Tuesday WLS express- early run
Okay, just have to say I'm a bit frustrated this morning. Our kids/hubby downloaded something onto our desktop a while back and it totally screwed up that computer. When it was time to renew the virus scan, we just decided to disconnect it from the internet and just use it for word processing and the kids games. No problem, right? Well, NOW they are using MY laptop to access the internet. We've been specific with them about where they are allowed to go, etc. THOUGHT they understood. Last night the two teens were screwing around on the internet and have apparently gone to a site that did something to my computer because this morning I've got virus alert stuff popping up. What's weird is, I'm not sure if the things that are popping up are valid or not - as in, are they from my program or are they from something that may have been put on the computer last night thanks to the teens. Messing around with it this morning trying to figure it out. May just shut down the computer till hubby gets home tonight so he can figure it out. Problem there is, he's just as clueless about this stuff as I am, though he thinks differently!! UGH!!! Kids are going to be allowed to do HOMEWORK stuff ONLY on my laptop if this continues. UGH UGH UGH!!!!
Other than that, all is well in VA. Love and prayers for all. Please keep praying for my parents. My Mom refused to take my calls over this weekend. I'm having big problems dealing with that....I've never not talked to my Mom on Mother's Day weekend. MAKE GOOD CHOICES!
I have a good relationship with my Mom, but the main reason we have that is because we don't call or talk or get into each other's business unless we're specifically asked or invited to voice an opinion..... that being said.....
If your Mom is so petty as to refuse to take your phone call on Mother's Day then that's HER problem.... you tried, that's all you can do.... please please please don't beat yourself up over something that you DIDN'T do...
Sending big (((HUGS))) your way!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
I know it's her problem, but then again, I'm not sure. My brother and I both think there may be something mental going on with her. She will be 80 this year and for the past two years has been "off" but not so off that we can really pinpoint it, ya know? And, she REFUSES to go to the doctor. Her reasoning is "if I don't go, then there is nothing wrong with me". Whatever.....
Anyway, thanks for the kind words. Needed that affirmation this morning.
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
Tom is driving me crazy over what clothes I am taking. Got a good start on that last night and left him a pile to wash for me today. That should make it a bit better.
My thoughts and prayers are with Annette today, wish I could be with her.
Okay, no more putting it off, gotta work, Have a great one all!!
Be Kinder than Necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
annettes moms services as long as my sitter pans out - that part is not as nice but being able to offer support to a freind is always good
yesterday was insane - got the new black berrys, ran errans literally ALL day like did not come home till after I got tim from work at 5 but did get a lot done - finally found the mirror add on things for the car so I can see rach while I am driving, we went to the library and came hojme and everyone passed out early - except poor rach - I spaced that my blue berry tea had some caf in it so when I drank it at 5 pm she had a hard time sleeping - not me LOL
hugs to all - I am so happy for my peeps going to galvastan this weekend - you all have a blast and post pics

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Well today is another day. I need prayers for my DD. Bless her heart if she didn't have bad luck she wouldn't have luck at all. When you sit back and think about it some of it can even be funny.
She studied all weekend for finals. She wants to be a councellor at a teen drug rehab center. So Phsyc is important of course all her classes are. Anyway she has worked 11 days straight, gone to school and worked. Sunday she worked from open to close and then met me and hubby at a resturant for dinner. She was so tired she could hardly stay awake. When she got home she studied more and then had me get her up early yesterday to study more before class. Wel since it is finals week she only goes to the classes that she has finals in that day. Well she went to Phsyc and her and another girl were the only 2 there. They check the schedule and the test is Wed. She didn't have to be there at all.
She has told us her brakes were squealing. Her daddy also told me to get them checked he heard it as well. So I was going to get them checked next week when she was out of school. To LAte when she pulled in the drive way last night before the garage door totally opened yep you got it they went out and she slammed thru the garage door. Sooooo my car is pinned in the garage. Had to find a way to work. Hers has been towed to the garage.
The sad part of everything I had to tell her last night after all that her Grandma that is in ICU for CHF and her BP being high that they found a tumor in her kidney and will have to remove the whole kidney.
It was midnight before I got her calmed down.
Well that is what I am dealing with today. But this is my take. Or at least this is what I am telling my DD.
When those dark clouds are over your head and you feel like life is kind of depressing, kind of gloomy, always remember right above those dark clouds the sun is shining. You may not be able to see the sun in your life right now, but that doesn´t mean it’s not up there.
The good news is that those clouds are just temporary. The sun is going to shine in your life once again. In the meantime, keep your joy. Be glad hearted continually! Don´t let a few clouds sour your life. On the other side of every difficulty, the sun is shining! Make the decision to be glad always, and you´ll move forward in the victory He has in store for you!
Sorry for the long post. Have a good day.