Do you take an acid blocker?
I just started taking Nexium and Carafate in April after my first EGD.....carafate ran out and I asked for more after the EGD in early May. Don't know if the Nexium really helps but the Carafate does!
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Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
OH Support Group Leader
I take Protonix daily, and have since surgery. Dr. Kim prescribes acid blockers for his patients.
285 / 250 / 164 / 142
(2 mos. pre-op / surgery date / current / goal)
My Message to You -- shared by Loralea
Steph, I was only one the Prilosec for 6 months after having my surgery with Dr. Barker. He stopped it after that. At my one year, I asked him why I wasn't on it and he said he usually only continued it for people who had issues prior to surgery with GERD, acid reflux or something...
That is what I got... Because I was worried that I was suppose to be on one, and wasn't.
That is what I got... Because I was worried that I was suppose to be on one, and wasn't.
"Winning at a Losing Game"