The NIGH****CHMAN - Tuesday 6/23
Oleta's mom had her tracheotomy (I can't believe one of the nurses haven't corrected my spelling if it is wrong. LOL) today. It went fine. They are now talking the next step is a feeding tube and they are thinking of going directly to the intestines. Don't know what that is all about, but I figure if they are going feeding tube, she will be in the hospital a while (feel free to correct me).
Rangers play later tonight, so I will have to follow the game on
Guess I should go back to work now. For a few minutes at least.
Our day was kind of rough after the celebrating. So I will start off with the fun part. Went to church, stopped at Brad's (they overslept and did not make church) to say hi. Then left to go to Penny's house. Mary got on the cell phone and told them we were on our way. Penny said they were almost at our house. Thank God for cell phones, otherwise they would have been at our house, while we were at their's. We ended up going to Spring Creek BBQ for lunch, then to the house to watch the Rangers together. They lost.
Brad called and said Oleta had texted him to get in touch with the pastor, she needed to see him ASAP. Her mother took a turn for the worse. Oleta spoke with the pastor, and they are going to speak to the doc's either today or tomorrow about lessening the medications her mother is on, in an effort to get her in a more coherent condition to make decisions about what to do. Primarily regarding life support.
Please pray hard for Oleta during this time. Pray for Brad that he is there for Oleta. And pray for Mary. She has had the grandkids every day except 3, for the last 3 weeks. She has had little time to herself, but she keeps on going.
Sorry to babble on so long, I may be back later with more info.
Prayer requests are listed below.
Also, please feel free to just visit here. Tell us about how your day went. Your successes. Your failures. Your fun. Whatever. When I post this thread, I do not have access to any chat programs, so this sometimes substitute as that vessel for me.
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
Vicki V.
Jennifer - (Cruise Director Julie) - making decisions on possible positions.
Those who are not yet unemployed, but layoffs are looming
Anne -(Lalocaweta) - Please pray for her as she undergoes treatment for a medical problem she is facing.
Dana - requests prayer for her sister, Renee. She had tumor on her jaw removed. Now needs jaw reconstruction on 7/23 - (10 hour surgery scheduled).
Debra - has been put on no work by doctor due to memory loss that is related to recent hospitalization. Also, with the no work comes less pay. Prayers for the financial side of the situation.
George - prayers for Oleta J., Brad's MIL. She is in JPS with pneumonia and COPD among other health issues. On 6/14 they removed liquid from her lungs and the area around her lungs. Also pray for Brad's wife, also Oleta. She is a sweetheart. Give her strength at this time.
Janet (1divaatheart) - her husband's kidney will be removed on 7/16, followed by lots of followup.
Jill - pray for Jill this coming week as she leaves for her annual 6 weeks back home, with the kids.
Karen (Misty750342002) - A friend of Karen's from work (who is like a son to her), Dustin Murphy, is 24 years old and has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease.
Meggie - friend Nancy is in assisted living home and is on her last days. Pray for Meggie's family also as they try to fight through this.
Ramon - has strayed after 15 years of sobriety. He is now sober for 32 days, but very tempted. Pray for him to make the right decisions.
SandiB - prayers for her as she has some personal concerns right now.
Vicki V. - husband Patrick has Ataxia and Neuropathy of the left side. Which basically means he has virtually no feeling in his left leg and foot. Experiencing fatigue.
Vanessa (Butterfly Reborn) - requests prayer for her family. There were no specifics, but I am sure the Lord knows.
Below are two of God's children that definitely need our prayers. These are two specific cases, we know there are others out there. Remember them too.
Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2. She has improved, but still needs our prayers. Pray for this brave little girl.
Vanessa - We have all followed the story of Elizabeth. Here is her Caringbridge page:
Checking in from Missouri which is our stopping point for tonight. Aside of a problem early this morning (had a dead battery before even leaving the house!!!) which set us back a bit, all was ok. Traffic wasn't too horrible but it was definitely hot. Temps were around 102 and at one point 105 going through Arkansas. UUUUGH! Kids did really good. Sarah was actually a bit car sick so opted not to eat much all day. She is fine now that we're out of the car. Dad took her down to the pool. I'll be headed there in a bit myself. Not for the pool, but a very hot, bubbly whirlpool! Just what the body needs after sitting in a car for 12 hours. Tomorrow we "only" have about a five hour drive but having done this many times, it seems like the second day feels longer than the first! Hoping to be at mom and dad's by early afternoon tomorrow.

Whirlpool was VERY relaxing! Going to hit the hay since I didn't get much sleep last night since I was doing last minute stuff. Will check with ya' tomorrow! I'm hoping in a very short amount of time I'll be doing this....

I've been having issues with keeping things down the past few days... maybe it's just "stress"... who knows. This toooooo shall pass!
Have a good evening I'm going back to BED!
*Strength... it's inside, beside, behind and all around me*
I had a depressing morning, but then a productive afternoon helped turn it around for me.
I was required to attend a seminar at the Texas Workforce Commission. It was not only a major waste of time and gas, I was informed while I was there that I have to report *in person* to a job counselor each week to receive my unemployment benefits. But, I'm not allowed to make an appointment. I just have to show up and wait. I'm not pleased. So, now, I get to drive 42.1 miles roundtrip once a week to sit, wait and get a listing of $10/hour jobs. That's a wonderful use of my job seeking time.
When I got home, I finished up some of the other required stuff they gave me while I was there. Applied for a bunch of jobs and then goofed off until Michael got home around 3pm. (He'd gone into the office today.)
At 3, I changed out of my pretty clothes and started unloading the master bedroom to prep it for painting. In about an hour, I had it unloaded, dusted and vacuumed. We went to Home Depot tonight to pick up some supplies we'd run out of (roller covers, tape) and 2 more gallons of paint since we were running out. Tomorrow morning, I'll get up and do my usual job search stuff and then start taping it. The plan is to get the ceiling painted tomorrow and the walls done on Thursday. We'll see, if the ceiling goes fast, we may be able to start on the walls tomorrow as well. The plan is to call the realtor on Friday.
I'll be around for a while tonight. Prayers for all who need them.
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?