Tuesday 6/2 Nigh****ch Assistant
Good evening everyone.
I've had a pretty rotten day. Apparently, having a good Monday caught up with me and ruined my Tuesday. The Red Wings even lost, so it's been a bust all around.
On to tonight's prayer requests. I'll be around for a while, so please pop in and let me know how you are.
Prayer requests are listed below.
I do ask that you keep me updated on requests. Often. Please.
Also, please feel free to just visit here. Tell us about how your day went. Your successes. Your failures. Your fun. Whatever. When I post this thread, I do not have access to any chat programs, so this sometimes substitute as that vessel for me.
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
James - Phyllis' "friend"
Jennifer - (Cruise Director Julie)
Those who are not yet unemployed, but layoffs are looming
Anne -(Lalocaweta) - Please pray for her as she undergoes treatment for a medical problem she is facing.
Cindy Mc - a coworker has a 5 yr old son who was diagnosed at 3 with Metastatic Retinoblastoma. He lost his right eye, but through chemo and radiation it was thought the cancer was gone. It is back and spreading in his brain. There is no cure and they are treating him with some oral Chemo medication right now. I am just asking that you pray for Isaac Xavuer Vasques-Grimmett. He is a precious little boy who has been through a whole lot of difficult times in his 5 short years. We are praying for a miracle but if we can't get that... For God's mercy and grace to keep this precious little boy and his family from suffering too much. Update: Isaac did not qualify for the program they were attempting to go to at St Jude's. Please continiue prayers.
Dana - requests prayer for her sister, Renee. She had tumor on her jaw removed. Now needs jaw reconstruction on 7/23 - (10 hour surgery scheduled).
Debra - has been put on no work by doctor due to memory loss that is related to recent hospitalization. Also, with the no work comes less pay. Prayers for the financial side of the situation.
Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2. She has improved, but still needs our prayers. Pray for this brave little girl.
Janet (1divaatheart) says her husband's tumor is shrinking (Praise God!). Pray for her family as they deal with the passing of her father (5/17).
Karen (Misty750342002) - A friend of Karen's from work (who is like a son to her), Dustin Murphy, is 24 years old and has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease.
Prplecat asks prayer for her health battles as well as the family's move to Wichita Falls.
Vicki V. - husband Patrick continues to have health problems. Update on Patrick. His most recent diagnosis from the neurologist is Ataxia and Neuropathy of the left side. Which basically means he has virtually no feeling in his left leg and foot - probably the results of both a broken femur (more than 30 years ago) and his more recent heart and lung surgeries and the bed confinement from all of those.
Vanessa (Butterfly Reborn) - requests prayer for her family. There were no specifics, but I am sure the Lord knows.
Vanessa - We have all followed the story of Elizabeth. Here is her Caringbridge page:
I've had a pretty rotten day. Apparently, having a good Monday caught up with me and ruined my Tuesday. The Red Wings even lost, so it's been a bust all around.
On to tonight's prayer requests. I'll be around for a while, so please pop in and let me know how you are.
Prayer requests are listed below.
I do ask that you keep me updated on requests. Often. Please.
Also, please feel free to just visit here. Tell us about how your day went. Your successes. Your failures. Your fun. Whatever. When I post this thread, I do not have access to any chat programs, so this sometimes substitute as that vessel for me.
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
James - Phyllis' "friend"
Jennifer - (Cruise Director Julie)
Those who are not yet unemployed, but layoffs are looming
Anne -(Lalocaweta) - Please pray for her as she undergoes treatment for a medical problem she is facing.
Cindy Mc - a coworker has a 5 yr old son who was diagnosed at 3 with Metastatic Retinoblastoma. He lost his right eye, but through chemo and radiation it was thought the cancer was gone. It is back and spreading in his brain. There is no cure and they are treating him with some oral Chemo medication right now. I am just asking that you pray for Isaac Xavuer Vasques-Grimmett. He is a precious little boy who has been through a whole lot of difficult times in his 5 short years. We are praying for a miracle but if we can't get that... For God's mercy and grace to keep this precious little boy and his family from suffering too much. Update: Isaac did not qualify for the program they were attempting to go to at St Jude's. Please continiue prayers.
Dana - requests prayer for her sister, Renee. She had tumor on her jaw removed. Now needs jaw reconstruction on 7/23 - (10 hour surgery scheduled).
Debra - has been put on no work by doctor due to memory loss that is related to recent hospitalization. Also, with the no work comes less pay. Prayers for the financial side of the situation.
Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2. She has improved, but still needs our prayers. Pray for this brave little girl.
Janet (1divaatheart) says her husband's tumor is shrinking (Praise God!). Pray for her family as they deal with the passing of her father (5/17).
Karen (Misty750342002) - A friend of Karen's from work (who is like a son to her), Dustin Murphy, is 24 years old and has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease.
Prplecat asks prayer for her health battles as well as the family's move to Wichita Falls.
Vicki V. - husband Patrick continues to have health problems. Update on Patrick. His most recent diagnosis from the neurologist is Ataxia and Neuropathy of the left side. Which basically means he has virtually no feeling in his left leg and foot - probably the results of both a broken femur (more than 30 years ago) and his more recent heart and lung surgeries and the bed confinement from all of those.
Vanessa (Butterfly Reborn) - requests prayer for her family. There were no specifics, but I am sure the Lord knows.
Vanessa - We have all followed the story of Elizabeth. Here is her Caringbridge page:
Blessings, Jennifer
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
Can I join the pity party too? Nothing major, just had a very long boring day. I was "on call" and couldn't really leave the house but yet had no energy so I just sat around and ate CRAP all day. Now I'm still bored but ticked off at myself. Guess I'll "go to bed and forget my troubles" to quote my Mom. Nite, Nite...hopefully tomorrow will be better for all of us... could be worse, I could be painting :)
RNY revision from lapband 7/30/07...TT/BL 10/9/08 and at GOAL
I couldn't even do that today. The paint separated and I couldn't get the bit off of the drill to put the stirrer attachment on. I tried stirring it with a stick, but that just doesn't work with a 5 gal bucket. So after an hour of fighting with it and the paint literally running off the walls like water, I cleaned up, took a shower and took a nap so I didn't have to deal with life.
Blessings, Jennifer
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
It must be the day! On the bright side, I woke up and I filed for unemployment this morning. That's a good thing, right? THEN I took my car to get the brakes fixed and inspected. I had an appt - not too bad and they dropped Danson and me off at the mall. REDRUM! We're waiting to go see "UP", which was good, btw, and Danson was playing "shoot 'em up" and walks over to me sitting on the bench with my Starbucks and he says "I had an accident." How did the child get so wrapped up he peed his pants??? Oy vey - so off to a store to buy him all fresh clothes and flip flops because I have no way to get home. The people in JCP looked at me funny when they saw a pile of clothes (the dirty ones) on the floor and I'm standing there with a package of opened underwear and trying to find some shorts and a shirt for Danson. I told her, " we had an accident and needed clothes. Can I by chance get a bag for these dirty clothes?"
Finally got him dressed and we rushed back to the movie theatre to catch the show.
I noticed something last night - I am more tense in Dallas than Austin.
Oh, pray for traveling mercies for me as Danson and I are driving to Denver tomorrow!

Finally got him dressed and we rushed back to the movie theatre to catch the show.

I noticed something last night - I am more tense in Dallas than Austin.

Oh, pray for traveling mercies for me as Danson and I are driving to Denver tomorrow!

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau
Sorry I didn't respond last night. I actually fell asleep at a decent hour. :)
Sounds like you had quite the day at the mall. You poor thing.
Congrats on filing for unemployment. I hope yours pays better than mine does. I've been approved for a month, but still haven't been approved for a payment. I tried calling TWC yesterday, but you can imagine how it was. There isn't even an option to speak to a human...
Safe travels and have a great time in Denver. Give Gina a hug for me if you and she meet up.
Sounds like you had quite the day at the mall. You poor thing.
Congrats on filing for unemployment. I hope yours pays better than mine does. I've been approved for a month, but still haven't been approved for a payment. I tried calling TWC yesterday, but you can imagine how it was. There isn't even an option to speak to a human...
Safe travels and have a great time in Denver. Give Gina a hug for me if you and she meet up.
Blessings, Jennifer
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
The only way to actually speak to a human is to do the following:
call-800-467-9989 when it ask for the extension you type in 1234 and it will say that is not a valid extension just wait and it will send you to a real person. Than you can tell them what you need and they will put you thru to a real person. You may be on hold for a while.
Hey Jen...
Sorry you had a crap-o day yesterday. I took a long nap (which NEVER happens) yesterday and then fell asleep on my recliner sitting goofy and woke up about 5 am with a nasty crick in my neck. Of course hubby didn't mind having a bed to himself as he slept all night without getting up either! I was planning on heading to the gym for my 9 am class this morning but remembered I can't go since DD #1 is on finals testing schedule so she had to take one final this morning but is exempting the 7th period class so is allowed to leave at 9:30. Basically if someone doesn't come get you within like 10 min. of class being out, they make you go back in and you have to sit there the entire time until the next class is out at 11:30. She would NOT be happy with me if I were to make her sit there two extra hours! Since I CAN take the class with V tonight, then I will just do it with her and hope it doesn't zip me up too much that I can't sleep. UUUGH!
Here's hoping you have a much better day!
Sorry you had a crap-o day yesterday. I took a long nap (which NEVER happens) yesterday and then fell asleep on my recliner sitting goofy and woke up about 5 am with a nasty crick in my neck. Of course hubby didn't mind having a bed to himself as he slept all night without getting up either! I was planning on heading to the gym for my 9 am class this morning but remembered I can't go since DD #1 is on finals testing schedule so she had to take one final this morning but is exempting the 7th period class so is allowed to leave at 9:30. Basically if someone doesn't come get you within like 10 min. of class being out, they make you go back in and you have to sit there the entire time until the next class is out at 11:30. She would NOT be happy with me if I were to make her sit there two extra hours! Since I CAN take the class with V tonight, then I will just do it with her and hope it doesn't zip me up too much that I can't sleep. UUUGH!
Here's hoping you have a much better day!

There just must've been something going on yesterday. We are coming up on a full moon...maybe that's it. I've only taken two weekday naps since I lost my job and yesterday was one of them.
I fell asleep early in bed, but still in a strange position so I'm achy this morning, too.
Have a great class this evening! And here's to a better day for all of us!
I fell asleep early in bed, but still in a strange position so I'm achy this morning, too.
Have a great class this evening! And here's to a better day for all of us!
Blessings, Jennifer
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?