount of "good food" and we can eat tons of junk???? UGH!!!
Love ya lady!! Today is a new day and we are both going to do better!!!
I feel your pain in dealing with Dementia issues!!

I believe that even though Mom is in the advanced stages, she feels the love around her. I do remember the combative years and we had no idea what was going on. Wish I had been a little more "aware".
Drive safe!!!

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“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
I think what's so difficult right now is that I see what's going on, but she doesn't. She thinks everything is she is fine but that we don't care about her. Total victim mentality. Never mind how she verbally abuses us, the fights she starts with us, the mean things she continually says.... If you dare to disagree, OMG!! The stories I could tell you from the past 2 years... Sometimes, I wonder if it IS dementia or if she's just a mean bitter ugly old woman who wants everyone else to be as miserable as she is. I didn't make the choices she made. It's not MY fault she's in the situation she claims she's in. So, why am I having to pay for it?
Wow, where did that rant come from? Can you tell I'm stressed about going to TN? I tell ya, if I could avoid it, I would!! I'd rather just see my in-laws and skip my family! Sad, but true. Oh well..... Gotta go do what's right. Might as well suck it up, put on my big girl panties and smile my way thru it.

Just love her and don't let her push your buttons!
back in Galveston
Current Galveston weather from the Weather Channel
“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
Just wanted to give you a smile if i could.. but know that every bit of what i said was true. I been there, and it just SUCKS!
Love you gilr!!
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
Thanks for the smile hon. Sorry you had to go thru this too. Seems we keep finding more and more stuff in common, huh? Are we long lost sistahs or what? :)
BTW, how are you feeling today?
Feeling much better today. Ran to the drug store already.. already hot out there. wanna get some things done today.. but careful not to over do.
Thanks for checking!
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice