2:17 am Arlington on my mind.

B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 11:56 pm - Columbus, OH
Poem is beautiful, sorry it took so long to reply. Thanks for sharing that. --Hugs, Bo.
on 5/18/04 2:29 am - Arlington, TX
Bo, I wanted you to know I thought you and the rest of the OH staff were AWESOME!!!! We are all truly blessed to have people like you all in our lives. You have so much passion for this and I can only hope that my passion can and will amount to what yours has become. I have felt somewhat isolated since WLS but after the convention I felt a sense of calm come over me to know there were other people there just like me. Anyway, I wanted you to know that I think you are fabulous and THANK YOU VERY MUCH for being YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys keep up the great work and I cannot wait until next year!!! Love ya, darlin!! Erika ("The quiet one all weekend" Ha Ha)
Teresa D.
on 5/18/04 8:40 am - Garland, TX
Bo -- It was such a PLEASURE to meet you !!! You're a very special person and you inspired me, and I'm sure, many other people to be ourselves and go for our goals. The convention just wouldn't have been nearly as successful (or entertaining) if you hadn't been there. You definately have a gift for public speaking and I am SO very glad I was there to hear you speak !! Thanks for coming to Texas... I'm glad we made you feel at home while you were here with us and I hope to see you again next year, if not before. I HOPE you're getting some REST and are in a CALM environment, now, though !!! Mental stress & lack of sleep is NOT good for us humans.
Traci P.
on 5/18/04 9:16 am - Bryan, TX
Hi Bo, I think it was Teri who called you "courageous" in an earlier post, but the word "contagious" comes to my mind. Who actually could not be stuck on your site (or Kirk's site) and just simply adore you? I know I didnt do any of the event/conference planning with you & Cheryl, but I did have the opportunity to plan the Luau with yall, which I am grateful, it gave a pre-op a reason to feel needed/wanted and I thank you for that opportunity. Working with you, listening to you over the weekend, whether it was standing in the back of the room in complete awe, or whether it was sitting next to you sharing a quiet moment...I thank you for treating me for who I am. It was a wonderful weekend where I wasnt judged by my weight, but....that came to a screeching halt as soon as I walked into work this morning, Im sad to say. I did have a few friends ask me about my weekend and they said that my eyes and my heart just lit up as I spoke of OH and the Arlington event, but sadly, I was quickly to be reminded that not everyone can or is willing to accept overweight people.... I was ignored and stared and completely judged today at school and Im sorry to say that I didnt have it in me to have a "who cares" attitude...Im down and out right now. Throwing up my hands would be oh so easy right now Bo and Im trying my best to focus & be strong. But Im okay cause I have the OH TMB right now for support. Thank you for not judging me ... and for allowing a pre-op to feel important. Thank you for the dances and the kisses and the...the...the...leis, ya, thats it...the leis....werent they cute? We handed out over 200 leis at our luau! WOW!! I appreciate the fun time at the karaoake bar as well, it was so cool to watch everyone have a great time, and not one OH person cared whether the other people at the bar thought they were MO or not..didnt matter, we got up there and sang our hearts out and we danced the nite away....life was good, no matter what our weight was. I thank you and Cheryl for putting this together....it meant the world to me, you have no idea of how much you two have turned others lives around, (like Ramon's) just by having this event period. You both are angels from above. I challenge myself to speak kindly to the ladies at my work who give me the stares and talk about my MO behind my back ....Im not the only MO person up at my work, and they treat all of "us" the same snotty way...Ive encouraged the others to speak to those ladies daily ...and to pray for them as well. Thank you Mo, er....I mean Bo....flirting is a gift I have and Im so happy that you got to see that side of me! *laffs* Huggs u tight, Traci P. Flirtatious Pre-op!
Teri Kai H.
on 5/18/04 11:05 am - Atlanta, GA
Dear Traci, I couldn't let such an eloquent email go unnoticed. I agree whole heartedly. Bo is courageous and contagious! And you Traci are a real gem for writing what so many of us feel and haven't been able to express so clearly. Love & Light, Teri
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 1:17 pm - Columbus, OH
Traci P, Your just too cute. I can't even imagine ..a world without you... somehow you and Cheryl have just got a special place in my heart...please know that I am your flirt-buddy anyday.. the cool thing is...I flirt back..hehe Kiss, hugs, and tender thoughts to my Pea.
Maria S
on 5/18/04 11:40 am - Bastrop, TX
Bo...I would like to start off by thanking you for all your hard work. You gave 100% of yourelf all weekend. Even when you were working off 3 hours sleep. You kept me smiling, laughing, and in tears a few times. Your story is such an inspiration. When friends and family ask how my weekend was, one of the first things I talk about is this amazing man named Bo who has been through so much. I tell everyone your story and even invite them to visit the website and look at the pictures. You were so confident and full of energy this weekend. I got so much joy from watching you dance, smile, and have fun with people. I wish I would have had a chance to sit and talk to you more. And it would have been great fun to join you on the dance floor, if I knew how to dance. I do have a great picture of Traci and Cheryl giving you a big smooch on the cheek. I will try to get it scanned in so everyone can enjoy it. Please know that you are loved by so many people. I think you have made more friends then you could ever imagine. The name Bo is one that will never be forgotten. Texas loves you!!!!!!! Thank you again for all you do for us! (((Hugs))) Maria
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 1:20 pm - Columbus, OH
Ok, now I am crying...that was too much. Thank you.
Tamera E.
on 5/18/04 2:48 pm - Mesquite, TX
Bo, my dear- I have been to MANY (read ad nauseum) Nursing Conferences in the past (and, sadly many are in my future, I fear) and the ObesityHelp conference was, by far, THE most enjoyable one I have ever had the PLEASURE to attend- I found my self AWAKE thru the entire event- a first, I assure you! There was no sneaking off for the 64th bathroom trip to avoid opening my major veins if I heard ONE MORE PROFESSIONAL SPEAK! There was no snacking JUST to stay awake. There was no barganing with my somnolent self "you DO NOT have to go back to get the CUE certificate- you can forge one from a friend- stay in bed and order room service, fool woman" ... none of that- I was up and at it early to come to the Sunday portion- I hung on every word- was the reason that I am completely vested in the WLS lifestyle? YES! Is it cos ya'll were riviting speakers? YES! Was it cos I wanted to learn all I could from the experienced, at-goal post-ops all I could to achieve THEIR success? YEEEEEESSSSS! Thank you for giving Obesity a voice. Thank you for sharing your self and that of all the many others who put in amazing effort for us all. And Teri- LOVED your parables- I MUST get your book! I would SO love a Councellor like you to pry open this new post-op brain of mine and see what may be there to trip me up--- One never knows what lerks in those dark corners-- Love and big ol smooches- Tamera Everett RN Bariatric Coordinator Lake Pointe Medical Center Rowlett, TX 972-412-3380 ext 1709 (any one is welcomed to call for info, help or solis)
Teri Kai H.
on 5/18/04 10:19 pm - Atlanta, GA
Dear Tamera, I have scheduled you an appointment for next Thursday! (Grin) Seriously, Thank you for your vote of confidence in my counseling skills. I love what I do and I love that it includes all of you! As for whats lurking in those dark corners of yours to trip you up along the way...Embrace the challenges - Instead of seeing them as tripping you up -See them as building you up - exercising your mental and spiritual muscles! Remember: Life is good. Love is better. Much Love & Light, Teri Teri Kai Holtzclaw, Ph.D. "When you can feel other people's pain, you're in a constant state of wanting to help make things better." www.becomeyou.com
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