Saturday 5/30 Nigh****ch Assitant
Hey everyone! I'm home watching the Red Wings game. It's second intermission, but as soon as the game ends, we have to head out to a friend's birthday party downtown. We were supposed to be there hours ago, but I told them we'd be late because of the game. Should've chosen a sports bar if they wanted us to be on time. So, I'll be around for another hour or so, then I'll be gone for a while, but I'll check in before I go to bed.
Following are tonight's prayer requests. Please send me any updates so I can give them to George when he returns next week.
Prayers for all who need them. :)
Prayer requests are listed below.
I do ask that you keep me updated on requests. Often. Please.
Also, please feel free to just visit here. Tell us about how your day went. Your successes. Your failures. Your fun. Whatever. When I post this thread, I do not have access to any chat programs, so this sometimes substitute as that vessel for me.
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
James - Phyllis' "friend"
Jennifer - (Cruise Director Julie)
Those who are not yet unemployed, but layoffs are looming
Anne -(Lalocaweta) - Please pray for her as she undergoes treatment for a medical problem she is facing.
Cindy Mc - a coworker has a 5 yr old son who was diagnosed at 3 with Metastatic Retinoblastoma. He lost his right eye, but through chemo and radiation it was thought the cancer was gone. It is back and spreading in his brain. There is no cure and they are treating him with some oral Chemo medication right now. I am just asking that you pray for Isaac Xavuer Vasques-Grimmett. He is a precious little boy who has been through a whole lot of difficult times in his 5 short years. We are praying for a miracle but if we can't get that... For God's mercy and grace to keep this precious little boy and his family from suffering too much. Update: Isaac did not qualify for the program they were attempting to go to at St Jude's. Please continiue prayers.
Dana - requests prayer for her sister, Renee. She had tumor on her jaw removed. Now needs jaw reconstruction on 7/23 - (10 hour surgery scheduled).
Debra - has been put on no work by doctor due to memory loss that is related to recent hospitalization. Also, with the no work comes less pay. Prayers for the financial side of the situation.
Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2. She has improved, but still needs our prayers. Pray for this brave little girl.
Janet (1divaatheart) says her husband's tumor is shrinking (Praise God!). Pray for her family as they deal with the passing of her father (5/17).
Karen (Misty750342002) - A friend of Karen's from work (who is like a son to her), Dustin Murphy, is 24 years old and has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease.
Prplecat asks prayer for her health battles as well as the family's move to Wichita Falls.
Vicki V. - husband Patrick continues to have health problems. Update on Patrick. His most recent diagnosis from the neurologist is Ataxia and Neuropathy of the left side. Which basically means he has virtually no feeling in his left leg and foot - probably the results of both a broken femur (more than 30 years ago) and his more recent heart and lung surgeries and the bed confinement from all of those.
Vanessa (Butterfly Reborn) - requests prayer for her family. There were no specifics, but I am sure the Lord knows.
Vanessa - We have all followed the story of Elizabeth. Here is her Caringbridge page:
Following are tonight's prayer requests. Please send me any updates so I can give them to George when he returns next week.
Prayers for all who need them. :)
Prayer requests are listed below.
I do ask that you keep me updated on requests. Often. Please.
Also, please feel free to just visit here. Tell us about how your day went. Your successes. Your failures. Your fun. Whatever. When I post this thread, I do not have access to any chat programs, so this sometimes substitute as that vessel for me.
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
James - Phyllis' "friend"
Jennifer - (Cruise Director Julie)
Those who are not yet unemployed, but layoffs are looming
Anne -(Lalocaweta) - Please pray for her as she undergoes treatment for a medical problem she is facing.
Cindy Mc - a coworker has a 5 yr old son who was diagnosed at 3 with Metastatic Retinoblastoma. He lost his right eye, but through chemo and radiation it was thought the cancer was gone. It is back and spreading in his brain. There is no cure and they are treating him with some oral Chemo medication right now. I am just asking that you pray for Isaac Xavuer Vasques-Grimmett. He is a precious little boy who has been through a whole lot of difficult times in his 5 short years. We are praying for a miracle but if we can't get that... For God's mercy and grace to keep this precious little boy and his family from suffering too much. Update: Isaac did not qualify for the program they were attempting to go to at St Jude's. Please continiue prayers.
Dana - requests prayer for her sister, Renee. She had tumor on her jaw removed. Now needs jaw reconstruction on 7/23 - (10 hour surgery scheduled).
Debra - has been put on no work by doctor due to memory loss that is related to recent hospitalization. Also, with the no work comes less pay. Prayers for the financial side of the situation.
Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2. She has improved, but still needs our prayers. Pray for this brave little girl.
Janet (1divaatheart) says her husband's tumor is shrinking (Praise God!). Pray for her family as they deal with the passing of her father (5/17).
Karen (Misty750342002) - A friend of Karen's from work (who is like a son to her), Dustin Murphy, is 24 years old and has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease.
Prplecat asks prayer for her health battles as well as the family's move to Wichita Falls.
Vicki V. - husband Patrick continues to have health problems. Update on Patrick. His most recent diagnosis from the neurologist is Ataxia and Neuropathy of the left side. Which basically means he has virtually no feeling in his left leg and foot - probably the results of both a broken femur (more than 30 years ago) and his more recent heart and lung surgeries and the bed confinement from all of those.
Vanessa (Butterfly Reborn) - requests prayer for her family. There were no specifics, but I am sure the Lord knows.
Vanessa - We have all followed the story of Elizabeth. Here is her Caringbridge page:
Blessings, Jennifer
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
WOW!!! Quiet on the ol' front tonight. First off, WOOOHOOO to the Red Wings for the big "W" tonight! On the right track to see Lord Stanley!!!
Ok Jen....get this....DD #2 comes downstairs this morning after doing this new diet/exercise thing now for a week and says, "mom, would you come upstairs and look at the scale?" I told her she can't be "scale obsessed" because we all know how it can fluctuate day to day (heck, for me it can be freakin' hour by hour!!!!). She gets on.... MINUS 10 POUNDS!!!!!!!
I thought I would flip out! Now, in all fairness, last week WAS that T.O.M. for her so obviously there are some pounds probably from that as well as that first week or so is probably some water weight being released, buuuut, -10 pounds is -10 pounds and we'll take it ANY way we can! I was soooo excited for her. The best part was the HUUUUGE smile on her face though, and, even better, she went downstairs and got her meal sheet out and figured out what she was supposed to eat. No cheating, no "rewarding" herself, just a renewed sense of accomplishment and encouragement to keep going. She looked at me and said, "well, wouldn't it be nice if that amount came off EVERY week, but I know that won't be the case next week." I said, "right, next week you could get on and it be the same or only -1 or -2 pounds but if you keep at it, the body will realize you are NOT starving it and it will not plateau for too long. No matter....this mom was MEGA excited!!!!!
Another big "WHOA" for me today....I actually got in the pool. I'm still VERY self conscious about my legs since I haven't had plastics on no matter how flat the ol' belly looks, I still wouldn't ever get into my own pool, but tonight I did. Two of my girls did tease me a bit (NOT DD #2 though...) and hubby actually figured out what they were doing and told them to knock it off if they wanted me back in there anytime soon, but it was fun. We played water volleyball for a while, probably close to an hour. Exercise, but FUN exercise.
Ok, time for me to make sure kiddos are in bed that need to be in bed! Check back with ya' later...
Ok Jen....get this....DD #2 comes downstairs this morning after doing this new diet/exercise thing now for a week and says, "mom, would you come upstairs and look at the scale?" I told her she can't be "scale obsessed" because we all know how it can fluctuate day to day (heck, for me it can be freakin' hour by hour!!!!). She gets on.... MINUS 10 POUNDS!!!!!!!

Another big "WHOA" for me today....I actually got in the pool. I'm still VERY self conscious about my legs since I haven't had plastics on no matter how flat the ol' belly looks, I still wouldn't ever get into my own pool, but tonight I did. Two of my girls did tease me a bit (NOT DD #2 though...) and hubby actually figured out what they were doing and told them to knock it off if they wanted me back in there anytime soon, but it was fun. We played water volleyball for a while, probably close to an hour. Exercise, but FUN exercise.
Ok, time for me to make sure kiddos are in bed that need to be in bed! Check back with ya' later...
That's wonderful news for both you and DD#2! That's so great that she had a big loss after her first week to give her the jumpstart she needed.
On the thigh thing, there are many parts of my body I'm still not happy with, but I'm also not planning any futher plastics. My thighs resemble elephant legs, but I still go to the pool at the club and wear my bikini. I've rarely seen a body over 20 that doesn't have some imperfection and I'm trying to not let mine paralyze me anymore. If it were my own backyard? Pshaw! I wouldn't hesitate to be out there no matter what. I'm glad you got out and had fun!
That's wonderful news for both you and DD#2! That's so great that she had a big loss after her first week to give her the jumpstart she needed.
On the thigh thing, there are many parts of my body I'm still not happy with, but I'm also not planning any futher plastics. My thighs resemble elephant legs, but I still go to the pool at the club and wear my bikini. I've rarely seen a body over 20 that doesn't have some imperfection and I'm trying to not let mine paralyze me anymore. If it were my own backyard? Pshaw! I wouldn't hesitate to be out there no matter what. I'm glad you got out and had fun!
Blessings, Jennifer
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
Our Nigh****cher sent me over here for the update on V.. I am so very excited for her!!! And it's soo funny about the "gosh I wish I could lose 10 pounds every week" because that is exactly what Emma did too. She didn't get on the scale for a while because she didn't realize she was losing, but when she felt it then she had to track it. She also got a bit obsessive about the scale LIKE I WAS and said "omg I just weighed and I can't eat tonight cuz i might gain". I told her she better knock that off immediately.
Now that her weight has settled down she knows it won't come off so fast. Like when we were in Galveston and it was a food free for all. But it is inching down still and she has set a very realistic goal to try to be at before she leaves for Colorado on the 20th.
Anyway, I didn't want to rave on Emma here. Just know that V is not alone and being very 14 about it and if Emma can help in any way, I'm sure she would.
And for you and those thighs!! Well as our Gina would say.. Get your butt back in that pool and I am proud of you for getting to that point!
Our Nigh****cher sent me over here for the update on V.. I am so very excited for her!!! And it's soo funny about the "gosh I wish I could lose 10 pounds every week" because that is exactly what Emma did too. She didn't get on the scale for a while because she didn't realize she was losing, but when she felt it then she had to track it. She also got a bit obsessive about the scale LIKE I WAS and said "omg I just weighed and I can't eat tonight cuz i might gain". I told her she better knock that off immediately.
Now that her weight has settled down she knows it won't come off so fast. Like when we were in Galveston and it was a food free for all. But it is inching down still and she has set a very realistic goal to try to be at before she leaves for Colorado on the 20th.
Anyway, I didn't want to rave on Emma here. Just know that V is not alone and being very 14 about it and if Emma can help in any way, I'm sure she would.
And for you and those thighs!! Well as our Gina would say.. Get your butt back in that pool and I am proud of you for getting to that point!
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different