The NIGH****CHMAN 5/13

George T.
on 5/13/09 12:59 pm, edited 5/13/09 3:46 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good evening all.  Finally got here.  Rangers are tied after 9 innings.  Following it on the internet here at work.

Looking forward to this weekend.  A little time off.  Some professional baseball.  Some Eddie baseball.  Maybe even a little time to catch up on my tv shows.  I have about 35 hours to watch right now.

Prayer requests are listed below.

I do ask that you keep me updated on requests.  Often.  Please. 

Also, please feel free to just visit here.  Tell us about how your day went.  Your successes.  Your failures.  Your fun.  Whatever.  When I post this thread, I do not have access to any chat programs, so this sometimes substitute as that vessel for me.

Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness.  Please thank God for these men and women every day.  In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.

Three wonderful people - Ramon, Yvonne, and Debra - are having their conference in May (15-17) in Galveston.  Also, pray for Sean as he assists them.   Prayers for a successful weekend of paying it forward.


James - Phyllis' "friend"
- (Cruise Director Julie)

Those who are not yet unemployed, but layoffs are looming

Brenda F.  - has some hernias.

Cindy Mc - a coworker has a 5 yr old son who was diagnosed at 3 with Metastatic Retinoblastoma.  He lost his right eye, but through chemo and radiation it was thought the cancer was gone.  It is back and spreading in his brain.
  There is no cure and they are treating him with some oral Chemo medication right now. I am just asking that you pray for Isaac Xavuer Vasques-Grimmett. He is a precious little boy who has been through a whole lot of difficult times in his 5 short years. We are praying for a miracle but if we can't get that... For God's mercy and grace to keep this precious little boy and his family from suffering too much. Update:  Isaac is on his way to St Jude's to try something.  Please continiue prayers.

Debra - has been put on no work by doctor due to memory loss that is related to recent hospitalization.  Also, with the no work comes less pay.  Prayers for the financial side of the situation.

Gina J. - Pray for her 6 year old Marina, diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 2.
 She has improved, but still needs our prayers.  Pray for this brave little girl.

Janet (1divaatheart) says her husband's tumor is shrinking (Praise God!).  She does need prayer for herself and her family, as her father has entered hospice care due to his cancer and her mother has been hospitalized for her Altheimerz.

Jodie requests prayer for Raymond who is having a cardio cath on 5/13 in the morning.

Karen (Misty750342002) - A friend of Karen's from work (who is like a son to her), Dustin Murphy, is 24 years old and has been diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease.

Lalocaweta - Please pray for Lalocaweta as she undergoes treatment for a medical problem she is facing.

Prplecat asks prayer for her health battles as well as the family's move to Wichita Falls.

Stephanie (tickledpink) - friend, Dutch, was in a motorcycle accident.  Arm broken in 3 places, surgery on 4/27.

Vicki V.  - husband Patrick continues to have health problems.  Update on Patrick.  His most recent diagnosis from the neurologist is Ataxia and Neuropathy of the left side.  Which basically means he has virtually no feeling in his left leg and foot - probably the results of both a broken femur (more than 30 years ago) and his more recent heart and lung surgeries and the bed confinement from all of those. 

Vanessa (Butterfly Reborn) - requests prayer for her family.  There were no specifics, but I am sure the Lord knows.

Vanessa - We have all followed the story of Elizabeth.  Here is her Caringbridge page:

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Cruise Director Julie
on 5/13/09 2:10 pm - Dallas, TX
RNY on 11/15/05 with
Hi George;

I'm slightly embarrassed to admit I'm lying in bed eating cookies right now. It's not an emotional eating thing. I was just hungry and they sounded good. But it is so not like me to be doing this.

I had another good day today. Two in a row...I may be going for a record! My interview this afternoon went well. It was with HR and they told me there are two positions open. After discussing them both, I'm actually qualified for both. So, I have twice the opportunity to blow it. lol just kidding. I had done some research this morning and found the average pay for the title nationwide and also specifically in Dallas. The nationwide figure would be a nice raise. The Dallas salary is still a few thousand more than I was making and when the interviewer asked me what my last salary was, she didn't seem to flinch when I told her so hopefully that part of it will come together. Anyways, my resume is going to the Client Services Director and hopefully I'll be in Dallas at some point next week for the next interview.

After my interview, since I'd overachieved my job seeking requirements that the state of Texas has given me (for unemployment eligibility) for the week, I headed to the gym. I got in a great workout and then changed into my bikini and spent 2 hours at the pool. It was perfectly relaxing.

I hope you're well. Prayers for all who need them.
Blessings, Jennifer 
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
George T.
on 5/13/09 2:24 pm - Grand Prairie, TX

You keep teasing me with the "bikini" comments.  You could just say swimsuit.   I am such a pig.  LOL

Congrats on the interview.  Would be nice to see you more often.

My son's job is going great.  He was unemployed for two weeks.  Looking for anything.  Found a job that pays about 3/4 of what he was making, but it was worker bee stuff, not management.  He said he was so happy to be out of management.  Then today the guy that hired him called him in.  He showed his resume to the boss.  The boss said he is being wasted in the position he is in.  They are opening a bigger facility in a few months and they want him to be overnight manager.  LOL.  I told him he just thought he was out of management.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Cruise Director Julie
on 5/13/09 2:28 pm - Dallas, TX
RNY on 11/15/05 with
Swimsuit implies that I swim in it. I just go and sprawl at the pool. I haven't gotten in the water deeper than my ankles yet this year.

I'm glad things are coming together for your son. I would be really happy to secure something comparable before my severance runs out, but I was thinking about it last night and it's probably going to be Christmas or even as long as a year before our life is back to normal since we're going to be selling this house, buying a new house, moving, etc. I'm just started thinking through the logistics of living up there alone while Michael deals with getting this house sold, flying down here most weekends, etc.
Blessings, Jennifer 
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
George T.
on 5/13/09 2:32 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Hope I did not offend you with my comment, but I feel I know you enough just from the old NW days, that I can kid with you.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Cruise Director Julie
on 5/13/09 2:34 pm - Dallas, TX
RNY on 11/15/05 with
I'm not offended. I was just explaining why I say "bikini" vs. "swimsuit". To me a swimsuit is a one piece Speedo like thing that one wears to train for a triathlon or something. Since I don't really swim when I'm at the pool, the word just doesn't fit for me.
Blessings, Jennifer 
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
Jill P
on 5/13/09 2:21 pm - Katy, TX
Hey George...
Poppin' by for a few.  Gotta do the usual "mom" stuff yet tonight.  We went to the high school underclassmen awards tonight.  Heather got notification that she was getting an award but we didn't know for what.  I told her with all her English woes, if she got something for English I'd probably scream so I was kind of glad her name wasn't called for that!  Anyway, after all the academic awards were given out, they started to hand out the "honor" awards.  They awarded six kids out of each 9th, 10th and 11th grade classes awards for Citizenship, Leadership and one other category.  She got one for Citizenship.  Basically she plays nice in the sandbox and never throws sand.  The cool part was the teachers and administrators are the ones who pick these awards out of ALL the kids (700+ in her 10th grade class) so to be one of six was outstanding!  One Junior found out she had been given an academic scholarship already, if she chooses to go to that school, for $15,000 for each of the four years so she was handed a $60K scholarship if she goes to that school.  Amazing!!! 

I will check back in a bit later....
Jill P. 

George T.
on 5/13/09 2:31 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
That is great about her award.  I remember growing up, when we brought home our report card and handed it to my mother.  When you open it up, left side was conduct right side was grades.  Right side was never looked at until everything on the left side was reviewed.  I raised my kids the same way.  As long as you pass, I don't care, but you better behave.

I bet that junior is talked to by Mom and Dad about where she should go to school.  What school was it, do you recall?

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Jill P
on 5/13/09 3:36 pm - Katy, TX
Can't remember what school but I'll find out.  I'm sure they will be posting it on the school's website and will probably make the paper, too.  Amazing.   Some of those kiddos are so stinkin' smart!

You know, as far as conduct goes, George, I am absolutely SHOCKED when I hear what goes on in the classroom and what little the teacher is allowed to do (basically nothing).  Kids speak to their teachers as if they were TRASH.  OMG, I'd have a heart attack if a kid spoke to me like that.  Heather's English class HAS to be the worst I've ever seen.  Teacher sees a kid on their phone, texting or heck, for that matter, just making a call, IN class.  She comes up to the kid and says, "shut it off and hand it over".  Kid looks at her, laughs in her face, tells her "it's mine, F..... off".  WHAT?!?!    Eventually the teacher ends up having to call down to the office and the kid is removed from the classroom.  What the HELL is up with THAT!?!  My kids know that if I ever, I mean EVER hear that they were disrespectful to ANY adult, but definitely a teacher, oh my Lord they'd better run like the wind because as soon as I get ahold of them, I'd open a can of whoop ass on them so fast their heads would spin!!!  I do NOT tolerate disrespect AT ALL.  My girls might push limits by sometimes "joking", typical B.S. teasing,  but they IMMEDIATELY know if they have crossed the line and are told as much, too, and must apologize if they have crossed the line.  I really haven't had any occasions where they have been disrespectful to another adult, but sometimes Viktoria enjoys pointing out something completely idiotic and stupid that Paul has done/said so will TELL him he is an idiot and/or stupid to which I then have to correct her and let her know that regardless of the stupidity for which her dad probably earned that comment, it is still disrespectful and not said outloud!  She sometimes does the same thing with her peers (someone her own age).  Again, I let her know when she's pushed it a tad too far.  Always a teaching/learning thing with them!
Jill P. 

George T.
on 5/13/09 3:44 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I am sorry, but I am laughing at something in your response. 

You make comment that they do not disrespect other adults, but sometimes will make a comment about Paul.  I thought he was an adult.  But you do refer to him as your fourth kid.  LOL

I fully understood what you were saying, just had to give you a hard time.

Love ya Sis.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

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