The NIGH****CHMAN 6/8
Hey George...
Just finishing up filling out a ton of paperwork for the girls' sports physicals tomorrow. Heather couldn't care less about going, V on the other hand...noooot so much wanting to go. She HATES the pediatrician since the lady nags her about her weight. I reminded her that's her job to nag/encourage better eating and as long as we tell her that she is actively exercising and has drastically changed her eating, that should suffice.
Heather had her first day of driver's ed. She said it was "interesting"..whatever THAT meant! I did get the low down on all the things we'll need just to get the stupid permit though....birth certificate, verification of enrollment at her high school (luckily school staff is still there!!!), copy of insurance, blah, blah, blah... Paul had her use the riding mower this weekend. Not too bad but heard Paul screaming at her and running towards the mower a few times to do a little fast action corrections. I couldn'****ch. Just envisioned my riding mower taking a nose dive into the pool! She did clip one of my newer trees I planted last year. Didn't run it over completely but did smack it pretty good. She was looking to her right as she was driving and wasn't paying attention to what the heck was in FRONT of her.
I know it was the first time she was on it and all, but geez oh Pete, when Paul yells to her, "STOP", he wants her to STOP and not continue on wanting an explanation of WHY she has to stop. Good grief.
Not so early tomorrow but the girls' physicals are supposed to be early afternoon which means if they are to do their bloodwork for cholesterol and all, that means nothing by mouth until then so I need to call the doc early AM to see if she wants them to come in just to get that part done beforehand. If not that means I'll have to come on a separate day which means a separate co-pay. No thanks!!! I'm sure they will go ahead and let me know what to have done. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and they will take them early. They'd have to be done by 10 am though as Heather CANNOT be late to that class!!!
See ya!
Just finishing up filling out a ton of paperwork for the girls' sports physicals tomorrow. Heather couldn't care less about going, V on the other hand...noooot so much wanting to go. She HATES the pediatrician since the lady nags her about her weight. I reminded her that's her job to nag/encourage better eating and as long as we tell her that she is actively exercising and has drastically changed her eating, that should suffice.
Heather had her first day of driver's ed. She said it was "interesting"..whatever THAT meant! I did get the low down on all the things we'll need just to get the stupid permit though....birth certificate, verification of enrollment at her high school (luckily school staff is still there!!!), copy of insurance, blah, blah, blah... Paul had her use the riding mower this weekend. Not too bad but heard Paul screaming at her and running towards the mower a few times to do a little fast action corrections. I couldn'****ch. Just envisioned my riding mower taking a nose dive into the pool! She did clip one of my newer trees I planted last year. Didn't run it over completely but did smack it pretty good. She was looking to her right as she was driving and wasn't paying attention to what the heck was in FRONT of her.

Not so early tomorrow but the girls' physicals are supposed to be early afternoon which means if they are to do their bloodwork for cholesterol and all, that means nothing by mouth until then so I need to call the doc early AM to see if she wants them to come in just to get that part done beforehand. If not that means I'll have to come on a separate day which means a separate co-pay. No thanks!!! I'm sure they will go ahead and let me know what to have done. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and they will take them early. They'd have to be done by 10 am though as Heather CANNOT be late to that class!!!
See ya!
I added you, Heather and Paul to the prayer list. At least for a week. Patience is very important at this time of her life. Your patience and Paul's patience.
Thursday and Friday Brad has 7 cars to detail. So he told Eddie he could come with him and help and he would give him $5 per car for helping. Eddie is all for earning money. I told Brad, remember, you asked him to help. Do not get upset if he does not do the work to your standards. You will always expect better of him. I know. You were my son. Told him keeping his patience is 100% necessary. Hope that goes all right.
Sports physicals already? Geez, they don't waste any time, do they? How often do they have practice during the summer?
Thursday and Friday Brad has 7 cars to detail. So he told Eddie he could come with him and help and he would give him $5 per car for helping. Eddie is all for earning money. I told Brad, remember, you asked him to help. Do not get upset if he does not do the work to your standards. You will always expect better of him. I know. You were my son. Told him keeping his patience is 100% necessary. Hope that goes all right.
Sports physicals already? Geez, they don't waste any time, do they? How often do they have practice during the summer?
Well "officially" the team tennis coach can't do five days a week as he normally does because he is teaching summer school. The Mon-Fri stuff doesn't start until August. Even though my girls are going up to my parents' this summer with me (annual trek up home), they play four days a week at a tennis club up there. The two older girls play the max they offer which is Mon-Thur, 1.5 hours a day, and then Sarah plays the max they offer for her age group which is two days a week. She'd play four, too, if they'd allow her to!
Sarah actually starts a tennis clinic here in Katy starting next Monday. It's a huuuge step for her as it is four hours a day M-F but they do, obviously, stop for breaks, more if it is extremely hot. The guy who runs it has my number on his cell phone so if she couldn't handle it for any reason, he'll call me right away. We told her if she goes the first day and doesn't like it, or can't handle that much each day and needs to sit out for a bit, then whatever she wants to do. She is the one *****ally wanted to do this "camp" so we'll see how she likes it after next Monday! She'll probably come home and crash out on the couch!!! That kiddo has just jumped up their ladder very quickly. I definitely don't want to burn her out so she knows SHE makes the call on how much she wants to play. Of course, having her two sisters there playing makes all the difference in the world, too. Those two are there too so of course she wants to hang with the "big kids"!
The sports physicals are a pain in the butt. They have to be in the coach's hands on or before (preferably) August 1st. Since we'll be out of town until the 3rd, I have to get this stuff to him ahead of time so if we need something else, he has time to let me know before we go. If not, V will not be allowed to play until all the necessary paperwork is in. Heather's stuff is there from last year as far as proof of residency and all, but a new physical is required every year, basically due right after school is over! Once we get back, I think they actually have one week of only having practice twice a week and then boom, it goes to M-F, buuuut, the guy is doing practice for all the kids, both JV and Varsity, from 6-8 pm so not in the heat of the day. Muuuch better! It becomes "mandatory" after the 17th. That's when it's crucial to go because he slots the kids in the ladder position so they play each other in challenge matches to earn spots on either Varsity or JV. VERY stressful for the kids if you ask me, but that's how it is. He has to decide who is on Varsity and who is slotted on JV because their first day of school is the 24th of August, then the first Varsity match is the very next day. God help me if V gets on Varsity before Heather.... I'll have no hair if that happens!!!
Sarah actually starts a tennis clinic here in Katy starting next Monday. It's a huuuge step for her as it is four hours a day M-F but they do, obviously, stop for breaks, more if it is extremely hot. The guy who runs it has my number on his cell phone so if she couldn't handle it for any reason, he'll call me right away. We told her if she goes the first day and doesn't like it, or can't handle that much each day and needs to sit out for a bit, then whatever she wants to do. She is the one *****ally wanted to do this "camp" so we'll see how she likes it after next Monday! She'll probably come home and crash out on the couch!!! That kiddo has just jumped up their ladder very quickly. I definitely don't want to burn her out so she knows SHE makes the call on how much she wants to play. Of course, having her two sisters there playing makes all the difference in the world, too. Those two are there too so of course she wants to hang with the "big kids"!
The sports physicals are a pain in the butt. They have to be in the coach's hands on or before (preferably) August 1st. Since we'll be out of town until the 3rd, I have to get this stuff to him ahead of time so if we need something else, he has time to let me know before we go. If not, V will not be allowed to play until all the necessary paperwork is in. Heather's stuff is there from last year as far as proof of residency and all, but a new physical is required every year, basically due right after school is over! Once we get back, I think they actually have one week of only having practice twice a week and then boom, it goes to M-F, buuuut, the guy is doing practice for all the kids, both JV and Varsity, from 6-8 pm so not in the heat of the day. Muuuch better! It becomes "mandatory" after the 17th. That's when it's crucial to go because he slots the kids in the ladder position so they play each other in challenge matches to earn spots on either Varsity or JV. VERY stressful for the kids if you ask me, but that's how it is. He has to decide who is on Varsity and who is slotted on JV because their first day of school is the 24th of August, then the first Varsity match is the very next day. God help me if V gets on Varsity before Heather.... I'll have no hair if that happens!!!
Thank you, you are in my prayers also. I know HE has the perfect job for both of us, I just have to keep reminding myself, it's in HIS time not mine. It's just hard, damn it, I'm so there with you!!
George, Thanks!! I hope you and Mary had a great anniversary!! I pray one day I will be as blessed as you and Mary are.
Thank you, you are in my prayers also. I know HE has the perfect job for both of us, I just have to keep reminding myself, it's in HIS time not mine. It's just hard, damn it, I'm so there with you!!
George, Thanks!! I hope you and Mary had a great anniversary!! I pray one day I will be as blessed as you and Mary are.