OT- Summer TV shows
So with a lot of the regular TV shows ending, what are you watching this summer that's new? Some of my favorites are:
1. The Fashion show (like project runway)
2. Chopped (cooking challenge show)
3. The Next Food Network Star
4. So you think you can dance
5. Biggest Loser is going to have a summer one staring soon).
I tried Glee Club but it was just OK, probably won'****ch it again. I'm a TV addict, I need more suggestions...
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“Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm?
Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.
John Wayne
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But then again, I have several books I need to read too!!!

Yes, they are running a marathon, I just can no****ch the episodes over again, Kate gets on my nerves!!! LOL
Not sure what else. Anyone have any suggestions for a non-reality show? I know that's a difficult concept for me, but Bryan needs something with substance every once in a while!
1. Fashion show
2. Next food network star (last year remember the finale was the weekend of the BBQ and Peter spoiled it! lol)
3. Biggest Loser
4. John and Kate - just cuz of all the hype and then I won't be interested
5. The Little Couple - I have this thing for little people
6. The Bachelorette - just because
7. The Cougar finale - lord knows why ... lol
I just saw something pop up saying there is a new show on TLC called "I'm fat again".. wonder what that is all about? Hmmm sounds like I need to get a life and get out!
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different