2:17 am Arlington on my mind.

B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:24 am - Columbus, OH
Hootchie Coochie lady...your a riot. You made my day. Hugs, Bo
on 5/17/04 9:56 pm - Leander, TX
Bo, You are a wonderful person. I may not have talked to you personally that much but I can tell you are for real. I had such a wonderful time up there and cannot wait for the next one. Thanks for making this weekend a time to remember. It makes it hard to go back to my real life. I am truey glad that you and Christian met. He is a great person and really loved helping you out with different projects. Thank you for working so hard and spending time with us. People who have been negative about you need to realize you ARE just like us and are struggling with the same issues we go through. You just happen to work for OH too. If they are preop they will understand very soon the changes we go through. I would not change my last year for anyhing in the world. I have made some very good friends and possibly found the one person that I can trust with my heart and fears. No one really understands what it is like unless they have been in our shoes. Love Ya Bo, Jeannie
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:26 am - Columbus, OH
Hello Irish, thanks for everything. I must admit that yours and Christian's lives intersected mine at the right time. All I can say is wow. Thanks for the support. Hugs, Bo
Yvonne McCarthy
on 5/17/04 10:03 pm - Plano, TX
Bo, my darlin', I'm just so happy you didn't die on us because I was really worried about you. Your passion burns super hot for WLS and even though my passion was super hot, I was directing it to the outer world when I should have spent more time on the board helping those that ask questions here. I regret that I didn't get a dance with you so save me one for next time. Kevin is still talking about you and we had another little hour on obesity yesterday on the show. Ramon and Little bitty Kim called in (and me) and one other person that wasn't even part of our group! Cheryl tried earlier but was asked to call later because an earlier guest was still on. Kevin was proud to participate in an event that meant so much to me and he said that he's never seen me so pumped. I'm working on pictures to send to everyone. (I have 325 of them) I'm really hoping they will post our interview on channel 5 on their website and when/if it happens, I'll post the link. All my love Bo!
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:27 am - Columbus, OH
Yvonne, have I told you today that I love you? hugs, Bo
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 3:27 am - Columbus, OH
Sunday was difficult for me mentally not physically. I was dealing with some issues that were half/half true. But, no worries..life goes on. kiss, hugs,-BO
Julie with a Y
on 5/17/04 10:17 pm - Katy, TX
Hey Bo-- I think Arlington was wonderful. You did a great job leading the event despite all of the necessary schedule changes. I just remember looking at you some time and seeing the tiredness in your eyes and body. But you kept on keepin on. I have been on the TMB for 4 1/2 months and I met people I have been talking to online the whole time in Arlington. It felt so good to have people come to me and say-You're Momma July! Its so nice to meet you. I have never been met with such unconditional love before from people I barely knew. My husband was amazed at the comaraderie (SP?) we all had. He too finally UNDERSTOOD all of the time I have spent online. When I looked at all of the at goal posties I was so excited to know that by the meeting next year-I will be in their shoes. (and maybe in the fashion show!!! LOL!!) You are awesome and I know an inspiration to many- you (and Kirk) have shown that it is possible to overcome the impossible odds of losing so much weight. The pants thing was great! Please don't let any of the bad comments stop you. An event this big is not going to go off without any hitches. I know the OH staff will take the criticism and use them to learn from. I will wear my OH tshirt with pride. Good luck to you Bo. July
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:29 am - Columbus, OH
I just want to say thank you so much. Your certainly welcome to join us for a fashion show... I am so encouraged by this message thread. I wanted to share my "view" of the conference because I was hearing everyone's take on the thing but, I suppose I look at things through the eyes of hope for the first time in my life and I can't help but, be encouraged. Hugs, Bo
Teresa D.
on 5/18/04 7:57 am - Garland, TX
Hey darlin' --- I loved meeting you in Arlington !!! By the way, you need a photo update... you've changed a LOT !!!!!!!
on 5/17/04 10:26 pm - Yukon, OK
Bo, I had such an amazing time in Arlington. I learned so much. Not only about life after WLS but about myself. I can't even put into words how much the conference helped me emotionally. I made some friends that I believe will be life long. Bo you have such an amazing presence. You truly have some wonderful gifts. All of the OH Staff was so friendly and nice. All of you thanked us for coming................I thank you for being there and for being here. Leanne Lepley
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