May Motivation Monday
I'm down a lb. from May 1, that's w/o putting extra effort into it, so that's a good thing! I already got up and exercised this morning, so Yeah me!
Plan for today:
Lots of liquids
2 protein drinks
Lean Cuisine frozen dinner for lunch
Quesadillas w/ leftover steak for dinner
I took my vits/supplements and have already downed 1 protein drink and am working on a 24 oz. glass of water.
What's your motivation?
What's your plan for today?
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
Plan to drink, drink, drink - fluids are what I am having the most problem with at work - Eating is going well (no time for snacks) and exercise, ----just have to find the time on work days.
I am down 2 lbs today - was up 7 from lowest weight, so it is slowly coming down.
Thanks for keeping me accountable - Gaye

Karla I really need this - it keeps me acountable
foods for today
oatmeal with cottage cheese and fruit
super shake- 1/2
left over taco salad with spinich
chicken salad with baby carrots
apple, cheese and bar
chicken, apple, onion pizza
cottage cheese and fruit
super shake 1/2
I know myslef and the time at the gym plus Rach nursing will equal me being starving feeling all day - so I will keep up my water and make sure I am eating -

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
1. Workout 5x/week unless I start losing too much weight again. Then I'll have to adjust to keep the weight in check.
2. Last week Wednesday, I could barely eke out 100 crunches with 40 lbs. on my shoulders. Today, I did 220. By the end of the month, I'd like to be at 700. And hopefully, I'll have awesome little contours to show for it.
3. Do something that brings me joy each day.
I'm not a weekend workout person unless I have to be, so I haven't been to the gym since Friday. I've got a 12:15 group fitness class today, so I'll be there today working everything but still improving my abs.
Saturday, I had my monthly social club luncheon. I was very anxious before it and didn't want to go. I feel like I've let everyone down by being laid off. I'm glad I forced myself to go because everyone was so wonderful and I even picked up a couple leads. So, while it didn't seem like it upfront, it ended up being a joyful experience.
Yesterday, we got a couple hours in on the Harley touring Hill Country. It's very freeing, but I'm finding it gives me too much time in my own head. It was still enjoyable, but I need to find a better balance.
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
*Starting weight 164.4. Goal for May will be to reach my surgeon's goal of 160. Ten months out and be at goal? HECK YEAH!! This morning weighing in at 165.2 - gotta get back to better eating habits - the weekend was horrible!!! Not necessarily the choices, but to few calories and not enough protein.
*Exercise minimum of 3 times per week. Walking, recorded program ..... just something that has me moving. Going to plan on a 3 mile walk today if the weather stays cooperative.
*Stick with getting 64-80 ozs of water EVERY day. Not a good water day yesterday
*Post on this topic each day to keep myself in check. (Exemption 5/15-5/17 due to RYD Obesity Conference in Galveston) This one is easy - SUCCESS!
*And the BIGGIE - quit smoking. Work in progress.
i'm here and working it. I am actually hungry today. I think it might be the new oatmeal I tried this morning. Me thinks it's too much sugar. But if I need to eat, I need to eat. Trying to keep the fat intake down, like leaving off any mayo at all on my bread. Man, that means chew chew chew.
Hoping Mom jacked my scale yesterday. She moved it around last night and sometimes that makes the scale read WRONG (I hope). Saw 155.4 this morning Damnit.
water water water, protein and fiber carbs..
Have a great day everyone.
forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail