Jumpstart June
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
Well I can't report good compliance on all of my goals this week yet. I have been staying at or under the 1800 cals, so that's good.
I've been having some weird late evening intense abdominal muscle cramps the last couple days so I have not been to the gym. Heating pads on the stomach seem to make them feel better, so that's what I've been doing instead.
I've also not put time aside to do my Bible reading like I said I would. I get a daily devotional emailed to me, so I am reading that, but not spending as much time studying as I really want to. Since I'm the one who controls my time I'm the only one who can make my schedule work and that's what I need to do.
On a positive note, I'm back down 7lbs from the 10lb I put on over the weekend. I hate water weight!!! I'm still 3lbs higher than I was, but I'm continuing to push fluids to try to get that out.