2:17 am Arlington on my mind.

on 5/17/04 11:35 pm - Cypress, TX
Did you ever find your shoes??????????
Teri Kai H.
on 5/17/04 11:41 pm - Atlanta, GA
That does it! I'm moving to Texas! You all keep me smiling way too much! My shoes were returned to me....one at a time. They were being held for ransom by individuals who would release video of Arlington if I reveal who they are. That said. I want them to know that I am praying for them. (Grin) Thanks again Jackie - I love you all! Teri
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:46 am - Columbus, OH
Teri, I must say working with you and having you with us in Texas is my pleasure. Your way to "conservative" [hehe] for my tastes but, I am self correcting that quickly enough. Your insights into post-op behavior are very serendipitous in the industry at this time. I encourage you to continue to be a pro-active voice for the patients. You have a gift. As for sharing the stage with you...it was my honor priviledge to do so. I do you owe you an apology. I had intended to buy you an Oreo or 2 cause 3 is just too much. 1. Good. 2. Ok 3. Just too much. I loved it.... Next time we meet.. {ASBS?} I owe you a round of Oreo's and milk. You game? Hugs, Bo
Teresa D.
on 5/18/04 8:18 am - Garland, TX
Teri -- I just wanted to thank you for your contribution to the conference. I really enjoyed listening to you speak... you & Bo make quite a team !! Your presense definately helped make the conference the success it was and I'm SO glad you travelled to Texas to be with us ! You're obviously a beautiful woman, inside and out, & your weight loss success is an inspiration to us all !! Thanks again ---
Teri Kai H.
on 5/18/04 10:03 pm - Atlanta, GA
Dear Teresa, From my heart to yours --Thank you for those words. Bo is an amazing talent and very easy to work with --It was a lot've fun to banter on stage with him-He has a great sense of humor! I found it an honor to share what I have in Texas...and I was validated by the amazing gifts of friendship and compassion I received in return. It was exactly what I needed - God has a great way of getting the timing just right...even when it's not aligned with what we think it should be. (Grin) Life is good. Love is better. Thanks again! I hope to see you again. Much Love & light, Teri
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 11:16 pm - Houston, TX
Bo-- There are so many things to say about Arlington but first of all I want to thank each and everyone of the people that had anything to do with putting on the convention. I have not felt so normal in a long time. Dude, I cried on the way home and for me to admit that takes a lot of guts because as you know, well I'm Ramon.. Second, I have been called a lot of things in my life and stud and demi-god have not been on that list at all.. So thank you I guess.. LMAO.. And then of course my angel, Rachel, could there be a more perfect woman? It felt so good to finally meet her. She made me feel comfortable right off the bat. Of course, she had all her training from her great angel Lora. By the way Lora thanks for letting me hang out with you. It was so great to me Lora and realize what I have been missing although we are just 37 miles apart. How about big Kirk?? Now that is a stud.. This one lady wanted to touch his hair but was scared to ask so I took her up to him and asked if she could touch his hair.. Is that not the ultimate ego trip?? And to the ladies of the Waco support group thank you for being there. I was so worried that I would be alone but then I knew you would be there.. Cheryl and the gang made me feel right at home. Now to the rest of all the beautiful ladies. I have been a 400 pound plus man most of my adult life but to have all these women come up to you and want to take your picture and to want to dance with you.. Can you imagine how I felt?? Hell I think I might have actually floated there for a while. Hell talk about having your ego stroked.. I think had I went the whole time my head would have exploded.. I have taken enough of your time and I want you all to know that I love all of you.. And hopefully when we do this next year I will have dropped a lot of weight and then I can really dance with you all.. PEACE
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:51 am - Columbus, OH
Ramon, you don't realize it but, your a stud man... I could have so "pimped" you out Saturday night... Ramon, this is between you and me...[and the entire internet ] the only difference between you and me right now? I have confidence in my new body. If you can learn to think thin now, your gonna be a babe-magnet. Ummm for what its worth your "precense" already get you noticed...just work that thing...man... Work it... work it... Own..it.. Own...it.. Smiles and Hugs dude, Bo
Kim Gregory
on 5/18/04 1:35 am - KEITHVILLE, LA
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 1:55 am - Houston, TX
Thanks Lil Kim.. I need to hang around you all more often because you all are good for my ego.. But you need to look in the mirror lady.. You were smoking the other night.. And to find out you have grown kids and look that good.. You should be an inspiration to all women having this surgery.. **HUGS** PEACE
Kim Gregory
on 5/18/04 2:47 am - KEITHVILLE, LA
Ok....here come the tears again.....thank you my dear sweet man. I am proud and happy....and by no means am I being conceded...I just know that this is hard work and it is not easy.....so I am happy that I am where I am....also proud mother of a daughter who will be 22 on the 22nd a son who is 18 and graduating on the 22nd and I celebrate my 1 year WLS onthe 22nd.......party at my house...woo hoo OH....DID I MENTION MY BEAUTIUL GRANDDAUGHTER WHO IS 2 AND NAMED AFTER ME????????? KHLOE DENISE!! YES I AM A GRANDMA.......SO CAN I BE A DIVAGRANNY NOW??? LOL LOVE AND HUGS
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