wooohooo Wednesday WLS Express!!!!!
I don't usually jump on the train. LOL I was up early this am too. Like to the tune of 3:30 after going to bed at 11: 30 PM. Hope you guys who can't sleep aren't contageous !!! LOL I think I am just excited. My son who is a senior in high school got a $500 scholarship from the choir booster club last night at their last concert. I was thrilled to say the very least. Anyway that is probably why I am up early. I see a nap sometime in my future today. Have a great day and I hope your sleep study gets moved up. You need to let them know you are having major headaches due to not enough rest. Maybe they will put you on a cancellation list. Love ya and miss ya !!!
Hugs and blessings ~~~ Vivian
Vivian Prouty Obesity Help Support Group Coach "LOSE IT 4 LIFE"
Morning-can't say good- I went to bed early because I was so exhausted from not sleeping well the night before, and my tummy was hurting. I woke up numerous times because of my tummy so I'm running a bit late. I do feel better-hope the tummy cooperates now! I think it was just a combo of little sleep and some bad food choices.
Laura- I know the right job is out there for you. Liz-hope you can find a cancellation and then take it no matter what. Well, unless its during RYD-just kidding- your health is far more important. Dana-hope you get some sleep tonight. Michelle-have fun at the golf range. Someone told us about the SOBE 0 water recently. I haven't liked flavored water in the past but we'll have to get some. Terry- maybe this is a sign God doesn't want you to cook.... lol, but I do hope it gets fixed for you! Vivian -CONGRATS to your son on his scholarship! Where is he going to go? Karla where is Ben going to go?
I packed Chris's bag last night. Mine, I have to pack the night before because I have a short memory and I'll forget what I packed and plus I tend to overpack if I overthink things.
Well I'd better get to work, I'm 20 minutes late right now- will be probably over an hour late due to traffic but I'm going to wor****il 4 today to make up for it.
Have a great day everyone!
Nice and cool this morning here. Should be hot later. Why can't it stay in the 70's year round? :)
Have just Tori today. She's into that shreeking stage! Man, one of those shreeks goes right down to the bone and hurts your ears! Will be glad when that passes. Only does it when she's not getting what she wants. Go figure.
I know you gals are proud of your sons with the scholarships. Every little bit helps, I know. Hate I'm not able to go to Galveston with y'all. Have fun. Hope everyone has a great day.
Highest & Surgery/current/Goal: 268/171/160
watching rach try to ride H too funny - gotta get the cam back in teh hosue b/c this is too cute
have to get the oil changed in the honda n k has early release-other than that not sure what all is going on today
prayers for peacefullness

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
We let our nanny go yesterday. For some reason, I'm embarassed about this. I know several of you remember that last go-around. It seems like we go through nannies about once a year, and this one only lasted 6 months. It makes me feel like a failure. Why can't I hire the right person and keep someone here long term? I don't like that kind of instability for my kids. We really had no choice though. She was dishonest with us about a very small financial matter....a very stupid mistake from an other-wise very hard worker. It really hurt having to make that decision. We strongly considered giving her another chance, but decided we wouldn't be able to put it behind us quickly enough to trust her with the kids. I don't ever want to be in a situation again where I'm dependant on my 4 yr old's recollection to verify whether the nanny is telling us the truth or not.
So we've got some decisions to make about where to go from here. We're strongly considering hiring a babysitter for the summer only. And then, since Lexi starts Kinder in the fall, putting Emmies in preschool 5 days a week this fall, instead of the 2 she has been. Then we could get someone for after-school care only. A couple of thoughts behind this. I'm not a big fan of full-time preschool, unless that's what you have to do. (As a single mom back then, I had to with my first, and she turned out just fine...lol). But we realized that Emmies, as the baby of 5, doesn't like to play by herself...doesn't really know how even. So, she might be happier being around other kids all day, rather than home by herself with the nanny. Also, I've realized through this that I don't really need the kind of full-time help at home that I needed before. Obviously, I need the kids taken care of while I work, but I do SO much more of everything else myself now. Being the control freak that I am, I've always been right on top of everything that goes on around here, but I didn't do it all myself...I just made sure someone did. I couldn't do it all myself. I could barely get up off the couch, and after working all day, I only got up off the couch when I had to. Now I never sit down. Anyway, that was my woohoo....I know it took awhile to get around to it.
Prayers please as we make some big decisions over the next few weeks and months.
Love you all!!
285 / 250 / 164 / 142
(2 mos. pre-op / surgery date / current / goal)
My Message to You -- shared by Loralea http://blog.loralea.com
Smile, it increases your face value.
Um we talked for how long yest and you left this minute detail out of the cocnvo????? well cant say im uset with her havihng to go, but i know what a stress this puts on you and your famil Im sure you will come to the right concljson for you and yours :)
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
285 / 250 / 164 / 142
(2 mos. pre-op / surgery date / current / goal)
My Message to You -- shared by Loralea http://blog.loralea.com
Good Morning OH Family!
My woohoo is that I had no spasms last night with the kidney stones! Did not have to take a Flexeril. I don't know how people get addicted to pain pills, I hate the way they make me feel! Chad and Allie came over last night for their Tue sleepover. Cooked T-bones on the grill had a wonderful visit. Have Dr's appointment at 2pm to see what to do about the stone. I'm devastated about not being able to go to the conference! But there will be others.sigh..... I've posted a picture that I had Summer take when I was dressed to go to the last dinner and the kidney stones prevented me from going. Going to get dressed up this weekend and make Rick take a picture so I'll feel like I'm at the conference lol. Well better get this day started! Continued prayers for our Annette for comfort for her and her family.
Your loved!