In a slump....
It's been awhile since I first introduced myself.... I'm Tommie =) .... ok now since that is out of the way...
I had surgery 5/11 and I've lost around 40 lbs since which I'm so happy with... It seems like I just can't get enough food/protein/water in anymore. I drink all day and when I total the water up it's maybe 20 oz. Protein drinks I can force one 8oz down but after that I'm full the rest of the day and it's hard to make myself eat.
I'm not supposed to weigh myself but it's a guilty pleasure of mine I know bad bad bad... But the scale hasn't seemed to move in the last week....
So what I'm asking any ideas on how to get the protein I need in with the calories that are going to promote some kind of loss. I'm really getting sad about this and I know in the long run this was my best decision but right now it's hard to get that in my head... Plus my husband is sick of me complaining.
I also am going to the gym at least 3 times a week and doing cardio an hour.... I'm forcing myself to make it at least 5 times a week but with kids home for the summer sometimes that is harder than it sounds..
Thank you in advance =)
Tommie =)
If you're only getting 20 oz of water in a day that's not enough. That's like drinking just over 1 individual bottle a day. Can you physically not swallow more or does it just make you feel full? The reson for your stall is that you are probably in starvation mode. If you can't physically swallow but a sip every 30 minutes, then you need to see your doctor. If it's just you get busy and forget to drink, then set your kitchen timer for every 15 minutes to remind you to sip. I used to put 6 water bottles in my fridge each night and wouldn't let myself go to bed the next night until they were all gone.
As far as protein goes, try the bullets. I know they're nasty but they get you what you need in a few sips. You can also dilute them with crystal light but if you're having trouble drinking that might not be an option. Chicken is very high in protein if you can tolerate it. A little goes a long way to boost your daily totals. Also try cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, lunch meat. etc. You have to get sufficient calories and fluids in so your body will allow the weight to drop.
Good luck and keep posting. We're here to help.
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
It's TOO DARN HOT here in Texas to only drink 20oz of water- even without surgery and weight loss!!!!! ESPECIALLY if your exercising!!!! Remember most ALL clear FLUIDS count toward your water intake - surely your getting in more than that!!!!! VERY BAD things will happen with your gallbladder and your kidneys if your not drinking more - You might get stones in both - OUCH!!!! Dehydration is very serious and can put you in the hospital FAST!!!! - that may be one of the reasons that you are having trouble eating???? Remember there are two major ways that lost fat can exit your body - SWEATING and Urination!!!!! Both require water to carry them out.
Your doing AWESOME with the weight loss and exercise!!!!!! Now try HARD to pick up on the fluids- you will feel MUCH BETTER and your body will thank you for it!!!!
Hang in there - and go get a glass of something liquid

Laurie J
I know it sounds strange but you aren't losing right now because to me it doesn't sound like you are getting in enough calories especially with the exrecise you are doing. If you will try and increase you calories just a little I bet you see the scales start to drop. And as far as weighing. I am nearly 2 years out and I still weigh daily. It keeps it real for me.
Keep coming with your questions and concerns. An WAY TO GO on the 40 pounds lost!!! Keep up the good work.
You HAVE to start getting in more fluids first off !!!! You can dehydrate very easy in the summer ( well...anytime of the year for that matter ). Are you counting your protein shakes as fluids???? You can do that also if you weren't told that. You can make your protein shakes with milk too if you are using water for that. It makes them a little richer in taste plus you will get added protein from the milk. If you have a Kroger nearby....try their brand of CarbMaster is 80 calories and you get 12 grams of protein ( which is alot ) in that one small container. As for weighing all the time.....please don't do that till you are past the one yr mark. Your weight will go up and down almost daily during the first few months after surgery. It will only frustrate you. Good luck with your journey.
Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian
Vivian Prouty Obesity Help Support Group Coach "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"