You can look under recent posts, and there were some from aroun 2:00 am this morning. Any of those will take you back to the rest. I, like my friends here, am lacking in entertainment lately. It made for interesting reading and "character" study...liberal use of the term character here.
285 / 250 / 164 / 142
(2 mos. pre-op / surgery date / current / goal)
My Message to You -- shared by Loralea
I've blocked folks before and if I have the desire to I probably will again but I'm really BORED somedays and have taken on the title "Drama Mama", lmao hence why I've joined Cindy and Sharyn on the R&R board. It appears I'm not alone since I see some others there "occassionally".
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining