2:17 am Arlington on my mind.

B. McCoy
on 5/17/04 4:21 pm - Columbus, OH
It's 2:17 am do you know where your thoughts are? I do, Arlington, Texas. This post is from Bo McCoy --post-op NOT Bo McCoy OH Events Manager. First things first. My whole life I have wanted to feel a part of a group that meant something. I tried everything from drugs, drinking, food, you name it.... Just trying to be "one of the boys". Nothing ever gave me the feeling that I had with all of my Texas [and visiting from other states] friends. I have read the comments on the boards and I am very proud of how Cheryl and the other members have "taken up the cause" to support one another. The TMBs are truly a "support group". Let me tell you what I saw in Arlington from my point of view. I saw people who knew each other very little spending time together and enjoying each others company. I saw people dancing that obviously had not danced in years. I saw my friend Kirk, smiling and dancing with a beautiful young lady. [sorry kirk had to go there.] I was SO happy for him. I met a beautiful young african american women who could out dance me any day of the week. I saw people with tears in their eyes when the spouse of a post-op complimented and shared his true loving feelings about his wife in front of us all. [I nearly cried myself] I saw the laughter of people enjoying the good, the bad, and the ugly side of WLS. I saw a group of 10 men get together in a break out room and share issues about WLS and men issues. It was very powerful and I think any of the guys there would agree with that. It was a great break-out session. I saw a lady in a wheel chair "testify" that the event helped her to make the decision to have surgery for herself. [This almost makes me cry] I saw OH Staff working so hard to please both the professionals and members. I saw people like Cheryl, Shawn, Traci, Christian, working and doing whatever was necessary to get the job done. The biggest thing that I saw in Arlington? HOPE. Hope is what you hold onto when you are waiting for something in faith. I will share a passage from the bible. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen". By showing that there is life after WLS surgery and there is life after obesity, we have given hope to a few and evidence to others. I have faith to believe that we are reaching people. I am thankful that I am Post-op. I am thankful that the surgery was a success for me. But, I am more thankful that I have friends like the ones I made in Texas. Everywhere I go I meet more people that make me laugh and smile. People like Christian Martin who came out of the woodwork this weekend and made me just instantly like him. Yvonne & Kevin McCarthy have also won me over...they are just so darn fun. People like Kirk Thompson who's loving nature is larger than he ever was at 750 lbs. You can't help but, to love him. How about Ramon [pre-op stud-demi-god that he is...] that dude knows how to party! What is my point here? Arlington helped me realize that we all need the community provided to us through OH. I know I do. [Extremely personal comment here] I am in a difficult time in my life right now. For that reason, I have been "self actualizing" AKA as surviving on the support of my OH family and friends. You have become my family. Thank you Texas for allowing me to be me. Thank you for keeping my hope alive that the scars of obesity can be erased through the ointment of friendship. Please accept my thanks and love. --Your brother ---Bo
Bambi T.
on 5/17/04 4:32 pm - Austin, TX
I have to agree with you...Arlington in a many ways has changed my outlook on how I view my surgery, my life and joys and some sorrows that come with recovering from this disease...Like you, I too am going through some personal issues in my life and kinda fell off the wagon so to speak...this last weekend has really awakend my faith in people as a whole and it was genuinely a humbling experience. People who I have only briefly spoken to on this board greeted me like an old friend and that is something I haven't felt in a long time...it was pretty amazing.....
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:19 am - Columbus, OH
It is very hard for me to respond to these comments due to the tears in my eyes but, I have to say thank you.
on 5/17/04 4:46 pm - Burleson, TX
Bo, what beautiful and words you have spoken. I am preop, but with a date (July 20 - Dr. Rodriguez). I spoke to you some but I doubt if you will remember me. My very tall (6ft 8 1/2-in), sweet husband agreed to come with me to the conference and, as a result, became the most loving and supportive I had seen him be in years. When he called me his "bride of 32 years", I cried. He has never said words like that about me and I think this conference is what has transformed him. For that, I thank you and OH. I can't wait to have my surgery and really make him proud of me. Thank you, thank you, for everything you have done to make this event meaningful, informative, and fun. Please know that you have made a difference in many lives. You have touched many people and made differences in lives that you will probably never know about. God has put you where you are now for a reason. On a different note... the good doctor mentioned writing congressmen, etc. and to lobby for WLS, and plastic surgery to be paid by insurances, etc. Do you know if OH has any examples of letters we can use to start writing? If not, maybe someone can come up with some and put them on the website. Just a suggestion. We love you, Bo. You are now an official honorary Texan. Yeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Kathy aka "Joker"
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:20 am - Columbus, OH
I read all the comments before responding to any of them. I am so overwhelmed right now that I cannot express the feeling. Just accept my thanks.
lc C.
on 5/17/04 5:07 pm - clute, TX
bo-- i love that--"...that the scars of obesity can be erased through the ointment of friendship". u sure have a way with words--thanx for sharing ur true self with us. i wish u the best! lc
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:22 am - Columbus, OH
I must admit that quote is inspired by my love for Texas. Thanks.
Kristal F.
on 5/17/04 5:50 pm - Asheville, NC
HI Bo, I had such a blast this past weekend. I wish you continued success, which I am sure you will have. Along with my mom realizing the fact that this surgery is what she needs to do, I too have realized that I have finally found something that I am passionate enough about to persue as a full time career. I start back to school in 2 weeks to finish getting my RN. I currently am a sugical technologist, and love that. However, I have always felt like there was something missing. I want patient interaction and I know, that no matter what I do as a nurse, I will have that. Now I know that some way some how, I will devote the rest of my life to helping spread the information and Hope to others about this surgery and its benifiets. I believe this cpnference opened the eyes of allot of people. If for noone else, my mom and I left different women than we were going in. Thank you from the bottom of both of our hearts for everything! See ya at the next event! Love and Laughter! Kristal Vaiani & "Mom" Judy Faithauer
B. McCoy
on 5/18/04 12:23 am - Columbus, OH
Thank you for replying to me. Your a good friend. Good luck on the journey. hugs, Bo
on 5/17/04 8:09 pm - Cedar Park, TX
Thanks Bo! This weekend's event would not have been the success it was without you. We love you!
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