How great is this??

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 2:38 pm - Houston, TX
Yes indeed they were... And I was so happy to meet them.. In about 28 minutes it will be 42 days.. yes.. getting there.. I hope my attitude carries me a long way with the surgery but if not I know my friends will be there to catch my slack.. PEACE
on 5/26/04 3:10 am - Pearland, TX
Hi there Sexy! Not only are you adorable and sweet, but you're also interested in community service. What a great guy! I can just see it now...all these adorable little Ramons running around..maybe a Ramonette or two?
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 2:48 pm - Houston, TX
You must be thinking about yourself when you wrote those first two lines because I am none of those things you said.. I have always given back to my community in one way or another I remember growing up dirt poor and not having the money to pay for summer activities but somehow we always played because someone would donate the money we needed to pay.. I do that now for every sport.. I pay for at least one kid to play.. Plus I spend time coaching them.. This winter I didn't have a night off.. Between working and coaching.. Hell I was busy every Saturday for 3 1/2 months.. But it was worth it.. all for the kids.. Well enough about me.. I am so glad I met you in Arlington.. you are one Great woman and your hubby is so lucky.. PEACE
on 5/27/04 3:00 am - Pearland, TX
Ramon, do I have to spank ya to stop that negative talk? Honey, we have to see the potential in all of us.... and see ourselves with new eyes. Just because you are carrying some extra weight does not mean you are not sexy and studly. That comes from within you, and it is there, please believe me. You are a precious dear man, and I want another dance. Hugs from Linda
Teresa D.
on 5/26/04 3:24 am - Garland, TX
Ramon... it's so that you had the opportunity to hang out with those 2 football heroes you admire but what's even cooler is that you got a chance to educate them about weight loss surgery and how it feels to be obese. I tell anyone who'll listen all about my surgery and how my life was destroyed by my obesity in hopes that I can help people understand why people like you and I fight so hard to have gastric bypass surgery. If each of us pre-ops & post-ops would do that MAYBE, at some point, the myth that the surgery is "the easy way out" will be history and discrimination against obese people will be, too. Congratulations on the upcoming date when the new, improved (on the outside) Ramon will be born !!! It won't be long now, buddy.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 3:05 pm - Houston, TX
I still pinch myself about where I was Monday.. and you are so right about needing to spread the news about this great surgery.. I have spoke with Kirk (Crow) about having a profile done one me for OH magazine.. But hey who knows.. there are so many other people that are more worthy than me.. But it would be nice.. Thanks and I am sure it will be here before I know it.. And I will soon be a "loser." PEACE
on 5/26/04 3:55 am - Dallas, TX
Ramon I am SOOOOO SUPER ENVIOUS!!!!!! I am a die hard Cowboy fan. I mean I am a true believer!! Through the heady Superbowl years to the down and out but we'll be back years...I even decided that I must be jinxing them one season and stopped watching for two games before I decided I couldn't stand it any longer and had to star****ching again. I have met Chuck Howley a couple of times...he has a ranch down near where I grew up. That is sooo awesome that they were interested in your surgery. I think they would have liked hanging out with you...curious about the surgery or not! I have always thought of course that you are an amazing, interesting, kind, loving and caring...and now apparently you can hang with tha 'Boys! You so rock!!! {{{HUGS}}} Mary Beth
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 3:33 pm - Houston, TX
Miss Mary I suffered through that miserable 1-15 season.. IT SUCKED.. You would have loved it.. but I think the coolest part was that they talked about WLS.. LOL I promise I will work on trying to be a more confident person.. it is just so tough after you have been looked down on society for so long.. But when I get out of my shell watch out.. lol PEACE
Grace H.
on 5/26/04 3:59 am - Vidor, TX
Ramon it was so nice to have met you in Arlington! What a handsome man you are... What a Wonderful inspiration you are now and in the future to come. How Terrific to hang out with a couple of Super Stars...DALLAS COWBOY FAN HERE....I'm very proud of you for discussing this procedure with them. How Great they spoke to you and gave you some positive feed back about this procedure. Here's to you Ramon You will do Great during you surgery! You are so ready!!! POSITIVE ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING... RAMON YOUR THE BEST.... Hugs, Grace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 4:18 pm - Houston, TX
Mrs. Grace I see your pic and I still can't believe that you were ever big?.. You are such a great person and I consider myself so lucky to have gotten to know you.. You are one of a kind.. I haven't started worrying about the surgery yet but I am sure that will come the lower the number of days get.. lol. I have given my angel permission to slap the hell out of me if I start whining like a baby.. So I have to have a positive attitude.. lol.. Thank you for being the great person you are.. PEACE
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