2:17 am Arlington on my mind.

B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:31 am - Columbus, OH
I remember meeting and speaking to you. The one thing I didn't say to you that I will correct here. You have such a beautiful smile. Thank for your support here on the boards. Your awesome...fun. Hugs, Bo
Jane L.
on 5/17/04 10:38 pm - Augusta, KS
Hi Bo Arlington was great. I had a wonderful time meet Wonderful people. I had a very positive feeling when I left Arlington. Thank you and all the Oh Staff, all the volunteers, and everyone that came. I think every one there was important and I am sure that you need to have this event again next year! I will not have to rethink my plans next year. It was great meeting you. Thanks again, Jane from Kansas
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:33 am - Columbus, OH
Glad to hear you won't be rethinking coming. Thank you all for coming from Kansas to be with us. Your a star.... Hugs, Bo
c ..
on 5/17/04 10:58 pm
Thank you Bo your words truly moved me. It was a pleasure to meet you this weekend. I know with the stress we were all getting on each others nerves at one point or another but we survived and that's what we all are, survivors! Thanks Again and I can't wait to work with you again. Yes even after I said I would not do it again I'll sign back up for another round. LOL But only if you take me out dancing! Love Ya, Shawn
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:35 am - Columbus, OH
Shawn, I never got mad at you... In fact, I only remember getting mad at one person the whole weekend. (ME). So, no worries..and thanks..for being a part of the big picture... Hugs, Bo
on 5/17/04 11:07 pm - Cypress, TX
Bo, I just can't help but think it was fate that you came downstairs (Saturday night) in your smiley face slippers to meet the two ladies ( Kim and Carolyn) that were there for their childrens prom! I was just thinking I wish one of the OH staff were here, and there you were Thanks for being so welcoming to them and so wonderful to the rest of us Jackie
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:37 am - Columbus, OH
I remember that. And the cool thing was they came back the next day. How cool was that..? I felt like I was everywhere at all times...[or that is what I believe was expect? not sure...] Anyway, glad my life intersected these ladies...hopefully they will be encouraged and willing to make decisions for their lives... Hugs, Bo
Teri Kai H.
on 5/17/04 11:10 pm - Atlanta, GA
Dear Bo, "In this life that only lasts an hour; how much;how little is within our power." E.Dickinson My friend and my colleague. It was indeed an honor to work side by side with you and to watch your heart touch so many so easily. You are a courageous man. Wear your human-side with pride. We are all in a state of constant evolution. I thank G-d for you and for OH. My life and my career has forever been altered by the Arlington event. I am not the same. Thank you for being a part of my evolution and my journey. I am a better human being for having participated. OH patients are unlike any I have encountered --- I assure you, They believe in you -- And so do I. Keep up the good work! Love & Light, Teri Kai Holtzclaw, Phd (becomeyou.com)
on 5/17/04 11:22 pm - Cypress, TX
Teri, I loved hearing you speak this weekend, you are awesome. (loved the pockets filled with stuff I had seen a book advertised on here a couple of weeks ago and wanted to buy it, but I didn't realize until I just went to becomeyou.com that you had written it. You should of had a book signing Are you going to put a new picture on your profile????? Jackie
Teri Kai H.
on 5/17/04 11:29 pm - Atlanta, GA
Dear Jackie, In the interest of full disclosure: I'm working on adding an updated photo to my profile...Ironically, I seem to be OH impaired when it comes to accomplishing this task. I've emailed and I'm sure the OH staff will come to my rescue soon! By the way, if anyone has a good photo from the event -Please send it to me @ becomeyou.com. Thanks! And Thanks for your kind words -- perhaps we'll have a book signing at a future event -- Timing is everything! Love & Light, Teri
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