It's official! I am on the loser's bench
Hey all! I got home from Houston on Friday, but haven't reall felt like posting until now. I swear my aunt hit every pot hole between Houston and Beaumont. Thank God for liquid Lortab and pillows. Everything went great in surgery. I am major sore (like I went 5 rounds with Mike Tyson), but nothing I can't handle. Even the gas hasn't been too bad. Living on sugarfree popsicles, propel water, and chicken broth. Looking forward to getting on with my life and getting healthy at a thinner weight. On a funny note, 3 nurses in the holding area said I wasn't big enough to be having bypass surgery. One even lifted up the sheet to see. It was kinda funny. The anesthesiologist came in and said the happy juice was going to give me "heavy butt syndrome." I told her I already had heavy butt syndrome and that was why I was there in the first place.
Julie, glad you posted I've been enquiring to Liz and Terry Ann "have you heard from Julie". Sounds like you are doing pretty good, keep sipping those liquids and walking as you can.
Congrats and Welcome to the loser's bench!
Congrats and Welcome to the loser's bench!
Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05
9 years committed ~ 100% EWL and Maintaining
hey lady!
For some reason, your aunt's vmail just came thru today!!!!! UGH! anyway, so glad you are home safe and sound. Sorry about the pot holes, i remember those days well!
Welcome to the losers side!!!!
For some reason, your aunt's vmail just came thru today!!!!! UGH! anyway, so glad you are home safe and sound. Sorry about the pot holes, i remember those days well!
Welcome to the losers side!!!!
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice