Kathy B.
on 6/23/09 11:07 pm - TX
My first Woo Hoo (it was 5 1/2 yrs ago)  that I can remember is that I could put my arms around and reach the middle of my back area. I remember standing in front of the mirror and saying "Wow I'm not that big anymore."
I have to get off of here for now. (at work) I will have to go back read later.
I hope you all have a great Wednesday.
Alissa I am so excited for Brian.
Lynnette I am so happy you got to go to the concert.
Tracey, you seem to be off to having some fun this summer.
Loralea glad your having a after party.
Jodie don't work so hard. I wish you could come Saturday..
Dani I already miss you.
Stephanie I hope Doug come Friday so he can meet Clay and harrass him like he harrassess me.
Gina don't work too hard.
Liz I'm glad you are feeling better.
Terry Ann is it as hot down there as it is up here.
Becky stop missing Emm so much and go have some fun.
Jenn where the hell are you??
Debbie good for you on doing the morning walks. You never you know you might be inspiring someone that just lurks here and they say "you know what, if they can do it.. I can do it.
Annette I am so happy for you.. I met my husband right after my mom passes away. I'm sure she is very happy with your choice..
Charlene do you need another audio cd to listen to?? I am almost done with Fireproof. Doug and I are actually listening to it together.

Smile, it increases your face value.

on 6/24/09 12:12 am - DFW, TX
Hey Girl!! I love you sooo much!
I have been having fun! We've been at the lake almost every weekend. I've been going places with all the kids. The time together and the solace at the lake has been really good for the healing process for all of us.
He gets home from work everyday around 2, so whenever he gets home we go run errands or he spoils me with another cup of Starbucks. It's been a great summer!
Call me sometime- we need to do dinner or something
Love you!

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney 

Jennifer M.
on 6/23/09 11:21 pm - Little Elm, TX
Mornin, yall!

I am having some girl time with a friend's little girl.  She is very sweet.  She cracks me up.  We are gonna go to the movies to see Up, then to lunch, then Sam Moon!  WooHoo!  Any excuse to go to Sam Moon, yanno.  

My big woohoo is that we went to do a service project with the kids during 30 Hour Famine, and shirts were handed out.  I was handed a large.  The fat girl in me panicked.  Then I tried it on, and it fit!  Holy Crap!  I am pretty sure they were made large, but still!  

Another woohoo is that I am finally able to eat about 8 ounces at a time more often than not.  That kinda scares me, but if we are gonna have a baby, I have to be able to eat my nutrition and the baby's, so...I guess it's kinda necessary.

I remember Doctor T telling me that my goal was 8 ounces in 30 minutes, 3 times a day.  I am almost there.

Prayers for all who need them!


on 6/23/09 11:26 pm
 did i miss a post somewhere? you preggo?

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

Jennifer M.
on 6/24/09 5:59 am - Little Elm, TX

We are cleared by Dr. B to start trying in January.  I am just getting my ducks in a row so that I am ready when the time comes.

on 6/23/09 11:38 pm
hey yall,
been readin instead of postin lol.  Slept a lil last nite, but had a coughin fit that left me with a horrid headache! I think the remninats of bein without electricity for most of yesterday caught up with me!. Was onna have coffee with Holly, but she nicely agreed to postponin till tomorrow! She's such a sweet lady! Im lookin forward to some coffee time!! Not to mention i havent had starbucks since i left dfw a few weeks ago!!! I will be on the sofa all day suckin my breathin machine if anyone needs me lol. 

As for woohoos, soooooooo many in the last few years (thank god! lol) My best one is all the fabulous friends i have made on here!. If you dont believe me, check out my thread from yesterday!  lol.  Did i not tell yall how fabulous my FAMILY is?? :)

My lastest 2 woohoos are from my mom lol.  She wasnt totally for me havin WLS. Bein a MOM, she had watched me try about a million things over the years and nothin worked, she knew this was literally a last resort, and she was afraid of what would happen if this didnt work.  Well now she tells anyone who will listen about the surgery and 'you should talk to my daugter about it!". So im forever gettin emails from people she sent me lol. 
The other one is.. even after 3 1.2 years, she's still not used to my portion sizes. SHe thinks the reason i have pneumonia is coz 'you dont eat'. Im sure it has nothin to do with stress, NO SLEEP etc lol. She calls me daily for a food diary lol.  And she wonders why i didnt wanna recoup at her house lol. 
Oh also, she has lost some weight as well thanks to some subtle changes.  She called last nite and said her doc told her she needed to increase her protein intake thanks to some bloodwork she had done.  She says 'ok so you need to fix me up some of those sample things you do for your friends, and write down how i mix it and stuff, coz you know i cant drink those nasty drinks lol) I absolutely cracked up!

So, those are just some of my woohoos.  I have lost about 214lbs now and  my 69 year old mom has made some positive changes in her life for her health and heart (exercises now, eats better etc).  I think those are some fabulous woohoos :)
love to all!

When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my  life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice

Lynnette S.
on 6/24/09 12:51 am - Whitesboro, TX

Good Morning OH Family!

My woohoo is that last night had a great time at the Eric Clapton concert! The crowd was mostly my age or baby boomers. The funny thing was that the difference in this concert compared to if you went in the 70's instead of everyone passing a joint around there was a steady stream of people going back and forth the the bathrooms. lol Let's see..... one of my first woohoo's was going to a conference where people had not seen me in a while and the shocked expressions and comments from everyone. Also, being able to fit in an airline seat with room to spare and being able to put the tray down with room to spare. Did not get in the bed until 2am so I'm moving a little slow today. Need to go run some errands after a few more cups of coffee. Make sure you drink lots of water today. I did not drink enough yesterday and legs cramped all night. Prayers for those with the crude. Try and stay cooooooooool.

Your loved!


 Hula Hoop 

Michelle S.
on 6/24/09 1:14 am - Burkburnett, TX

Good Morning Alissa and my TMB Family,

Better late then not at all I guess.  I got a late start and had to be at the PT office at 8:00 for the electrodes in my back.  What a wonderful thing that machine is and it makes me feel so good.  Then a few exercises and it starts hurting again!  Have to do what the doc ordered though.  Liz I love hearing the story of your Mom and your weight loss.  Its nice to know our Mom's are there for us no matter what.   My Mom was totally against me having surgery as well, and I am not 100% convinced she is for it now just cause I have had so many problems with ulcers and my tummy in general.  Needless to say I would not change a thing.  For the first time in 51 years I am happy with the way I look, happy with my life style and just happy with life in general.   I think my first huge WooHoo was looking in the mirror and not seeing a double chin!  Sounds silly I know but when I was big and I would look in the mirror that is all I would see is my FAT face.  Then of course getting close that were not in the big ladies section of the store.  I love being able to go to the juniors department.  Ok well not much else going on here.  Got some laundry to do.  May take Eric and his friend to the pool later but we will see.  I got pretty sunburned yesterday after only 2 hours in the sun.  Normally I dont burn.  So we will see how I feel later.  Liz I am so glad you are on the mend.  You are going to be at the BBQ at Steph's right?  It will probably be my last trip to Dallas before we leave so would like a chance to get to see you!  Please continue to take care of yourself and do just what the doctor ordered!  Prayers for all the others in need this morning.  Have a blessed day.  Love you guys.  Michelle





Vicki V.
on 6/24/09 1:15 am - Corpus Christi, TX
Morning all,

I slept until 9 this morning, so I'm jumping on the caboose again.  I've finished breakfast and am waiting a few more minutes until I can have my first cup of coffee.  Sitting here working on my grocery list.

I'm trying to remember my first woo-hoo.  There have been so many over the past two and a half years that its hard to remember which was first, but I really think it was being able to see my feet when I was walking. 

It's time to go make my coffee.  I love my Keurig brewer.  One cup, quick and delicious! 

Hope you all have a great day.  Remember to make good choices.

I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity... If knocked down, I will get back up, every time.  – U.S. Navy SEALs

Visit my blog Grams Made It

Kris M.
on 6/24/09 4:17 am - Near Dallas, TX
Like most days in my life I'm late and missed the train...had to take a cab to the next stop to catch the caboose!

My first major woo hoo was when my daughter hugged me around my waist and was able to grab her hands.  She squeeled and yelled...it was great.  Now my 7 yr old does that too and even tries to pick me up...LMAO!

My current woo hoo is I got a TINY unfill(.4cc) the other day and I can now eat again without getting stuck!!  I can drink my liquids without getting stuck on them!  Yippee!!  I've already had almost 16oz of coffee and some water.  Now that I can get in more than 600 cals I might get this last 10 lbs off!!

Hoping Liz gets her energy back so she can get up here SOONEST!

Kris M.   Ignorance is bliss...but not when you're aware of it!!
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